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HELLO EVERYONE!!! today I have an update on the halo plasma rifle!!! :D MODELING IS COMPLETE!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! so normally I would give you guys an update on the model much sooner in its design cycle, but thanks to spartan laser and an unpublished speed project this model's design process was very different! normally it would go, to basic modelling, internals, mechanics, clean up, and then test print. but this model I was working on all stages at once! which made for some pretty amazing internals!!!

in fact, this model has some of the coolest internals I think I have ever designed!!! the entire design does away with the grid frames for a new way of stacking internal components on top of each other creating a epic feeling of depth in the model :D as well as some pretty extreme features!!! speaking of which!!!

this model this model has!?!?
bolt-together construction!
opening up outer plates!!
removable outer plats!!
and !! ELECTRONICS! but before that :D those opening/removable plates! I wanted to be able to show off all that internal awesomeness so I designed the plates to be magnetized for quick access :D as well this should make displaying the thing even more epic!!!

TO THE ELECTRONICS!!! first off, they are completely optional! unlike the spartan laser which uses electronics as a structural part of the model, this model doesn't do that :D meaning it's up to you guys if you want to use electronics :D and if you do? oh boy! does this thing have some! :D

starting out THERE ARE LEDS EVERWHERE! and they are all addressable and controlled by a pico! and that means when you pull that trigger those lovely lights at the plasma emitting end will flash! as well as the iconic heat gauge will start to fill up! as the model reaches full heat, all the lights on the model will flash red, and the heat sinks will open from the side!!!! letting the model cool down! :D

and the big one for this model! AND THE ENTIRE SPINNING DRUM! plus gearbox to spin that drum! oh yeah, WE HAVE GEARS IN THIS MONSTER! woohoo! for a while now I have been working on gear systems and this model is my first implementation of those systems! so as you are firing the model the drum will be spinning and will be visible from the vents in the side of the model!!!! :D

now with all that epicness, there is a bit of bad news, this model is behind a bit, all that epicness has meant that this model has taken longer than I would have hoped but now that the main modelling is complete, thanks to this model being a bit on the smaller side (compared to the laser :D) I expect the test print to be fast :D sorry about the delay guys :D





We gonna need a Spartan Security detail to protect Oddworks. ONI and the Covenant weapons designers are hot on your heels!


wow! im still contemplating which of your electronics ready models i’ll work on and this seems on the light side I can manage. looking forward for this one.


thank you so much! :D definitely! out of the 3, I would pick this as a first electronic project :D it's light on mechanical electronics such as servos which makes it easier to assemble than the other projects :D