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When Bobby gets diagnosed with ADD, Peggy becomes a stay-at-home mom to give her son the attention his deficit disorder requires. But the humdrum housewife lifestyle leads Peggy to pick up the guitar, and her new teacher threatens to indoctrinate this former substitute teacher into one of Hank's most feared isms: Feminism. Listen in as we explore this topical and touching episode that includes Ani DiFranco, as well as Tammy Wynette in her final role!



Kat Heagberg

I’m an adult and a girl, but nevertheless have ADHD and probably only got through childhood because no one ever regulated my caffeine intake so I could drink like 7 diet cokes, push through school and fall asleep, but when I see these shows today in light of the current life-altering Adderall shortage, I’m just like I WISH! If it were that easy to fill my prescription these days I wouldn’t have to count up pills figuring out how many more days I have left for my brain to work. What a dream! Growing up I had one friend who would always down a ton of sugar—sometimes straight from the bag—after school and “get hyper,” but it turns out she just had type 1 diabetes, which wasn’t discovered until adulthood. Who knew back then that most of us—at least us non-boy children—were overlooked/under-diagnosed with various diseases! Also, requested experience: The first day I took Adderall was the first day I was able to stay in the shower long enough to shave both my legs without cutting myself accidentally in haste. My panic attacks and anxiety went away. I could sit at my desk and work for more than 15 minutes. I slept better than ever. Existing didn’t feel hard any more. The only “bad” part of life now is when the pharmacy runs out due to the shortage and I get all disregulated and the lack of object permanence that accompanies my ADHD makes me worry that I’ll never be okay again and it sucks. Also, caffeine never used to affect me before, but now if I have lots of coffee and no food (a recent error while traveling) and wait too long to take my medicine to boot (also a travel issue) I get the basic symptoms that you normals would have if over caffeinated, and am just like “if this is how Adderall affects the neurotypical, why would anyone ever take it?” I recently heard a stand-up comic joke about taking Adderall recreationally and I literally wanted to punch her: Like, “please! There’s a shortage! Save it for those of us who need it to just be able to brush our teeth and have a conversation at work!”

Alex Forsyth

Peg, it's 3am I tell you huhwhat, shouldn't you be baking?

Drew Mackie

I had never heard “Every good boy deserves fudge.” My piano teacher gave it to me As “Every good boy does fine,” which is worse because fudge is inherently funny. But thinking about this, I also remembered that the mnemonic device I learned for the bass clef was “Girls buy dolls from America,” and I am just now realizing how sexist that is: boys do well, girls just buy dolls.


This is one of the funniest Bobby episodes ever. At least once a month I will think to myself, THERE’S SOME MILK IN THE FRIDGE THAT’S ABOUT TO GO BAD…


I'm pretty sure the line "fight corporate white male oppression" is a reference to the 1990 Sonic Youth song "Kool Thing."

Frank Grimes

I think Jimmy Pesto is unofficially retired. Since the incident/ban he hasn't been on the show. The closest was in the movie but he had no lines.

Guy Incognito

I think the woman who walks away angrily at the end that Henry notes wasn’t angry that the feminists “lost”, but that Hank had implicitly insulted her and all the other performers by calling Peggy’s song REAL songwriting.


I have 2 separate experiences with ADHD medication- my first was when my 3rd grade teacher essentially bullied my mom into getting me Ritalin- I think she even recommended the psychiatrist we went to. I’m pretty sure I just finished whatever work or reading too fast and had nothing to do. Much later, I was one of the maybe 1/3 of my medical school class who got adderall from the campus psychiatrist in preparation for the first of our many board exams. I think ADHD went similar to the opioid epidemic- there was a new hot diagnosis that was applied pretty broadly in certain circumstances, then there was an overreaction in the opposite direction making it hard for people to get medications they actually needed.

Brian Hortin

I’m really looking forward to the upcoming Propane Boom discussion. I really hope Bob and Henry talk about the FOX King of The Hollywood Hills promos that were run after the season finale. Such a weird thing. https://youtu.be/7N0SrjRpVHU

nina matsumoto

"my wife is an Ani DiFranco fan" No, I haven't heard a single one of her songs as far as I know "she could beat up both of us" Correct

Pete Johns

EGBDF - Fudge? In Australia it was fruit. Still misogynistic but a little healthier? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I kept meaning to comment as someone with ADHD but kept procrastinating. There were a few things in this episode that frustrated me more than Brother’s Little Helper. Playing into the whole “kids don’t really have ADD they just eat too much sugar” thing sucks. Also that his guidance counselor was able to prescribe it. It’s such a pain in the ass to get a diagnosis in the real world. Getting on ADD meds as an adult took me the better part of a year. Also for the Peggy story having a character say the ending was a cop out does not absolve you of making an ending that’s a cop out.