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So! My job is, unfortunately, closing down because of a few factors that they werent able to keep up with. That means two things:

1. More time to animate

2. Less money for le bobby.

The silver lining is that I'll have more time to dedicate to you all, but le mooney is lessened 🥺.




You gonna be OK?


Yeah I'll be fine! Thanks for the concern! Anything starts going downhill, you all will DEFINITELY be in the loop.


So, If you have less mooney from work, would this be a chance for us to give you more money on commisions?


Glad to know you'll be okay through this. The notices are much appreciated, but please, take it easy on the apologies, like when it comes to delays. Shit happens, we get that. Your work is well worth the wait, including delays. Those of us who can afford it will stay subscribed. Those that don't like it can find their way to the door.


How do commissions work if you don't mind my asking? Want to make one for the first time


Well, that's a bit sad to hear, since it was your paycheck, but I'm sure you'll be fine anyway. Best regards!


good thing i upgraded my tier, then. (still nothing incredible, but still)


Oh hey, mine too. You dont happen to work in aviation by any chance? Lol sorry bobby


Thanks for reporting your situation. It's great that now you will devote more time to animation.