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HELLO EVERYONE!!! The modelling for the bolter is complete!!!! woohoo! this model ended up a bit different from what I was planning to do, thanks to my original idea not working at all!! originally I was planning to have my normal sci-fi internals but it ended up clashing with the Warhammer aesthetic, so I decided to take another shot at it and came up with a more industrial look to the model, with the awesome idea of adding hidden golden armour plates with a very ornamental look to them, kind of resembling the armour of the god-king :D

as for the features of the model, I went with simpler mechanisms on this model which allowed me to add in some really cool ideas for this model, first off the slider!

the slider is not spring-loaded but now is held in place with magnets and 2 positions open and closed. this allowed for a lot more movement in the slider, and thanks to that movement when you slide the slider back it now opens the door and allows you to see the shell inside the model!

now for that awesome feature, the mag release is a lot simpler than the mag is now held in place with magnets and has no release mechanism.

the trigger is still spring-loaded :D

I'm really happy with how this model has turned out and I can't wait for the test print to finish!!!! :D




Yay to removeable slugs! Kraken? Vengeance, Hellfire and Dragonfire? 😁