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This month of TalKing of the Hill, we've reached one hell of a Dale-defining episode! When Arlen's top/only exterminator is pushed to his limit thanks to a mower theft conspiracy, he has no idea his alley pals are playing an obvious, elaborate prank. But when Dale's paranoia gets the best of him, Hank has to step in before there's one fewer guy to have beers with. So listen in as we explore this fan-favorite episode—one that just happened to go live at the last possible time it was okay to find any humor in mass shootings!




I would say to anyone who wants to know more about the University of Shooting; there's a great documentary from 2016 called Tower that primarily uses rotoscoped animation of documentary footage that really captures the era and the complete surprise the event had on the campus. It's the best case scenario of covering a topic like this because it's really not about Charles Whitman, but rather about the people who were there during the shooting and remembering the victims. This is a very good episode, though I don't know if this would be my first choice to show to someone to convince them to watch King of the Hill. I think this can be a Top 10 episode to fans of the show, but to someone outside of KotH who might not be as aware of Dale's life and his friendship with Hank, it'd be a bit too alienating since so many other conflicts in the show are much smaller in scale. Sadly there are episodes that do flanderize Dale's paranoia a bit more, but they are pretty few and far between.

Thad Komorowski

Yeah, without a doubt a true shining moment of the series and I fully agree with Bob that it should be an introductory episode. S3 is just so damn good.