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I haven’t had the energy to really touch SFM recently, but for some reason, tonight I felt like trying my hand at photo edits. The ones I’m about to post are my first attempts at it, and I think they’re pretty good. The first 3 are all personal pics, and yes, I have her permission to upload them. I showed her already and she really likes em, even wishes she could actually do it 😅.

All that aside, should I start trying to learn a program so that I can edit gifs/videos into AV type things? Regardless of how you guys feel about it, I’m gonna do it for personal reasons, but would YALL like to see these things?



More pics of your mate bobby for sure, be nice to see more of that lovely ass of hers, would she be willing to spread cheeks too? A before and after so to speak


Honestly not a fan of photo edits/morphs but don't let me stop you from doing what you feel like doing

The Cultured Lord

Speaking of audio the other day you could add some audio to you animations without sound or improve them perhaps? (Ngl I'm dying to see that Elin party one finished XD)

The Cultured Lord

If you can't create why not finish or improve ya know?


Reminds me of what I make in my spare time


I say yay

Cyberpunk Kitsune

I say nay. The edited photomorph type things aren't generally liked by people a lot of the time and your animations are a hundred times better anyways.


I like!


I say go for it dude! These remind of the old videos on your Youtube channel which is how i found you and have always been a big fan of if you you recall.


I love these kinds of edits

joseph hand

i would love to see more of these