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Just as we did for Sonic SatAM, we're again joined by the awesome creator of OK K.O. Ian Jones-Quartey for more classic Sonic toons! We chat about how the weirdest Sonic animated series came to be, its endearing strangess, and the exceptionally weird ep "Zoobotnik." Plus we chat about the cool new Blu-ray release of the full series from Discotek and so much more, so grab a chili dog and listen!




It funny I don’t remember any ads for it just happened to have the tv on The abc one had a big ad the night before


I'm going to be rolling my R's all day.


Long John Bladry is to Robotnik to me as Kevin Conroy is to Batman. Lots of other solid actors have tackled the role, but when I imagine Robotnik in my head it’s Baldry’s over the top performance. Second is probably Deem Bristow from the Adventure games just because I played Adventure 2: Battle a ton.

To Boldy Joe... Moore

Same. Ever since Shredder in the original TMNT cartoon, I've been a sucker for the trope of pompous comedy villains with bumbling, dummy henchmen and his Robotnik is the best version by far! ^_^

Joe Hodgson

The dual launch of Sonic cartoons in the fall of 1993 marked a return to confusing animated adaptations not seen since Dic's The Real Ghostbusters and the Filmation Ghostbusters (aka The Fake Ghostbusters) were both airing on television. I was pretty jazzed for Sonic to make the jump to the animated world as I was eagerly anticipating the release of Sonic 3, the first video game I ever pre-ordered with my own money, when these shows dropped. I think it was my mom that pointed me to this one as it aired on a network I wasn't regularly watching. I knew about the Saturday cartoon because of a TGIF preview night, and like many kids of the era, I came to like that one more. I was really into X-Men at the time so I think the tone agreed with me more, but there is something to be said of getting a near daily dump of one version of Sonic while another is in a more prestigious, weekly, timeslot. I don't think either hold up super well. Adventures definitely has episodes (like this one) that are just Sonic goes to wacky town and they're pretty entertaining, but as someone who endured their kids going through a phase with this show, I feel I can say maybe 25-30% of the show is entertaining to me and the rest is just "meh." Not that the Saturday toon holds up super well, it's just more engaging from a plot perspective because of the format, but without a lot of the "fun" we see in Adventures. It's sort of like going back to the original DuckTales which looks rather gorgeous and takes itself fairly serious, but was still a show designed to appeal to kids and once the nostalgia wares off it gets pretty dull. At least we got some fun catchphrases out of it like "Jam and juice," and "Way past cool." I do feel it's a somewhat underplayed part of the console wars that we had Dic go from handling Super Mario cartoons to Sonic with Andy Heyward serving as the EP on both. The defection of Dic from Nintendo to Sega is surprisingly not something I can ever remember talking about. And I only say it's surprising because basically everything was Nintendo vs Sega back then to an exhausting degree. In the world of cartoons though, I think I can safely say it's the one area Sonic consistently beat out Mario because those Mario toons are just abysmal. It's a good time when the "Plumber's Rap" comes on, but it's all downhill from there.


Always a treat to hear Ian on a podcast! This cartoon was the first place I ever heard "In the Hall of the Mountain King" as a child. For years I thought that this is where it came from. I assumed it was just Robotniks theme song. Trying to find it online by searching for Roboniks theme was obviously a pretty fruitless effort. I don't know at what point I learned it was an existing classical piece, but it'll always be associated with Robotnik to me.

Alex Irish

Don’t forget that Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog in a roundabout way helped create history’s greatest monster: Chris-Chan, aka, Christian Weston Chandler, aka Christine Weston Chandler. He won the Sonic the Hedgehog Watch and Win sweepstakes held in 1993, alongside another winner in California. Whereas she used the $1000 prize to split among her classmates, Chris used the $1000 as KB Toys intended, on a shopping spree for nonstop video games. The sweepstakes is notorious for how it fueled his addiction to buying games at all financial cost, and fueled his inflated ego via the local news coverage, paired up with the untreated case of his autism. Since this contest, he’s been on a steady decline leading to him in jail as of last year, for doing unspeakably horrible things too long to go into here. https://youtu.be/yGlFUf9ZEcM https://youtu.be/KMyI6ZnLj3o

Frank Grimes

in the Sonic Movie, Sonic's insult to Robotnik is to call him eggman.

To Boldy Joe... Moore

Yeah, I liked that conceit. He calls people things like "Donut Lord" or "Yoga Lady", so when he sees Robotnik's egg-shaped machines he calls him "Egg Man". Works for me. We still got Robotnik references in Sonic Adventures 2 (he mentions his grandfather was Gerald Robotnik) and Sonic Generations (Classic Tails calls him Doctor Robotnik but Eggman quips back "no-one calls me that anymore") As far as I'm concerned, it's a nickname like how Doctor Otto Octavius is also known as Doctor Octopus. ^_^

Tashmon Dimps

Man, Robotnik truly is the highlight of this show. My brother and I quote this version all the time and never get sick of doing impressions. Long John Baldry’s performance should get a posthumous Emmy!


I remember watching the pilot or first episode a couple years back and being shocked that it was filled with Tezuka robot designs, mostly from the Pluto storyline, and even I think one of those weird Tezuka gourds. Not sure if it was TMS or the American staff were just fans of the Astro Boy anime.

Christmas Ape

Is Long John Baldry the best voice actor who never get a chance to star in a genuinely decent cartoon? Even the voice of King Koopa got to be in that Sam & Max show. Oh well, at least we have all of these great Robotnik line readings. Also, I applaud Ian for making what will likely be the only reference to Princess Gwenevere & The Jewel Riders that will ever appear in one of your podcasts.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

For all the shit this show takes online, I was SHOCKED at how goddamn good this episode really was. The character designs and animation are awesome, I love the voice acting, and it's just so bizarre and unusual that I couldn't help actually loving it by the end. As someone who didn't watch either this or the Saturday morning show as a kid, watching a bit of both as an adult (for this podcast, of course), I would definitely say I prefer this one. Hell, even as someone with very little interest in actual Sonic shit, I'm half tempted to get the Blu-Ray now...


I’m surprised yet impressed at the fact no one did a “Snooping as usual” reference in this podcast