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I don’t mind you all uploading my work wherever you decide to upload it...but when you upload and claim it as YOURS? We have a problem. If you’re here, take my videos down or give me proper credit. You also uploaded another creators works (The Juri animation was done by ToasterKing) and claimed it as yours. I’m not going to make any changes in regards to how I share this content with you all unless this keeps happening. Do not claim my work as your own. That pisses me off to no end because you have NO idea how much work goes into this. Stop it.




Who the fuck would do this


maybe you can include your logo and name on each video itself when we play it. If someone else claims it after that it won’t matter because your name is in the video. I don’t know if this is easy to apply or to edit.

Dan Storm

Already blasting them on Twitter and YouTube.

Durge Dagger

Yeah, maybe a logo will resolve this matter?


They po pulled down the vids. I'm reporting ad many others as I recognize. YouTube has a 3 strikes rule, so if they get 3, then get the banhammer.


Can't find account to report :(


Smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ I hate that


I'm seeing several prominent nsfw artist content on here, and of course comments have been disabled everywhere.


But how do they even get copyright strikes? Content on patreon is not copyrighted

Jesse Aldridge

Worse was the ones who were uploading it to Pornhub then charging people for it. >.> I didn't see this specifically with yours, but I did see it with Cakeinferno.

Nathanial Bonnet

For those who may find them, this person does polls, where they haven’t disabled comments. Y’all ought to flood those with comments about this.


Wow that is pitiful to see I can't believe people would take credit for others work like this.