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 HELLO EVERY ONE! big news! for the past few weeks, I have been gearing up to make changes to what I do here :D don't worry for the better! but first the bad stuff, ill be stoping streaming on Twitch, I have found my self not being able to be entertaining, chatty and produce a good stream while trying to fix the complex problems of the 3D model I'm working on simultaneously, sadly it's just not a skill I have :( so instead I'm going to streaming games on twitch but that's a story for another time.

now on to the good stuff!!! so instead of streaming! ill be posting time-lapses of the modeling on youtube!!! this will allow you guys to get a more condensed but better view of my process :D the first video will be up in a day or 2 and ill let you guys know when it's ready :D

I will also be publishing the Thingiverse models to other sites as well, such as MMF, Pinshape, and cults 3d.

next will be changes to my Patreon, I have felt bad that patrons don't get anything for basically keeping everything going, so I thought I would give you guys extra models! these will be models I would not normally publish as well as something extra. such as miniature terrain, tools I use and reworks of models I have posted to Thingiverse :D the reworks will be dependant in the model but will range from adding a bit of extra detail to adding totally new features to the model :D and starting today ill be uploading a model a day for the next week to Patreon for patrons, after that a model a month exclusive for patrons :D what do you guys think of the changes? do you guys have any suggestions?  




exactly! thats what thought hehe its a lot easier to watch a vid on youtube than it is to catch a stream on twitch plus the added benefit of being able to speed up the footage so you guys don't have to watch a vid that's hours long :D


hell yeah man hehe I have felt bad that you guys don't get something extra especially as its because of you guys these models can be made :D so I'm glad I'm in a position now to make extra models for you guys :D