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I had a really good week this past week.  I got a ton of work done on both Death: Genesis and Path of Dragons, but the highlight was that I finished Mistrunner.  The last chapter is scheduled to hit later this week.  I'll admit that completing the series brings mixed emotions.  On the one hand, there's relief.  My workload over the past few months has been extremely heavy, and I'm looking forward to that decreasing.  I'll probably load myself up again sometime in the future, but for now, I'm going to be happy only having to write a couple of chapters a day.  On the other hand, though, I'm excited to see reactions.  I think it's a good ending, but I'm not exactly an unbiased source.  So, time will tell if I hit the mark or completely screwed it up.  And finally, there's sadness.  Mistrunner, probably more than anything else I've written, was a labor of love.  When i started it, I knew I wasn't writing to market.  It's a weird story in a weird genre, so it was never going to sell that well.  But I wrote it anyway because it was the story I wanted to tell.  And for the most part, it turned out like I wanted.  But seeing that last chapter comes with some degree of sadness.

I just hope you've all enjoyed the journey and will similarly enjoy the ending.

In Path of Dragons news, I'm on the home stretch of book three right now, and I've got a super basic outline for book four, five, and six.  Once I finish this third book, I intend to dive in and really plot things out.  In addition, we've only got two more weeks of double-chapter days before we settle into the normal schedule (one chapter each day).  

However - if you guys want an extra chapter a week after that (at least until we reach 75-ish chapters ahead of Royal Road), I need some more help.  As expected, the increased visibility of the story resulted in a bit of a rating dip.  Some of those are legitimate (some people REALLY don't like when characters die, even in an apocalypse), but others were...less legitimate.  I won't get into it, but the site has a history of authors colluding to try to push newcomers out of the big lists (like Popular this Week).  People have been banned from the site for it, but they're still out there (as evidenced by a slew of super low ratings on the first chapter of Path of Dragons the moment it got to the front page).  Anyway - to counteract some of those illegitimate ratings, I'm going to ask again that you all head over there (link HERE) to rate and review the story.  If I get FIFTEEN more reviews from you all by the end of the month, I'll adjust my posting schedule to include an extra chapter each week (probably do double chapters on Sundays but I haven't decided yet).  So, if you want some extra content each week, throw me some reviews (I prefer advanced, but normal reviews are fine, too).  

In Death: Genesis news, we're heading into book 9 material.  I've got a pretty cool storyline planned as Zeke heads into El'Kireth, the kingdom of the undead, so I hope you'll all enjoy it!  

Anyway, that's everything right now!  Remember, if you want more Path of Dragons, give me some nice reviews!  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know via this site's messaging function, in the comments, or on Discord.  Thank you all for your support!


Samuel Broaddus

The link goes to royal road...how do you review there?


There's a section at the top right-hand portion of the story's page where you can rate it. I think you have to have an account, though. When I do it, it opens up another window where you can add a review.