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Let it be known that THAT is where I started. That was the very first animation I had ever made, and at the time I was VERY proud of it. Seeing that, then looking where I’m at now and how I have such a huge backing is proof that no matter what it is you want to do, if you put your mind to it and stay dedicated, you can do it. Along the road there will be many points where you feel defeated, but those are all the moments where you sit back, evaluate what happened and where you went wrong, learn, and figure out a different approach to the same dream. Giving up is not an option. Failure only happens when you quit, so keep at it until you’re successful! You’ve got this! Bobby loves you!



Panda ho

How can I view this on mega


Copy/paste the ENTIRE link, even the part that isn’t highlighted, and it should take you right to it :)

Panda ho

Ok thanks


that's the animation that got me hooked


Wow...you’ve been around for QUITE some time then huh? Since the beginning actually. Jeez...you guys sure are faithful 😭


I remember this man, the memories this brings back ^_^