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The results are in! Thanks to your votes, next month's episode of the What A Cartoon Movie podcast will be the beloved Batman Beyond movie, The Return of the Joker. Folks on the $5 level of our Patreon can hear the extended free preview of this podcast when it goes live on Monday, October 25, but $10 subscribers will be able to access the whole thing and also access our extensive back catalog of What A Cartoon Movie episodes.

And don't forget: This month's episode of What A Cartoon Movie, all about the 2000 Dreamworks original The Road to El Dorado, will launch on Monday, September 27! Look forward to closing out the month with another one of our ultra-long movie-focused podcasts.


To Boldy Joe... Moore

Not to boast, but I'm just about to finish my first complete watch of the series, so the timing for this worked out pretty great! ^_^ Thanks. guys!

nina matsumoto

For anyone wondering, you don't have to have seen any of the show to enjoy this film (source: me)


I actually completed my first ever watch of the entire series last week! I'd seen about 20 episodes in the past.