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hello everyone!! the next patron project is!!! the Halo 5 Needler! after a very close race you guys picked the Needler and oh boy I can't wait to get started!

right! to the features!!!
working trigger,
detachable crystals,  
and it can be dismantled with internal detail!
and maybe LED lighting :D

I can't wait to get started on this model as I have a ton of ideas I want to add to this model! its gonna be something special!!! :D




Please allow for LED lighting!! And battery compartment! Awesome! I can’t wait to get started either


no problem man ill try my best :D me too!!!! I cant wait to get started on this model its gonna be insane!!!! :D


Would love it to be the more classic looking halo 4 needler rather than the lumpy Halo 5 model, looks nicer smoother IMO


awesome! I do like the halo 4 needler as well :D sadly I have already started work on the halo 5 needler and I cant swap over, sorry about that, but what I can do is put the halo 4 needler in the next poll :D looking at what I have planned for the Halo 5 needler, I wouldn't be surprised if the Halo 4 is picked next :D also thank you so much for becoming a patron you are awesome!