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HELLO EVERYONE! the next free project will be the Warhammer 40k bolter!!! and oh boy am I excited for this one! thanks to this model being almost comically large is, it's gonna give me a ton of internal space to work with, and man do I have plans! im gonna try 3 layers of detail!!!! I know madness hahahaha!

so what exactly do I mean by 3 layers? most of the time my models have the internals creating the backbone of the model with the top plate detail bolting together in a sort of patchwork design for strength,  with this model I want to try and in the 3rd layer of detail in between the 2 add extra detain but most uncertainly depth to the model!  this is not gonna be easy and I think this is the only model where I think this is even possible! and if I get it right it's gonna be insane!!!!! :D

as for the other features of the model, we got a:
moving trigger!
removable mag!
meby removable slugs!
bolt-together construction!

this model is gonna be a big one! and I cant wait to get started! :D




Well time for everyone to learn just how comically large these guns get


I know right! hahahaha I can't wait to start it! :D after this its a titan's Plasma Annihilator hahahaha


Aw yeah! I promise you I'll do the math to see if I can make a smaller version. Right after the grav hammer.