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Somehow a third of the year is over, and we've got a ton to reflect on in our monthly community podcast. First, we look back on the four most recent Simpsons episodes from season 34, along with some other Simpsons-related news, then we give a preview of our April fools' month of live-action podcasts, plus we talk about all we played & watched in March. And listen in to see if we replied to your Patreon comments in this newest installment!




Oof relatable content. I fell asleep standing up last time I saw Built to Spill and I'm only 30 🙃


It's a fourth of a year, not a third

Frank Grimes

Pin girl was such an odd episode, especially for the thing mentioned about homer not knowing about their almost affair, when he did in the episode itself, and clip show.. An interesting tidbit from it is the closed caption says door dash when Jacque says he ordered delivery.


I don’t know how The Mandalorian managed to turn into the Dave Filoni Variety Half-Hour but I do sometimes miss the straightforward simplicity of season 1.

Frank Grimes

They could have fleshed out Creed 3 more with Diamond's back story...his rise to glory was literally overnight over one win. But I don't think you were supposed to solely root for donny as an underdog or solely see diamond as an antagonist. He wasn't necessarily a bad guy (like Dixon in balboa or drago in creed 2 weren't bad guys)


Does that Scream 6- related tease mean LPOTL???

Chris Berndt

Wondering if Henry or Bob has watched the 1972 Russian version of Solaris? I’m my opinion, the Stanislaw Lem book is better than the 2 films, but I did enjoy the Cloondog version.

Grant Baxter

Question for Henry since I've enjoyed hearing which match was people's favorite because they were both all-time greats: did you prefer the Ironman Match or the Hangman/Mox Texas Death Match?


I relate on the Live Event Stamina. In my 20s I was in this like, goblin themed metal band, so I got dragged to a ton of gigs and shows that involved watching a lot of Way Too Loud performances. Sometimes it was fun but most of the time I'd start feeling tired and sick to my stomach and dizzy, one time I got kicked out because security thought I was drunk! I was dead sober! I finally had to just come to grips that my body can't handle that kind of overstimulation, and then much later come to grips that I'm autistic which doesn't help.

Riley Hall

Hey Bob! I think you mentioned that manga is more to your liking. But if you have not checked it out already, try reading Gotham Central by Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka. It's about the Gotham PD and what it's like being in Batman's shadow. It's copaganda, yes, but a lot of great crime stories are.


it pains me to confirm that Bill O'Reilly is still around,as my conservative father delights in reminding me whenever I come to visit. He has a TV show on one of those z-list right wing news channels and a podcast which isn't the same as his old primetime slot but no one truly evil is ever really gone til they croak