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HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! so for the past few months, I have been a bit quieter than I am normally, and it is because I have been working on something big SOMETHING SO INSANE that I have spent every bit of spare time I had getting this absolute insanity completed hehehehehe and what is this epicness? It's the Wingman from apex legends and it's FULL OF ELECTRONICS!!! Oh yeah!!! This thing has, 3 servos, 3 buttons, 1 battery pack, 1 Arduino, and a 1-inch LED screen!!!!!  All of that gives this model the most insane features I have ever had in any of my models!!!!

To the features!!!!
This model has.

Removable mag!!
LED screen used as an AMMO counter!!!!
Spring-loaded trigger with a button to affect AMMO count!!!
Mag open and close button!!!!
And servos to open and close, top plate, bottom plate, and the mag!!!!

so with all those features integrated, you can pull the trigger, the ammo count on the screen goes down till you hit zero, then hit the mag button to open up the model allowing you to remove the mag! once the mag is reinstalled you hit the mag button again to close the model!!!!!:D

as amazing as this model is it did come at a cost sadly. its the only model I have for you guys this month :( this model took so long to develop that I haven't had any time to complete any other models this month. im really sorry about that guys. but with this monster of a project done and all the lessons I have learned from it, I CAN ELECTRONICS TO FUTURE PROJECTS!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!

this model has been the most absolutely insane project I have ever done the sheer amount of hours that went into this one is beyond anything I have ever done! not to mention the iterations hahaha think I'm it's on version8 at the moment hahaha its been nuts and its all thanks to you guys :D without you, there is no way I would have been able to take on such a project never mind actually making it work :D THANK YOU TRULY ARE AMAZING! :D

you can find the model here


happy printing!!!! :D






Any chance we could see electronics added to any of your older models? Maybe instead of a totally new model one month, we could have an electronics upgrade for an older model?


oh most definitely!!!! there is a ton of models that with a few changes could hold electronics :D