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hello everyone!!!! I have an update on the halo 5 sniper rifle!!! the basic modelling is done and oh man is this thing massive! far bigger than a thought it was going to be standing just over 1.4meters long this is by far the largest gun prop I have ever worked on :D also whoever designed this thing was freaking genies! taking such a simple shape and adding a bit of panel work they made a complex model that looks epic!!
now that I have a 3d model to looks at I have a few more ideas for features for this model, one thing that has to be done is being able to pick up carry the model from the bar/handle at the front of the model! I think that would be so cool so I'm gonna make sure that's possible :D

the slider on this thing!!!! it's massive! and actually a centrepiece on this model, I haven't fully figured out what I'm gonna do with it but I'm gonna make that feature special :D

up next, internals!!!!! and adding all the mechanical parts :D




If you add an actual bullet eject on this thing it would be amazing. Referring to the slider.


Blistering Blamite! This UNSC hardware rocks big time! First class work as always @oddworks3d!


it would be!! and I have thought about that but im worried it might be just a bit too close to the real thing so I'm a bit hesitant to go full bullet eject. but I have a few ideas for what I can do :D