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As you can tell, my animations abilities have seriously grown; I mean just look at the way I animated dem boobies lmao. This WILL be epic.

Sidenote: She has no facial expressions cause I'm waiting for audio so that I can lipsync properly. It also seems that soundless previews will have to just be uploaded here as GIF's since I cant upload directly to Patreon, and Vimeo apparently doesnt work for mobile users. This seem okay for everyone?




Wdym Vimeo doesn’t work it’s been working for a while, for me at least


Thats what I thought as well, but there were multiple people hitting me up and telling me that it wasnt working for them.


Interesting so for the full animations will there be a Vimeo link as well as mega or just mega


So there will be a Vimeo link to view the video on when it’s released?