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At long last, after six seasons we finally learn how Maggie was born (try to act surprised). We learn about crime solving boats, the continuity of Homer's hair, and how to burn bridges in this week's podcast flashback...




The continuity issue can easily be explained if you consider that people remember things differently! Even in this scene, homer says he only freaked out that one time and marge corrects him!


RE: Acid Rain - This was, and still is, an issue in Sudbury Ontario Canada, where I'm from. It's a mining town with huge smoke stacks. Awhile back it killed the vegetation to the point where NASA would use the rock left over for field training Apollo astronauts. It's gotten better but even to this day the rain will literally melt the paint on cars. The source of the air pollution is so obvious the mining company (Vale) is required to pay for your car to be re-painted.

Kiefer Fulsom

Something I’d like to point out, despite the massive continuity errors there’s one point about this episode I feel connected all the way back to season 1. Homers job at the bowling alley. They could’ve given homer any job but I’m curious why pin monkey at the bowling alley. In season 1 there’s 2 episodes where we see Homer’s love & fascination with bowling (Moaning Lisa & Life in the fast lane.) I’m wondering if they writers gave Homer that job for that reason. Despite the fact that by season 2 he seemed no longer interested in bowling aside from him needing marge to drop off his bowling ball in season 3’s Homer Alone.

Dylan (batmanboy11) Freitag

Curious to see what you guys pin down for what Homer's fantasy is in reference to. It seemed a bit Die Hard to me, but not specific enough for me to be sure. Edit: AWESOME to get another Kat appearance


Minneapolis is the best. Born and raised. Don’t ever stop proselytizing the hometown, Kat.


Alright, sorry if this a bit ranty. I'm a parent. I am a stay at home parent. I do that for 4 reasons: 1. My Part time (I guess) job allows me to work either from home or from an office where it is only me (and now a baby sometimes). 2. Childcare is expensive. 3. My wife and I decided that I was the best candidate 4. I don't want to miss anything. I don't want her first steps to be at daycare. Many parts of this episode I felt a bit offended by pretty much everyone. Now, I'm sure you get that a lot doing what you all do. But, in this instance, I believe it may have some from a place of misunderstanding. The people that seem to know the most about parenting (in my experience) are grandmothers and people without children. That's fine, I did too. I had a million expectations and decisions before this. Many we very much advocate (cloth diapering, breast feeding, baby lead weaning, home birth). So, we delivered our child in our bed. I'm not going to go in depth in this discussion but it's likely people reading this will be very opinionated about such a thing. We were a very low risk pregnancy and a candidate for home birth. We wanted to and it was wonderful, opposite of all the comedy hijinks and dramatic experiences you come to expect via movies and tv. But after she was weighed and all the paperwork and processes were finished, they left us. Alone. With a baby. Every book we read didn't get us near prepped. "Well, what do we do now?" And every day since has been a learning experience for us as parents and her as a child. You can be in contact state of worry that EVERYONE judges you. You hold back on full expression because there's always someone that's going to look down on you for any parenting decision. Your parents likely went through the same. It can be upsetting that you see kids all over your Facebook feeds, and Twitter etc. Privacy of children can get out of hand. But the condemnation across the board is narrow sighted. From a different perspective: your life is now this child. And for me, I have very little contact with other people. Most of my life now is a baby that cannot communicate efficiently and my wife. My day revolves around raising a child. I don't post pictures of her everywhere all day, but my contact with friends is family is basically just there. And once a month we photo dump some of our favorite moments together. A documentation in an era without physical pictures. I assume most of us have naked baby pictures, and it's embarrassing when our parents show them. So maybe take another look and understand a bit more that some people just want to share their life with someone else. I have a small social media circle and almost no one ever interacts anyway. I also am proud to own a home, and I don't feel negative about the experience (I'm not sure what mortgage Chris had that it didn't include an escrow account for his taxes that is collected every month). While we did plan for our baby, our lifestyle hasn't changed so dramatically that we are BROKE. Not having giant medical bills via hospital is one thing (and if the pregnancy had been at risk we of course would take any measure needed) that helps, but it also has taught us to save more. We cook every night, meal plan and have tight lists. We are eliminating all the debt we can (apparently like Homer and Marge) to make our future easier. We will have more, and I do not feel the slightest wrong with that. I'm excited for my daughter to have siblings, if I parent well enough she will have friends for life beyond family. I had a sister and at the time she came in and ruined everything about my life, so I know the struggle. But I very much want another tiny baby to hold in my arms, and teach how to stand up, and watching them eat, and cry, and change all the diapers. I would like my children to learn interaction through siblings. This child is already exhibiting signs of self-sufficiency (my wife and I were the oldest and were the same). I really felt for Marge. It's scary, but it's incredibly rewarding. And while many bad things happen, the Simpsons always love each other. And she doesn't feel her life is "ruined." You simply now have a new goal. Children won't be my ruin, they will be my new motivation. The throbbing feeling in my chest every time I stare into this chubby little face (asleep next to me) lets me know everything is worth it. Every struggle, every tear, every time I feel helpless and alone and struggling to understand her needs. Still worth it, I'd never change it and I want to do it again. Pretty soon. Pregnancy though, man my wife isn't looking forward to that part, but reeeeally wants another one. constantly sick, dry toast or rice at every meal. She was a real champ to do it all, and I did everything I could to make it easier (hard as it was for her). This has gone on so long, I've likely missed a shot at being read by anyone but it was worth it for me. Parenting is incredibly rewarding, if you're doing it right.


In my area (upstate New York) we have several dead lakes from acid rain finally making recoveries 40 years later.


Chris has commented on more than one episode about a specific episode not being shown in syndication. I don't know if anyone ever checks out the Simpsons Archive (of SNPP.com fame) for research, but they still have a guide on their site showing the national broadcast schedule that the show used during the first four years of their syndication run. You can look episode by episode and see the exact dates that it ran (and Chris missed it) in syndication: <a href="https://www.simpsonsarchive.com/guides/syndates.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.simpsonsarchive.com/guides/syndates.html</a>


For the record, this episode ran 12 times in syndication during those first four years.


Most of my friends who were part of 3 children families - the third one was a mistake. Bringing it back to "Grandpa vs Sexual Inadequacy," I get that it's hurtful for your parents to say you were a mistake. But also, like what the fuck ever. It's their failure, not yours. I wonder if there's some sort of subconscious continuity in the episodes where Homer always forgets about Maggie is him wishing he didn't have her sometimes. A baby isn't the best thing to ever fucking happen to you? SCANDALOUS IDEA.


I get so confused by all this talk of syndication - as a UK viewer who didn't have satellite TV until 1995 I didn't see the show at all until then (I was nearly 22!) and it wasn't until the following year that it landed on 'terrestrial' tv in the UK (December 96!). The first episode I ever saw was Fear of Flying. So when BBC started showing in 1996 they had 7 and a half seasons to show on BBC and took a long time to catch up. and I think much content was removed for these broadcasts which I never saw, and only when I bought the DVDs years later did I see these 'missing' scenes that were edited out. In UK there were no adverts, the show had a 22 minute slot, but I think they still showed 'syndicated' versions (not sure why), but we never saw the show as a three act thing, it was just one 22 minute story without breaks. Of course I wish it had been around when I was a kid I think I would have loved it from day 1... ironically all I had seen before 1995 was the 'Do the Bartman' video so i thought it was a trashy kids TV show.

Solomon Mars

you guys got pretty real in this podcast episode. this has always been a sensitive episode for me because i started off trying to pass through life with a minimalist attitude for the sake of personal bliss. i never wanted to be homer who is in many ways my own father but i feel as ill equipped as homer to get through life without fucking everything up especially the lives of my children if i was to have any. I avoided it for all this time because i wanted to be successful as an artist and not get stuck in work a day jobs and somehow i still managed to muck all that up and now my lack of true devotion to my life's goals is starting to rear its ugly little demon head, making me more introspective than usual and really self conscious. Adulting is interesting, complex and difficult.


I read it! But mostly because I am also a parent, so I Get It™. We have two kids and a house but all of that is only thanks to my wife's grandmother, who's greatest joy in life is taking care of the kids during the day and who gave us the downpayment for our home (not by selling the house she won on a crooked game show, however). Money is still super tight but we both have stable jobs and receive fairly regular raises and we were both promoted this year, so every year things get a little easier... especially as the kids get older and more self-sufficient. There's a ton of difficulties, but things that sound stupid to other people can just melt my heart and make me feel like a million bucks. I don't really have any friends and my wife has one, by virtue of working in the same building as her, but they only see each other outside of work once every couple of months (since the friend is also a parent). We both pray that we don't have a Maggie situation in the future, because we dream of the day when we can actually go on a trip, or have new hobbies, or even just... be lazy for a day without being constantly in demand.


I am the oldest of a three-child family. My first brother is two years younger than me, and the other one is nine years younger than me. During his teen years, the middle brother would complain about being the middle child and he pretty much hated me. I'm not sure why, because our parents were MUCH stricter with me and he got every benefit that I ever got and more.


Listening to the clip of Homer praying about his perfect life, I wonder if there has ever been an examination of this episode as possibly being the result of an unreliable narrator. There are a number of points where Marge has to correct Homer's story for not being true, I wonder if the case could be made that all of the nitpicks about the episode (Homer's dream job not paying enough, Homer's life having no debt, Homer ripping his hair out) could be the result of this just being the way HOMER remembers it being and that he idealized everything to the point where in his mind his life was absolute perfection which was destroyed by Maggie but the reality is actually much different.


As one example, in Homer's mind his quitting the plant was the ultimate FU story with him humiliating his boss and burning a literal bridge. But everything we know about Burns would suggest that not only would he not hire him back, he probably would have sent goons after Homer or sought some kind of revenge. Maybe the truth was that he quit in a much more spineless way and just remembers it as being perfect. It's also worth considering this interpretation in light of the fact that unlike the rest of the story, it's MARGE who remembers Homer pulling his hair out. Maybe again the reality is just like we saw it in previous episodes but in Marge's mind Homer had a hysterical over-reaction.


I heard there are things you can to do to drastically decrease the likelihood of a Maggie situation from happening.

Vulpes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 17:44:45 Fantastic episode! I believe cum was repeated more times than on any previous episode, and perhaps you even beat the Laser Time record. Keep being awesome &lt;3 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
2017-10-22 20:33:50 Fantastic episode! I believe cum was repeated more times than on any previous episode, and perhaps you even beat the Laser Time record. Keep being awesome <3 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

Fantastic episode! I believe cum was repeated more times than on any previous episode, and perhaps you even beat the Laser Time record. Keep being awesome <3 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!