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This week's big first-time guest is the great YouTube video essayist ToonrificTariq, and we welcome him for a season 13 episode about Apu's infidelities! After a quick Civil War reenactment, Homer learns that Apu is cheating on Manjula in a story that is very of its time with the gender politics of infidelity. All that, plus a ton of talk about James Lipton, the mysterious lack of Jan Hooks, and so much more. So grab a Smooshie and listen along!



Jessica S

On the topic of drinking and drunks, and drinking drunks: does anyone remember the season finale from two seasons ago, not last year in spring of 2022 but the year prior? The one where Moe breaks the bartender’s code and spills secrets to the guys. Then the guys are infected with anti-alcohol or whatever, fast forward to everyone more successful and stuff b/c they aren’t drinking. Then at the very end, they’re offered the anecdote which everyone but Homer immediately caves. Then the show ends with Homer running towards the horizon, chased by the alcohol hitmen. Or the sobriety hitmen, lol, whatever. I couldn’t remember the last time there was a cliffhanger - save for Who Shot Mr. Burns. Or at least I thought it would be addressed the following season. But it wasn’t!! It was like 3000 parodies until a “regular” show (although they’re largely parodies or homages at this point in general), and I’m pretty sure they never addressed what happened!! I was so fixated on it that I wondered if they decided to stop highlighting all the sloppy drunkenness, so I went back to check - does he just stop drinking?? They seemed to spend less time at Moe’s at first, but honestly I’ve haven’t focused on it enough the past several months to see if it had dialed it back up. Anyhow, long story - I’ve been dying to ask other Simpson fanatics if they caught that?

Jessica S

Oh, and speaking of unexplained events - SPOILER if you didn’t watch the Carl episode a couple weeks ago - at the end - they flash-backed to his dad (clearly his biological father) getting the belt buckle and his dad said something about passing it down to his newborn son. Ad he said this, he turned to look at a woman holding a baby, the implication that was Carl. But there was no mention of how Carl wound up adopted by an Icelandic couple and was raised in Iceland - which is so random anyhow, as I see it. So what gives? Why the heck wouldn’t they explain that? It drove me crazy, far longer than any sane person should be bothered by it, lol.


This Toontastic Trevor fella seems pretty OK But seriously, been a big fan of Tariq's work for years, and I'm glad this collab finally came together!

Chris Dobson

Pedantry corner: Henry is correct, "eunuch" is spelled with an E, so the joke is Homer doesn't even know where to look. Also the word "pretentious" is such a pet peeve of mine, but is a 40-year-plus industry veteran teaching an acting seminar at the New School about the craft of acting really "pretentious"? Or is he just a ham?

Frank Grimes

More Tariq, less chapo house and associates please.

Bob Mackey

In the future we would prefer if you just said “Tariq was a good guest.” Please don’t disparage former guests (or seemingly most of our guests) on here.

Brian Hortin

Here’s the Simpsons Inside the Actors Studio episode on a non-Russian pop-up riddled site. https://archive.org/details/inside-the-actors-studio-the-simpsons-cast-fox-8-airing


We have the taking simpsons and one of the cartoons that curse members today both shows I follow on Patreon what is this a crossover episode!!!

John Halski

There’s a scene between Homer and Apu that is one of my favorites in the entire series. Apu is on the phone with someone, and for some reason he needs to come up with a lie on the spot. He starts to stall and looks to Homer for help, and Homer writes down something on a piece of paper and holds it up. It says something like “Where’s the ice cream?” Does anyone else remember what episode this scene is from? I can’t, and it’s killing me.


Really enjoyed Tariq as the guest. This was a great introduction to his content. I hope you have him back on soon.

Joe Hodgson

Fun Fact: The Golden Banana is a real place in Peabody, MA that I assume the Harvard alum were familiar with. According to the best sources of such local information around, my aunts, it was pretty popular in the 70s to see cars driving around with advertisements on them for the place. I think my eldest aunt may have mentioned an outing there on occasion. Despite the name, it's not a club that features an all male cast. It's actually a pretty conventional strip club, or gentlemen's club as they seem to prefer, and I've even been there on one occasion as bachelor parties are still a thing that happen. This strikes me as a typical episode for this season where there's some funny bits throughout, but the overall plot and story are rather weak and not rewarding. As Bob noted, it's way too similar to the Valentine's Day episode and the wedding episode even crops up. It's like they really didn't have much material for this pair, but they kept going back to them anyway to try and mine something. And the ending is so unearned. I get the "return to status quo" the show strives for with each episode needing to keep them together, but there's no comedy in the resolution just enearned sweetness that completely sells out the characters. Manjula, especially.

nina matsumoto

"The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons" https://frinkiac.com/caption/S09E07/369118 (Credit to Bob for remembering)

Andrew O.

As a divorced man, I will NEVER get married again. 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Divorced men are 2.4x more likely to commit suicide than married men, and 10x more likely than divorced women. Imagine, going from a house to a studio apartment. Seeing your kids only every other weekend. Losing more than half your paycheck to child support and alimony. Meanwhile, she's having the time of her life sleeping around and partying on your dime. It can be absolutely devastating for some men and it's easy to see why the suicide rate is so high. I fared better than most, but seeing the way the court works was enlightening. They don't care if you're cheated on, or if your partner has severe mental health issues. Your children are being put in dangerous situations? Tough luck, the court will only care once the damage is done. At least Bob got Canadian citizenship out of his marriage! I wonder if you lose that if you divorce? PS: To echo others, Tariq was great!


The last scene with Apu and Manjula is so sweet like they could actually work it out and be happy again. and it would have been nice if they actually had their relationship get better but it feels like they use them as a couple who is miserable and stay together , like there is an episode where you could see them leaving a couples counselor, and I think Manjula hits Apu and he’s like oh she used to elbow me in the face . And then there’s the one where Moe convinces her to stay with Apu ?? Like what ?? Like all these years later and you’re still unhappily married ? Like I get it’s a cartoon and I’m sure they stay that way for the jokes when they need an unhappy couple, but damn, just let them get divorced.

nina matsumoto

Bob got Permanent Residency, not citizenship, and no he won't lose that if we get divorced. That's all I'm touching on the subject of "what if Bob and Nina get divorced" because it's a little weird! PS He didn't just get Canadian PR out of his marriage, he also got me, which is pretty cool

Thad Komorowski

Genuinely one of the worst episodes of the series, despite all the Swartzwelder pieces that are actual LOL moments.


A collab I never thought I'd see. Hope we can see Tariq on future episodes too!


I've already watched four of ToonrificTariq's videos so I guess you could say I'm a fan now lol. Hope he comes back soon!


loved the ep, Tariq is such a great guest!

John Harrison

One of the nicer things that some countries have done is close the “your legal status is absolutely dictated by your spouse” that allowed horrendous potential abuse.

John Harrison

Nice episode and a nice guest. I enjoy getting some fresh voices with different perspectives.


I've been thinking about what you guys and Tariq were saying about how you find it odd that it seems like the Fox censors wouldn't let The Simpsons do certain things that they'd let something like Family Guy get away with, such as mentioning weed and many many sexual scenes. A possible theory that came to me might have to do with the fact that despite still very much being an Adult Show, The Simpsons audience has always seemed to skewer more towards families and kids. Perhaps the reason Family Guy was able to get away with it is as simple as Fox noticing that more adults watched Family Guy and more Kids and families watched The Simpsons, so they really didn't want to potentially alienate that audience. Great episode as always, and I can't wait to see more appearances from Tariq in the future.