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So since theres no new video today and since I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and conceptual planning for my content, channel and Patreon for a while now: I figured I’d share some of my tentative general intentions and plans for everything going forward. Y’all know I like to share behind the scenes stuffs with y’all anyway and add that to the fact y’all are essentially “investors” lmao I feel obligated to keep y’all updated on my thoughts and plans whether it be in the near or far future cause it OBVIOUSLY affects y’all. Everything I mention is tentative, plans always change and knowing me get pushed back but I wanted to at least share my ideas and plans ANYWAY *aggy Hiro Voice*

-Amount of Videos-

So first and probably the biggest change is my plan to go from uploading 4-5 videos a month (weekly every Friday) down to 3 videos a month releasing every 10 days (released on the 10th, 20th and 30th of every month) starting in March after 2021's Fujoshi February.

My reason for this is basically: i need... time. The way my current work schedule for this channel is set up, I spend most if not ALL of my time scripting and editing weekly videos which leaves me with no time for other aspects of my channel outside of that. I haven’t touched my teespring store in AT LEAST a year and I wanna be making new designs for that semi regularly but I just HAVE NOT had the time to do so. I also want to have more time to make more Patreon exclusive content (more on that later) and just time to practice things like photoshop and other tools to help me improve my content - but I can’t do that if all my time is spent on creating weekly public content - so I need more space in my schedule to do so and less videos is the solution. 

To be honest, now that I’m over 100,000 subscribers I’m at a point where I want to migrate a LOT of content to be on Patreon. I’ve never been on YouTube for the attention, for the “fame”, to be an “influencer” (hurls) or to be some pretentious voice attempting to delude the masses into believing what I consider “good” anime to be a false objective “good” outside of Major 2nd lmaolmaolmaoooooo. I created this channel with the intent of it being my job because sharing opinions on things I enjoy, being myself on camera and creating videos are things I love to do. So the goal has never been for me to reach a million subscribers - honestly I DREAD the day, I don’t want that kinda attention (no one in their right mind should) - the goal has been to reach A MILLION DOLLAR$$$$$$$ *CACKLES IN STUDENT DEBT*. And to do that I need to focus on making content less and planning how to monetize said content more. 

THAT BEING SAID money is NOT the motivating factor of why I make content, if it was I’d have dropped this shit a long time ago. My motivating factors will ALWAYS be my love for anime/manga/all the HWAS and HUAS and creating content cause any other motivation for this line of work is just not sustainable and I’m invested in making content for the long haul. But it’s just bad business for me to be working myself so hard to make so much FREE content when I could be spending time on ways to make more monetizeable content.

I’ll still be doing Natz Chats for my second channel and with more time I might even be able to put up more there so there will still be technically at least 4 videos from me monthly just in two different places. And honestly with 3ER being an ongoing thing I might still be making 4 vids most months anyway now that I think about it LMAOOO - I’m a workaholic, this is a problem I’ve had all my life, I’ma try not to die tho lmaoo. 

-Patreon Video Migration (Distant Future)-

While I intend to go down to 3 public videos a month for 2021 and likely all of 2022, at some point my intention is to also eventually go down to 2 public videos and 1 Patreon exclusive video monthly. For patrons there would be no change in the amount of videos y’all would be getting but for the general public theyd only be getting 2 videos a month. This is tentative as hell cause itd get done in a few years but it IS my intention to start making one of my monthly videos Patreon only for at least a year so that I can have an incentive for more patrons while simultaneously building a private backlog of videos to release to the public at later dates thus giving me even MORE time to work on more expansive video projects (that I’ll outline below). I don’t see myself releasing less than 3 videos a month across all my platforms in my life but I SOMEHOW used to release like 5 videos a WEEK for 3ER back in 2018 and even did 3 a week weekly some months as well - maybe I’ll go down to one video a year? LMAOLMAO jkjkjk id be too stir crazy to do that. 

Lastly at some point it’s also my intention to just 18+ age restrict all my youtube content. 10% of my audience is under 18 unfortunately and I don’t want these grubby kids on my videos aside from the legal liability under COPPA LMAOLMAOLMAO. This also doesnt affect y’all cause Patreon requires you to be over the age of 18+ but I just figured I’d shareee~. 

-Return of Video Series In 2021-

So the point of 2020 has been to catch up on requests as much as I can and "close the gap" so to speak which is why there’s been so many Boy Loves Boys Love reviews this year but I (and I know plenty of y’all and my subscribers) have missed a lot of my other series like Husbando Brackets/Tier Lists, the OTP Series, For Bakas, etc so I’m definitely hoping to do more of those in the coming year. 

I still won’t be caught up to requests even by 2021 but at this point I’ve accepted the perpetually growing request waiting line is something I’ll never catch up to so I can’t let myself stifle my creativity or give myself anxiety over the growing list just because I inherently want to finish the list of requests. It’s also not good for consumption of requests cause if they feel like a deadline list to me then i wont enjoy them cause ill see them as a chore regardless of how i feel about them individually.

For Bakas installments especially have always been a major time commitment to make so with less videos a month I’ll have more time to make more of those. It’s a concept Im really fond of and really want to do more of but time and ambition to do them has always been low because they take SOOOOO long to make so again - with less vids a month I’ll be more energized to make them

OTP Series ive neglected for a while and i cant remember the last time i did one dedicated to an OTP and not a cluster-headcanon-harem LMAO so heres to hoping for more solos in 2021.

Of course Camp Siddung Pon Buddy will continue until completion in 2021. After completion of the Hiro route im definitely gunna consider doing another playthru of a BL visual novel or game for youtube. It likely wont be Camp Buddy unless its the Yoshinori spin-off/sequel thats in development but when the time comes ill ask yall for recommended VNs to play foshoooo, yall will of course at ANY tier level get access to the raw playthrus and if i can get them sponsored by the developers BEST BELIEVEEE ill get yall a discount code.

-New Video Series Ideas-

While a buncha familiar series will be coming back next year, i have a few new video concepts ive been EAGER to bring to fruition and hopefully in 2021 ill make one actually happen and the other will at least start development (its a BIG concept so itll require TIME).

The first that im D E T E R M I N E D to make happen in 2021 is a video series called *INHALES* THAT/THIS MANNN!! LMAOOO like the name implies the concept for the series is similar in energy to the OTP Series but instead of talking a couple itll be an AFFECTION filled dedication and love declaration video for individual hot male anime/manga characters. This is a concept ive have mulling around in my head since 2018 and has been offered to some patrons for requests but no ones wanted to make it happen SO I WILL ON MY OWN LMFAO. It had another name before but i figured it might as well be named with a signature phrase of mine LMAO #Marketing Whether itll be This Man or That Man will wholly depend on my mood.

And the second video concept is essentially a bootlegged self made visual novel! With all this playing camp buddy ive been INSPIRED to make my own visual novel in the cheapest looking way possible. I will ACTUALLY be the protagonist character, the love interest options will be random anime characters (from different anime) probably chosen by subscribers and patrons and the premise will be completely made up from the setting to the incredibly chaotic plot ill come up with. Im also intending for this to have an audience participation element where at the end of each installment patrons will be able to vote for WHAT HAPPENS NEXT thus determining who ill end up with in this fake ass visual novelllll LMAOOO IM SO EXCITED TO MAKE THIS HAPPENNNN ITS GOING TO BE A GLORIOUS MESSSSSSS.

Some potential names im considering for it:

  • Fuck/Stay Still
  • Fuck\Stay Still 
  • Grammatical Murder
  • Kiss Me Not Him
  • Camp Bussy
  • Doggone Rumper
  • DoKri DoKri Cool Kids Club
  • Krannad
  • TsuKrihime
  • HeadKanon
  • Togainu no Kri
  • Hoeran High School Hoest Club
  • School Nights
  • School Afternoons
  • Kris x Bro
  • Vegetable Box
  • Produce Package
  • Mr. Natz: Queen KrisP's Choice (recycled i know, but it works)

-Merch Update-

Like i mentioned ive neglected my teespring store for over a year it feels like and in the meantime ive conceptualized soooooo many new designs. Plus teespring has vastly increased the kinds of merch they offer AND updated their merch creator tool so hopefully i can not only make new designs but make some older ones more aesthetically appealing LMAO (people have wanted me to make "bEtTeR" LGBTQIA+Ultra shirts since i first fuckin made them *rolls eyes* they dont understand brokebitch ART lmaolmao)

-Higher Tier Patron Only Content-

so because ive seen so many people attempt and fail to convince me to like yoichi and theres clearly a demand to play the route despite everyone clearly knowing how it goes themselves lmfao ima make a money play and offer my playthru of yoichis route for a new $7 or $15 tier depending on how much i enjoy his route LMAO - it will be called Camp Not My Buddy. This of course wont occur until i get done with Hiro's route and will likely never see the light of day outside of patreon so its a while away and i could change my mind on it happening at all. 

A similar concept will also apply to if i play another visual novel and theres a route i see people really wanting me to play, but of course will depend on what gets playedddd~


So thats about everythinggggggg the only other thing i wouldve mentioned is the 3ER podcast but ive already posted about that so its nothing really that "new". Any questions, comments, feedback and such are of course welcome and if yall have any other video ideas youd like to see happen even if its just conceptual and not concrete lmk as well im always open to spitballing new video concepts.



I’m down for you needing to take your time with creating and editing content for us, so please continue to do so. I like “Vegetable Box” for your “self shipping” segment! All the vegetables in the box!!!!

Mishiko Shinsei

I remember you mentioning the "THAT/THIS MANNN!!" concept a while ago. And in support of that, I want to again suggest our mutual ani-man love interest, Seto Kaiba! (oop! there went my panties! *grins*) Also, I vote "HeadKanon," "Camp Bussy," "Produce Package" or "Kiss Me Not Him" for your visual novel. Thanks so much for sharing with us! I'm eager to support you with whatever formats you chose!