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I’m probably going to have to stop dedicating so much time to this and find an actual job to go alongside with it. I was wanting to do this full time, and recently I’ve been depending on the money that i was making from Patreon, but with people constantly dropping the day of the pledges being processed so they won’t get charged, the pay is always too inconsistent. We’re under the $2,000 goal again, but yesterday we were at 2,300+ so that should give you an idea of how many patrons I’ve lost. I hate to say it, but because of this, things will slow down moving forward. I can’t survive like this because I have bills to pay and things of that sort. I’m not quitting, I just won’t be able to devote as much time to it as I have been recently because now I have to get back into the work field.

I will be changing the way I post and on what days of the month; rewards will now drop at a slower rate and only on specific days. Haven’t decided if I want it to be once or twice a month, but once I get all the details ironed out, I’ll let you all know.

Thank you to those of you who pledge and stay pledged. You guys make it easier to do this ??????



🙄 said I would be charged on the 15th of October and I was expecting to be charged AT THAT TIME. I was charged TODAY..... I haven't even been subscribed 30 days.


Yeah like someone stated earlier...Patreon is extremely flawed, especially with the way they communicate things. I don’t choose when to charge you guys, they do. You get charged when you pledge, and then it charges you again on the first. If it were up to me it would be different, but unfortunately it isn’t.

Rikki San

Argh...that bites man, sucks that you cant do this full time. Also screw the people who leave to avoid paying. But don't worry dude we got your back and will be there:)


I wish you the best of luck man. Honestly despite how much it sucks I think it's for the best. Your a dad now and that means you have to make sacrifices for your kid. That you choose stability over what you want says a lot about you as a parent. Good luck and god speed.


Damn it..... stay motivated Bobby, the hbg's will survive on us until you can get them the prey you need. We are here to support you and this god tier work 😏 KEEP MOTIVATED MOTIVATOR! ☺️


I kept noticing the shift. Sorry this cant be your full job buddy. But maybe things can improve given time. But hey til then, keep at it good sir! And dont slow down, go at full throttle!! ^_^


You should set it that people are charged when they join. This would prevent people from leaving then rejoining.


Fumika’s idea is great, also wish you luck and hope people learn their lesson and stop cheating you


Hey, my funds were really low and a bunch of my pledges didn't go thru. I just retried the payment, so hopefully, you received my payment. Sorry things aren't working out as you hoped. I hope they get better


does not come the catc 3


with me payments have already failed