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Bad news first: CATC 3 was going to be released today, but there was a problem I had to go back and refix. With that being said, the GOOD NEWS is that it will DEFINITELY be ready tomorrow!

I’m so excited for this thing to be done ???????. I really hope you all like it, because I put a LOT of work into this ???





Good news, for me anyway no work so ill be waiting for the masterpiece


Excellent new years gift


But yeah...did everything I could to try to get it out today...just didn't work out that way unfortunately. Sorry man 😢


What a Day to have off


Yeah well its not when it was initially planned that's what I mean maybe in the future don't try to predict release dates get everything done then announce it that way you cant miss.


Yeah, regardless of if I do that or not, there are still plenty of things that can go wrong. Source filmmaker is a very washy program, and things like this happen all the time. There’s nothing that can be done to prevent it. It crashed during a render and messed up an entire scene, that wasn’t something that could be predicted and had a last minute impact on how things were planned. I understand your frustrations, but believe me, the delay wasn’t something that could have been prevented.


To keep polishing and refining, and seeing that you can make it even better, is the sign that its your magnum opus. I think the signs were all around me. But we enter the new year, no the new decade, with CATC3! To excited, so im gonna sleep til its released!


Dope!! I’m excited!! Thanks for making this stuff and ensuring it’s good quality! I actually really appreciate it


OMG you have no idea the beauty that this animation is. I really don’t think I’ll be able to do anything better than this honestly 😅


Thank you so much! I want nothing but perfection for this thing, and that’s the ONLY reason it isn’t released yet! I am so glad it’s appreciated! I really am!


how long is this video


Lol, every artist eventually surpasses themselves! It takes time, patience, and broadening your horizons. Inspiration. And the hunger of these lovely ladies in your world, can lead to greater ideas. And hey, as a legendary anime character said, "hunger is the greatest spice of all"


Thank you for your dedication to a top quality release. I've always felt annoyed by those who rush out an unfinished and lesser quality piece of work to meet some deadline or quota. I respect your craft and your intact integrity to not settle for any less than the best you can do. Happy New Year!


Yes, we definitely like such news, I think you will succeed and tomorrow it will be released. Happy New Year!


0_0 What!!!!! its that long with that level of quality daaaaaaaamn.