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As we near the end of the season with an ep about friendship and food, both subjects are explained to us by Nick Wiger from the great podcasts Doughboys and Get Played! Bart is a third wheel as Milhouse finds love for the only time in his life, while Homer grows his vocabulary instead of losing weight. Plus talk of rich creamery butter, magic eightballs, sex education, and tons more. So grab that metal dealie you use to dig food and listen to this podcast!



Blake R.

as a former Texan, (now Milwaukeean), it's my lucky day to have a Doughboys host drop both Culver's AND Whataburger talk in the same episode. During the 'good morning burger' discussion, my mind went straight to Whataburger's coveted 'Whataburger Breakfast Burger'. I highly recommend google image searching it if you want to both salivate and clutch your heart. But it includes a beef patty, American cheese, three hash brown strips, a fried egg, bacon, AND a creamy pepper sauce that's essentially mayo. I've only had two as special SPECIAL treats and it's one of the best fast food items i've ever consumed but man oh man could I just feel it sitting inside my stomach for the rest of the day. it's probably a good thing I moved out of state (among other, scarier reasons) where Whataburger can no longer tempt me. But as Bob mentioned, I now have to rein in the amount of cheese curds I consume instead.


This is the definitive Bart & Mulhouse episode for me


I’d like to give my perspective on girls reading comics in the early 90s. During that time, my uncle had a used bookstore that also had comics. We’d go there every weekend to hang out and pick out a comic. My favorites were Barbie, Archie (especially Cheryl Blossom), and Disney. Once I reached high school, I started reading Xmen and really got into Crosgen. Now in my late 30s, I buy any comics by Mark Millar.

Joe Hodgson

When it comes to fast food items that are terrible for you, don't overlook the comparatively tame McGriddle from McDonald's. By weight, it could be the worst of them all as it's not a very large sandwich, but it can total in the neighborhood of 500 calories. It's essentially salty, processed, meat with egg and cheese in-between two pancakes infused with sugary syrup. I remember reading when they came out that they were the most unhealthy item on the McDonald's menu by some measurement and I'm not surprised. I can't take people seriously who claim that the "good" period of The Simpsons begins with Season 4. Season 3 is terrific television. Yeah, there are a handful of duds in this season that I tend to skip when I'm just tossing episodes on, but some of the very best episodes of the show are from this season. There's no perfect season of the show, but season 3 can compete with the likes of 5 and 6 for me as best overall.


abattoir isn’t a “high brow” word, its just british, have you seen how close to france they are?

Alex Irish

My birthday episode is Homer Goes to College by the way: October 14th, on my 6th birthday in 1993 to show my age. What a doozy of an ep


My 7th grade english teacher was ahead of her time...back in 1995 she told us that "Eskimo" was the equivalent of the n-word for Inuit people. Though she said the whole n-word, hard r and all, so maybe she wasn't ahead of her time.


Has anyone had any luck purchasing season three on iTunes? It's the only season that doesn't allow a season purchase, rather I'd have to purchase each episode individually - doubling the price. I'm wondering if it's because Stark Raving Dad was removed and it's no longer a full season?


My nine year old son has been using Talking Simpsons as a sleep podcast lately. On a recent vacation, he had trouble falling asleep in the hotel room so he asked me to keep my podcasts on for him. I chose an old episode and we just let them roll all night. Ever since then, he has been playing episodes for five or ten minutes before bed every night. He has a history of being a terrible sleeper but this podcast has actually been very helpful for him! It’s a strange added benefit to my subscription.


I gasped and starting dancing around like a dork when monkey island got mentioned

Frank Grimes

Wendy's Breakfast Baconator is pretty up there in terrible breakfast for you (but tasty)

Steve D

Nick and I have the same birthday and are the same age. Hbd to a fellow 8/28/80 king.

nina matsumoto

In response to Henry saying French-Canadians probably wouldn't pronounce "about" as "aboot": actually I think they're MORE likely to do that, because in French, "ou" is pronounced "oo" (for example, "souvenir" "art nouveau" "soufflé" "The Louvre") but I've never been to Quebec so I can't say for certain I remember in high school asking my French teacher if she knows the song "Dominique" and she certainly did; she sang a few lines for me.


As usual, Nick Wiger was a great guest on this episode! As obese man I was very happy to hear him talk about a lot of the issues about obesity in America. The more you look into it, so many of our obesity issues come down to systemic problems of capitalism. Nick included many examples, but I’d also throw on there the flawed methodology in medical studies, medical discrimination, the BMI scale, and the lack of regulation in the diet/pharmaceutical industries all contribute to a very complicated socioeconomic web. (To sidebar, I would also say 600-LB Life is not a good metric to judge obesity because I think it mostly works a carnival sideshow to scare skinny people by showing them that fatness purely comes from undiagnosed mental illness and trauma. But I’m not going to judge too harshly as the pandemic had us watching a lot of trash as we all saw Tiger King and I personally watched tons of Kitchen Nightmares. I agree that Simpsons early seasons are actually not too bad when it comes to fatphobia for the time. Though if there’s been an issue with this, The Simpsons’ art style doesn’t translate very well to fatness since so many of big characters are male and many male characters already have the lightbulb look with a paunch. (King Sized Homer looks way bigger than the 300 lb we’re told he’s at!) The jokes here are more about the expectations and failures of this new faulty weight loss fad and Dan Castellaneta’s amazing line reads.

Jason Lew

When Nick Wiger makes it back to the Bay Area, I highly recommend Nations. I think it's better than In and Out.

Jessica S

My 12 y/o and 8 y/o think it’s crazy that there’s a show to go with their memes. My youngest once asked me “Why did they make a tv series about the man in the shrub?” 😂

Steve D

Note to Henry - time to make fun of Bob’s legendary love of cashews!

Jessica S

We were introduced to Spy Family by happenstance. My husband took my 8 year old to the Seattle Comic-Con this year and she was fawning over an Anya figure. I looked up the name on the box when they got home and the rest is history. I had no idea how widely popular the series was until I bought her an Anya costume to wear for their “dress as your favorite character” day for their Spirit Week. When I picked her up, I couldn’t believe the number of girls I heard exclaim “it’s Anya!!”, lol. We love the animated series, too. Anya is the most adorable character. On a side note, my husband reads mangas and watches anime shows here and there, but I never was into either. (hence why the two of them went to Comic-Con while my son and I stayed home. Turns out he should have gone: there were plenty of people dressed up as the lamb from his current gaming obsession, Cult of the Lamb - which is also amazing!) After buying the entire SF series, as my son had consumed the first book in 30 mins and demand more, lol,I happened upon another manga series - The Girl from the Other Side. I just finished the series, my son was hot on my trail, and oh my goodness, what a hauntingly beautiful story. The way the author said more with the illustrations than the words themselves, I’m hooked on the genre now. I demand all future books be written in manga form, lol.


I’m actually kind of puzzled why the kiss at the end is punctuated with La Marseilles because Quebec (French Canada) and France aren’t super close. French people by and large are more curious about Quebec and regard their accent as “funny” than they are interested about maintaining a close relationship. When Quebec wanted to separate from Canada they weren’t going to rejoin with France, they were going to gain their own sovereignty. I know this is a very “genius at work” comment but Oh, Canada would have made way more sense to me.


I knew never watching Casablanca would catch up with me one day. That make sense!

Brian Varvaro

The title of this post makes it sound like Milhouse fell in love with Nick Wiger.

Josh Dietz

Listening to this today, May 7th, so happy birthday Bob Mackey!

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

As an Ontario (Canada) resident who had to take French from kindergarten through to 9th grade, I think the Catholic French-Canadian nuns should have been singing something like Frère Jacques (Dormez-vous?) because that was something we learned very early on and is still something I could belt out to this day. -- As for the actual main plot of this episode, my enjoyment of it is definitely something that changed as I got older, having seen it plenty of times in syndication & on DVD before I ever had a crush on another person. I wasn't a late bloomer in terms of sexuality, but I *was* a late bloomer on actually having feelings like that for someone else because it didn't happen for me until I was 15, and when I caught this episode again for the first time since that happened, I understood Millhouse's plight much more, and the bummer of an ending made more sense to me. Though, as you guys mention in the episode, maybe he does forgive Bart a little too easily.

James Babbo

As a long time comic book nerd & part of the NYC punk & goth scene, it was my experience that it was the Vertigo line from DC comics in the early 90s that brought a lot of girls into comics. Every goth girl I knew read Neil Gaiman's Sandman & Alan Moore's Swamp Thing or were familiar with Death & Abby Cable. Also, I was a fellow TurboGraFX owner for Godzilla which was a Street Fighter-type combat game. If there's a Retronauts episode about it please let me know the link. Thanks!