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No chapters today. But I wanted to make a post so that the book people would have a place to come together and put out there any questions they planned on asking with their signed additions. 

Also, I will send direct messages to those patrons, so this isn't the only chance you have to ask, but this will be easier to see each others.

Post your questions below (In case any are difficult, some more time for me to think would be appreciated lol)



Are you taking a christmas break? Also could you recommend litrpg books that you liked? If you liked it, I'm sure it'd be good


I'm taking Friday off- will only be five chapters this week. I'll think about the litrpg recs.


What part of the magic system (Ather, Nether, the System) are you most proud of, or like the most and why


I'll be paying eagle eyed attention to see if you get five chapters out this week. I wouldn't care, but the amount of times you've mentioned the "weekly count" has made it hard to focus on anything else.


So have you been focusing more on the publications and editing them? Is that why it seems like chapters are fewer lately. Dont get me wrong. You are a machine compared to most other writers in this niche and model. But the quantity his slowed recently, not the quality mind you. Edit Ps Will we get a Shal redemption? Reading the publication really got me in my feels about Shal and his fall.


"But the quality his slowed recently, not the quality mind you. " you probably mean that the quantity has slowed.


I couldn't think of a plot related question that wouldn't be massive spoilers so here's my question What are/were your inspirations for The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound in general and specifically the Magic System?


it feels like less chapters but it actually hasn’t been with the exception of last month’s shenanigans

Stratos .

Why did you choose Randidly Ghosthound for a character name?


Why did you choose to kill roger Kingsley off after building his character the way you did, and had you not killed him do you think he would have grown similarly to Helen following his own image?


Which side character, among those that had their own POV chapter at least once, did you enjoy writing the most?


Is the current Randidly the same character you envisioned at the start of the story and is there anything you would change about him now given the chance?


If you could choose, would you rather that The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound become a novie / series of movies or a TV series and for it to be live action or animated?


How well do you think you would fare if the system you created for LoRG came into effect here?


Did you have all of those energies (nether/aether/emotions/Hierarchy of Burden/animus,etc) planned from the get go?


What were you originally planning for the partner villages(rabbit and turtle people)? I can only think of a handful of chapters involving them.