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I would like to be able to do this FULL TIME! If I could make this into my main source of income, that would be LOVELY! I would be getting paid to do something I love doing! I am VERY ambitious with this. My ultimate goal is to hit 10k a month. If I do that there will no longer be any restrictions on who sees what, but higher patrons WILL have more benefits than the lower still. Another thank you to all of you who have pledged to me so far. We grew a LOT in such a small amount of time!



Ambitious indeed. Hopefully this fetish grows enough to get more people in on this lol. Might be years down the road for you though.


If I could just integrate the people who are fans of my work on Pornhub, 10k would be easy. 10,000 dollar patrons is all that's needed really, and my videos always beat that cap tbh. Hell Curiosity And The Cats 2 has over 1million views.


Very ambitious. Pro animators like Eskoz and Cakeinferno have more than 5 million views cumulatively on their videos and they only make 5.5k and 4.5k respectively a month. I give you all the best luck as its gonna be a journey.


If I could make it to THAT Id be okay lol. 10k is just the shoot for the moon mentality honestly. That's just the ultimate goal, realistically, somewhere around 2-5k would be decent enough for me.