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Sorry yall, I have a LOT of IRL stuff happening and it’s been having me all over the place lol. Here are some sneak peeks at a really…REALLY “cheeky” animation. There’s seriously a LOT of cheek movement in this thing…it’s kinda crazy lol.

The short story that will go with this is basically Liz finding someone she’s interested in. They see each other for about a year or so and things start to get serious. One night to spice things up in the bedroom, she said she’s going to bring a friend over so he can watch her ass swallow her…not knowing she meant LITERALLY. She eats her in front of him, he watches in shock as the girl is helplessly swallowed by Liz’s ass, Liz orgasming harder than he’s ever seen her orgasm before. Fluids shoot out of her pussy and covers soaks the entire area below her as the girl fights to break free. While she was enjoying herself to the fullest, he was frozen in fear. That night, she swore to never eat anyone else ever again because she doesn’t want to ever make him feel that way. Fast forward to their wedding day, all is going well. They get to the reception, and everyone’s having a great time. Liz spots a clumsy server girl who is slipping and falling all over the place like every 10 minutes or so…but she’s soooo cute. Liz fights the temptation for as long as possible…but eventually gives in and lures the girl to the alley behind the venue, watching around the corner to make sure she doesn’t get caught.




Is there a release window?

Snitz Boi

"What, she tripped, fell, landed in your ass??! Oh. She actually did. Fair enough."