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Now I can’t use my mouse hand 😭. I can’t okay the game or even open it right now...not sure how I did this, but it SUCKS! It hurts so much, but we WILL get that reward done!



Watching Zelda vs Samus to much huh lol, that sucks man grab one of those heat packs and take a break.


Yeah don't push it man


2 days ago the same damn thing happened to me my wrist just started hurting out of nowhere. Hope your hand feels better dude.


Rotate it with ice for 1 hour at a time


Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! King Bobbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Get well soon man!!! Id soak my hand in some in ice water for a while then soak in some warm water. And just as omnibread said, rotate. And try circular motion massage under the wrist! Yall take care man!


Don't try and force it. Overusing an injured hand will make it take longer to heal.


I’ve read all of your comments and will try what y’all suggested. It feels a LITTLE better today, so within the next few days I should be okay. If I miss the deadline for this month, I PROMISE to make it up to you all next month 😭❤️

Jesse Aldridge

Damn, ouch! One of the worst injuries I've taken from a non-traumatic source was when I helped my dad move an old school projection big screen TV, the ones that were basically a five foot tall, two feet thick, four feet wide brick of a TV. The next day I woke up and I couldn't move. It took struggling through pain just to sit up long enough to call off of work. X_X

The Cultured Lord

Oof, hope it heals well and make sure to exercise it otherwise it'll stiffen up and get worse.