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First, we covered Garfield's Halloween toon in 2018, then we did A Garfield Christmas in 2020, and now it's time to finish the trilogy! Yes, we're doing Garfield's Thanksgiving! Somehow turkey day ends up being spent on a vet-enforced diet for Garfield, all while Jon gets worried about his big date with Liz, and somehow the day is saved by the return of the rockin' Grandma Arbuckle. All that plus Odie blowing a whistle a lot in this week's thankful podcast!




Where’s the Simpsons content at? Been a lot of extracurriculars lately

Devin Hoffarth

It's every Tuesday save the last Tuesday of the month. They started a new miniseries right as October ended. Calm down.

Joe Hodgson

I too had a run-in with the "Happy Fisherman." Someone gifted a coffee mug to my dad with that cartoon on it of the bottomless fisherman getting some special attention from a fish. I'd see it as a kid and I had no idea what was going on. The way the illustration was done, the fisherman's genitals kind of looked like a hook coming out of the fish's mouth so I just thought this dude was catching fish and attaching them to his crotch for some reason. It confused me a bunch, but a pants-less fisherman was funny on its own to me as a kid. At some point I figured it out many years later and it was a "Holy shit!" moment for me. I would assume my parents still have that mug, but after 40 years of marriage they've had a lot of coffee mugs so that thing is probably buried in a cabinet somewhere. I do empathize with fat cats. I have a fat cat that basically just exploded with weight around the time she turned 6 or so. Then she ran into problems with kidney stones and the vet had her on a special diet and she lost a ton of weight, not because of the food, but because the kidney illness made her throw up all of the time. The vet finally conceded the diet wasn't working and we got her surgery to get rid of the stones and now she's fat again despite being on special food and her portions being limited. She's now 13 and in her twilight years so as long as she's happy I don't care. I've seen this special a whole bunch, mostly because there's not a lot of animated Thanksgiving specials. And because it's on a DVD with the other Garfield holiday specials. I like this one even though it's not as good as the Halloween or Christmas specials, but it's the most "Garfield" of all of them and plenty entertaining, but yeah, no one be like Jon. Jon is bad.

nina matsumoto

I've only ever lived with one cat in my life but he went absolutely NUTS for baked goods. All baked goods (everything from plain bread to cookies) had to be shut away in a drawer or else the bag would be torn apart in minutes. I know friends' cats who are also this way. I can absolutely believe "pancake cat" (more officially known as "blini cat") is happy about those blinis.

Devin Hoffarth

Ohhh man The Garfield 9 Lives Special is a TREAT. I'd jump all over that podcast!

Kat Heagberg

I‘ve seen this special a few times now and have always been bothered that Jon went to the vet AFTER the grocery store, with a whole carload of perishable groceries. It is pretty cold in Indiana in November, though, so maybe it all worked out. Either way, I’m glad you mentioned it, as it’s long driven me bananas. Also, my favorite Onion article of all time is the 2012 classic “Taylor Swift Now Apparently Dating ‘Garfield’ creator Jim Davis,” and for a moment, when you brought up his personal life I was like “AH, YES, HE DATED TAYLOR SWIFT.” Like, that’s just real now for me I guess. Always love when you revisit Garfield, and eagerly awaiting a Healthcliff episode someday.


This was absolutely a very comfy WAC episode for the month of Thanksgiving! I'm gonna go listen to the older Garfield episodes again to get more of that feeling.

Frank Grimes

Now imagine all this in Chris Pratt 's voice


Would you ever consider adding the remaining Garfield specials as an option in a future miniseries vote? I would love to see you cover the rest of them but I also understand if even the potential of having to cover that much Garf at once would be too much.