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Move over, The Avengers! There's a much worse version of you from 20 years earlier that absolutely no one likes! That's right, the most epic crossover in entertainment history took the form of Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, which saw animated superstars like ALF and Garfield put aside their differences to fight in the famously successful War on Drugs. And thanks to the generous support of patron Phil Jacobi, this week we're digging deep into this highly embarrassing relic from an earlier time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your favorite cartoon characters entered the real world and then started acting like huge jerks to you? Just say YES to this week's podcast to find out! 




"drugs will ruin your life!" oh, I dont need drugs to do that, thanks

nina matsumoto

This is honestly one of the reasons why I never want to start. I've got enough vices in my life

Thad Komorowski

This was what you got to watch when all the other tapes were rented or when you thought you’d explore all options with your favorite character. And it always felt like punishment. Fuck every person involved with this script and concept.


This had me rolling for 12 hours like a maniac at my crappy job. Thankfully I was wearing a mask. Winnie the pooh: what would happen if you dont tell?😐😈lmao. This episode has pushed me and I hope many other to the next patreon tier. Comedy gold.

Mr. President

Bob and Henry's impression game on on point.


I have to say I’m glad you guys are providing these drug facts and advocating safe drug use; I feel like nowadays we should treat weed use like safe sex, with that said, what’s the weed equivalent of a condom? (Genuine question I don’t do drugs)

Ryan Langley

Gotta say, the Garfield Vs Alf 'Cat-eating joke is actually good? It's that slight glimpse that whoever actually wrote this thing actually cared just a little bit about the characters they were throwing into the blender.


Minor nitpick: Bob said 30 million people watched the Seinfeld finale, it was actually 76 million. Although given the quality of the finale... When it comes to edibles, I suggest looking for something with 5 mg of THC. 5 mg is just enough to hit that sweet spot where music, cartoons, and food are amazing but you're still a functional human being. All the edibles I've seen in shops label the amount THC in each package.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

I had watched this once before as a commentary video, so I knew what I was getting into, but goddamn is this still such a bizarre piece of propaganda that hits so many of the same issues that the War on Drugs and things like DARE always do. It'd be hilarious how stupid and backward this was if there weren't hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people (mostly non-white) who have been treated like sub-human trash because of fucking WEED. -- Like most white people, growing up as a teen I was stupidly judgemental about people smoking pot until partway through my senior year of high school when I mellowed out and realized a) it's actually not really a problem and b) who cares what other people do if it's not a harmful thing to the people around them. I didn't partake in any myself until just under a year and a half ago with some friends and have done it occasionally since then - I just find it to be relaxing, especially as someone with anxiety. After watching this damn cartoon I did my duty and lit up (immediately realizing I should have done it TO WATCH IT, but alas). -- Biden's comments on this completely track with his record of being a democrat who's different in name only from most republicans and I hate that 30 years later he's being peddled as the saviour of freedom and #1 pick of the #Resistance.

Strange Hombre

That special is burned into my brain. On the one hand, I loved it because CROSSOVER! But on the other hand it made me cringe and was also gross


So, this was one of my FAVOURITE things as a kid. The VHS was available at my school's library, and I watched it more times than I could count. It was like Roger Rabbit, but with more modern cartoons that I loved. It's the same crossover part of my brain that's obsessed with Smash Bros or Marvel Comics. I eat that shit up. Now, at 33, I realize the part this thing played in a larger insidious propaganda campaign. And also that it's kind of terrible. But damned if I still don't kind of love it in it's weird way. Also at 33, I've been basically straight edge my entire life, and have never tried drugs or even alcohol. And I can't say for certain this special isn't at least partially responsible for that. Thanks Alf!


Oh man. This one was fucking hysterical. “Michael, we need to talk. You’re havin some real problems, buddy and uh, I’m worried about ya, man.”😂😂😂


I'm on a different boat with this one. I don't care if people that know how to use it responsibly do it. But I really don't see telling kids not to do drugs of any kind is a bad thing. For me you shouldn't or really need to have any of it unless a Dr subscribes that to you. I'm not one that agrees to selling in a store to anyone. But it's what it is.