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Next Months Reward Poll

  • Its Dangerous To Go Alone 2 160
  • CATC 1-2 Revamp 122
  • 2020-05-31
  • 282 votes
{'title': 'Next Months Reward Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Its Dangerous To Go Alone 2', 'votes': 160}, {'text': 'CATC 1-2 Revamp', 'votes': 122}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 31, 18, 18, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 282}


So! What are we doing next month? I can't decide between "Its Dangerous To Go Alone" continuation, or start work on the CATC 3 revamp series. I'll be working on a super secret awesome project along side these regardless, but what should our MAIN focus be? Since either one is going to be fairly short, I'll be checking the discord for ideas on what small thing can be done once its finished or in between.


The Cultured Lord

Check Discord my dude, I got ideas for you.


Oh god its too dangerous to go alone. I love mei n omg her face when she went cross-eyed after holding dva head n pushing it in, n the "ooooh" sound she made


Its an impossible choice lol I want to see both its not fair ^_^


They're both happening regardless, but I couldn't decide on what to do for NEXT month lol. Trust me I feel your pain, that's why I'm asking YOU guys lol.


I feel u on that, chef kisses lol "mwahh" absolutely exquisite lol


I was joking about saying its not fair I understand these animations take a long time, so either way whichever one wins is fine by me. I don't know anything about the program or models you do but tell me would it be possible to do an absorption scene like this as an animation? https://aryion.com/g4/view/518090

The Cultured Lord

Mei's already the most chubby gal and only Overwatch chick I really like but it'd be great to see some weight gain with her. Also try to murder less Elins in the next CAT XD


i gotta go with It's Dangerous to go Alone! almost hands down, i mean i was looking forward to rev:CATC, to see how far you've come! But ya know, i think Mei, needs more vore love! i can wait for the revamp. i wanna see what's going on other girls' end (no pun intended... ok yes pun intended!). on top of it all, it would really help with expanding your universe to see more preds and what they do and how they prey on others. Hell our main girl, i didn't think she could shrink others! Made me wonder what Mei can do. So yeah!


I say new stuff. It's tempting to revamp old stuff with new skills but i think the skills are best used pressing forward instead of going back.

The Cultured Lord

I agree. Try being inventive and come up with some new ideas (or use the ideas I PM'd ya on Discord ;3)