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The short-lived fertility arc continues this month as Hank goes to great lengths to up his sperm count for the sake of having another baby. But insult gets added to injury when Cotton and Didi arrive at the Hill home with a big surprise: Hank's 75-year-old dad is about to become a new father! When the reality of the situation sinks in, though, Cotton flees to Vegas, leaving Hank, Dale, and Bill no choice but to track him down. Will Hank stop his father from abandoning his upcoming baby? And why wasn't Boomhauer invited on the Vegas trip? All will be revealed on the newest episode of TalKing of the Hill!



Blake R.

I too was a huge fan of the song 'Peaches' and spent adolescence wondering what the Presidents of the United States of America were up too. Oddly enough, as one of the last subscribers in the 2010s, the dying years of Nintendo Power, I received an issue in 2011 that had a free dvd advertising a Pokemon music video by the band called 'I Can't Stop Catching Them All'. I'm sure it's on Youtube, but I watched it once on my actual DVD player and it became instantly clear it was an easy paycheck from Nintendo with lyrics like '[Pokemon name] is green and long'. I chucked the disc when doing a clean of my room before going to college that year but as a cultural oddity, I wish i'd held onto it. Especially considering how much all physical promotional materials tied to that magazine seem to go for on eBay these days.

Miyo Mii

I might be wrong, but I feel like the 90s was the height of the cheap Vegas buffet. I haven't actually been since I was like..12 or 13 though so I can't tell you how cheap it actually was due to my parents paying for everything.

Bradford A Barker

In defense of the more innocent reading of POTUS's "Peaches," I remember the songwriter on maybe a VH1 show telling a story about how he would go to his boyhood crush's house and get nervous and pick peaches in the lawn instead of going to the door to talk to her. This might just be a cover story, but the lyrics always came off as pretty literal and inside-jokey to me.


Not a Brit, but I would guess 1471 is used as it’s the year Edward IV returned* to reclaim the throne. British patrons please weigh in and confirm or correct!


You know Henry has been listening to too much Podcast: The Ride when he refers to Frank Thomas from the Nugenix commercials as Frank Marshal.

Joe Hodgson

It' secondhand, so take it for what it's worth, but per my best friend the spank rooms at fertility clinics haven't changed much over the decades. He went through IVF with his wife about 5 years ago and had to do a couple of rounds in one of those rooms and he said it was pretty gross. Just a beat up old recliner, some dated magazines, a TV, and they did at least have a DVD player instead of VHS. I did not inquire to find out his selection, but he said it was an awful experience just trying to do that in a setting where everyone outside the room knows what you're doing in there. He did say the staff were great about the whole thing and the process did lead to twin girls so at least it wasn't for nothing.

Kat Heagberg

I too am often pushed into incoming traffic by big strollers. You probably already know this, but just in case, those six-baby strollers are usually from daycare centers and not due to a sudden explosion in sextuplets as far as I know. Also, confirming that pregnancy tests do have pee on them, but just a little (you’re supposed to drop it on with a dropper not just pee on the stick) but it’s still pee and still gross. Also, great ep as usual, thank you 😊

I Am Mr. Cheeseball Productions

Alex Desert got his start on Boy Meets world. I have Autism, and hated Waterboy and Napelon Dynamite. Realistically our first representation didn't come until a few years ago with Kayla Cromer in Everything's gonna be okay as she actually is on the spectrum, and her petsonality isn't exaggerated or used as the butt of jokes.

Andrew Bouvier

Slight correction: Nancy is NOT correct at ALL when she says MRI is the same thing as their doppler radar. I'm not a radar expert, but to my knowledge, doppler radar sends out microwave signals and then does some sort of measurement on how much/how fast they get bounced back to the radar dish to determine the weather. MRI machines don't use radiation...they use magnets...again with the magnets. There is one BIG magnet, supercooled with liquid helium (this magnet is the one that will suck in oxygen tanks, hospital beds, etc... if the staff isn't careful enough and uses the wrong equipment (things that are ok for the MRI area are marked as MRI-safe)), and then a series of smaller magnets. The first magnet basically aligns all the water molecules in your body to it's magnetic field, then the smaller magnets pulse on and off periodically (that's where the loud noises in an MRI come from) which temporarily cause the water molecules to move to the new alignment before going back to the original one. This movement is then detected (I think, if you'll believe it, but a THIRD set of magnets) and can then be processed by the computer and displayed digitally.

rubber cat

In Mike Reiss's book he mentions they cut a scene where Lenny and Carl are huge Becker fans who attend Becker conventions, which I suspect the writers kept in mind when they were recasting Carl.


I stayed at Circus Circus, not to be confused for the clown hotel along the way, about ten years ago when some friends and I went to Vegas for Electric Daisy Carnival.

To Boldy Joe... Moore

Why, Bob and Henry, with your mention of Ferrero Rocher, you are really spoiling us. (if you know, you know) ^_^


I believe POTUS first album went triple platinum in the US, and I've been to a many "indie" shows and Peaches may be the most covered song I've heard in the last ten years.

Thad Komorowski

Going through my first watch of KotH, and this is probably my first favorite of the series chronologically. Cotton Hill has etched himself a permanent top spot in the Hall of Asshole Cartoon Fathers, for sure.

Andrew O.

I had a vasectomy. One of the best decisions I ever made. Unfortunately, I waited until after I had kids. Hindsight is 20/20, right?

Jammy Cooks

Vasectomy info: I got one a couple years back and the needle doesn't hurt at all. I was SURPRISED when they told me they were done. Then you're just laid up for a day, and you're good. I'm a bit of an evangelist about it now haha.


I've said for years that if the govt started a program where any man 18 or over could willingly get a free vasectomy and receive a $300 reward, it would cut down costs on custody and paternity suits, public assistance, and so many other areas of strained public resources. I love seeing happy vasectomy testimonials


The Mrs part of pageants denotes women who are married. Miss pageant contestants have to be married and childless


Peaches? They Might Be Giants? Please tell me you boys at least know about the greatest 90s alt rock group Ween?