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We welcome back the award-winning artist (and our good friend) Nina Matsumoto for an ep about horses and novelty songs! After some unseasonable Christmas talk, we dig into a tale of how David Byrne helps drive the family to vacation with Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Will we play the "Take that, Lisa's beliefs" jingle? Listen now to find out (but the answer is "yes")!



Blake R.

I associate that 'Marshmallow World' song with the Christmas episode of Malcolm in the Middle where it was featured heavily during a sequence where Lois is getting into a parking war with a fellow customer and they end up wrecking each other's cars in a parking lot. But I felt like I was going crazy when it was replaced by generic music on streaming versions of the episode. Clearly the Dean Martin people have their own blue-haired lawyers demanding a probably ridiculous sum to use it more than once.

Rob MacBride

I've worked for Taika. There's a reason why he's an Oscar winner & it's because he's an incredible film maker who captivated the world. Unfortunately this leads to you signing a massive disney contract where they insert you into everything. So there are two Taika's; the one who makes original feature films and the one who constantly appears in mainstream comedies, superhero stuff and animation VO's. The latter is what's destroying his image and wearing out his welcome, he needs to be really careful about what he says 'yes' to before everyone gets sick to death of him. His brand is at stake. I also think the mainstream fetishizes his Maori ahurea tuku iho, because 'he talks funny'...

Pat Stahl

I loved reading rainbow and the wax model episode was one of my favorite episodes

Danny Duplex

As someone who grew up in Rodeo country, hearing Henry talk about being afraid of riding a horse seems so alien. My parents met because they went to the same college in order to join that University's Rodeo team. (A lot of more rural colleges in the Western and Southern US have Rodeo teams.) Anyway, its pretty normal for younger kids to get older horses that are too tired to act up. However, I did break my arm when I was 10 because my sister put me on a pony that my mom had not trained yet. It slammed me into a fence. So, depending on who was handling the horses you met, you might have been right to not get on, Henry.

Mike Kachur

I have perfect pitch and I can confirm it is A-flat. See you in a few months for a long discussion about B-sharp! ;)

Alex Forsyth

The swimming lessons I took in Ontario were colors too. there were two types. The YMCA swimming lessons were fish names not colors Dolphin and whatnot. I also quit after I failed trending water twice at whatever the 4th color was. I think it was because I was rail thin and would sink like a stone as a result. As an adult after becoming less rail thin trending water became easy and I could do it much easier and it didn't feel like I was struggling to stay above water. But I'm also allergic to something in pool water and as an adult I have no interest in putting myself through that on purpose while kid me didn't have a problem with that for whatever reason.


As someone who travels for work, mostly the Wifi is ok but I’m currently at a Hampton inn that says they charge for faster speeds, and I’ve been at that hotel for months now and so far no charge so it might be just ancient hotel software they use

Stephen C. Nedell

Being the goy boy toy for my beautiful live partner, I've heard Hava Nagila at many of her family's weddings and bat and barmitzva, including that of out son (aka The Boy) a few years ago. The whole party gets together and dance the Hora round and round in one or more circles. I've only been hoisted on a chair once and being deathly afraid of heights I clung to the edges for dear life and then kissed the ground when I was finally put down. As to the Beatles, I was shocked to hear Mad Men paid for Tomorrow Never Knows, the relatively obscure track (at least for non Beatles fans) that closed Revolver. Considering the context, it was the perfect choice. Surprisingly, the 1960s Beatles cartoon did an episode called Tomorrow Never Knows, where the off key catawallers found themselves in a Lost World style place complete with very problematic racial caricatures. It's definitely worth trying to find on non YouTube video sites at least for the trippyness young boomers and older Xers got to experience some Saturday morning. Quick thing for Nina since she's on the podcast, your Sparks series is very popular in the school libraries I run. I often point the kiddos to it who are fans of Dog Man.

Covey M.

I remember in the Red zone Cuba episode of mystery science theater Forester starts singing "marshmallow world" while he's in his full body cast and he's slipping in and out of consciousness There's no way that they paid for that. It seems like that show got away with singing a lot of pop songs that they probably were supposed to pay for, but definitely didn't


Weirdly enough, I've been watching a lot of MST3K recently and I spotted another Marshmallow World reference in a completely different episode! - Bob

Talbert J.

Nina said she mostly knows "More, More, More" from commercials, I'd recommend she listen to the bit after 2:15 and think about lying on the grass on Sunday morning of last week: https://youtu.be/yZ_QUh0lmj4?si=XWK5c8eMYhVeg-2l&t=135