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hello everyone! so I have been on a journey! AN ADVENTURE! what started out as a new enclosure has turned into a complete revamp of all my printers!! but more on that just now :D

first the enclosure! after doing a lot of research I landed on the old reliable lack enclosure!! it ticked all the boxes! not only was it the most compact, but it was also strong, modular, and the big one! easily modifiable :D

for me space a big issue, in my workroom, the ceiling is very low 190cm from the floor so this meant I had to mod the lacks files to my liking, so I started out with 3D printable adjustable feet! :D with these the printers were basically sitting on the floor and the adjustability will be supper helpful later with uneven floors :D next, I found these awesome remixed lack inclosure files that were upscaled to fit the ender 3"s larger size :D they are perfect!!! but had a small issue! the way the legs were attached to the top 3D printed parts was not great and while moving the stack the one leg broke!!!! NOT GOOD! but was an easy fix I found a set of braces on printables and moded them to fit :D and with that the main structure was complete!! :D

now I just have to make enough for 8 printers!!..... oh no...

that's when I realised how massive this project really is hahaha, and the printers need mods too! but before that, one last thing, the printer's power supply needs to be outside the inclosure, if they are in the inclosure they can catch fire! so I designed a bracket that holds the power supply outside the back of the encloser :D keeps them nice and cool and safe :D

next the printer mods! and this is where I went a bit overboard :D
so in past, I hated modding my printers, if it's not broken don't fix it :D yeah that all went out the window hahaha so I have decided to do the printer upgrades in 2 stages :D stage 1 is just getting the printer to fit inside the lacks as well as better wire management :D

so drag chains to the rescue on the X Y Z  as well I needed to find a new location for the filament spool! normally you would stick the spools on top of the lacks but as im stacking printers, that is not an option :D printables to the rescue :D I found a spool holder designed to put the spool at the back next to the build plate, modded the files and now the spool sits next to the build plate at the front perfectly accessible!! woohoo :D and that finishes stage 1 of the printer upgrade!! :D

next was testing out the enclosure!!! and it worked!!!! so far :D I haven't tested it out with all the printers running but with a few running the enclosure works woooohoooo :D

this turned into the largest printing project I have done so far! seriously all the printers have been running for 6 weeks straight and I have gone threw about 20kg of filament!! it's nuts hahaha but it's worth it as the enclosure has made working near the printers a hell of a lot better! fumes and noise are much better :D

up next? stage 2 of the printer upgrades!!! stage 1 was all about fixing printer issues, stage to is all about increasing printer performance!!! :D more on this in bit :D




I decided to make lack enclosures as well! I just would like to ask where did you find the files for using only 2 lack tables per stack? I was going to just have the open bottom but think I may change that now.