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One chap today. Also, early warning that I'll only do six this week, so expect another single chapter day Friday. I'm so ready for some time not writing or editing

So long as you keep winning, you will never lose.

The words hung in the air, bitter and deeply worn, as though she repeated that one phrase to herself, over and over again. Randidly observed the wild-haired Devick with a tight frown on his face. He could practically feel the heat of her determination; what had transpired had warped her to become absolutely obsessed with success.

His gaze then went to the location where the Master’s body had been nestled in the cracked ground. Blood still stained the stone in a rough approximation of his splayed body. To be honest, the Master couldn’t really be blamed for what had happened to her. He didn’t encourage her to try and imprint on him. The only action he took was turning away when Devick’s independent actions blew up in her face. His fate… yes, he acted cruelly, but he likely didn’t deserve this.

I let him die for no true crimes. And I… benefitted greatly from it. Damnit.

Randidly looked at his Nether Core Stats with a complex expression.

Nether Sphere

Fang of the Primeval Betrayal (Ru)

Weight: 591 (+61) (+70) (+52) (+49) (+80) (+63)

Connections: 1,911,242,177

Scope: 12,609

Influence: 1,113,002/???

Devouring the Master had pushed his Influence over one million in a huge leap, where he had previously been worried about accumulating five hundred thousand. By absorbing the significance the Master had gathered through his long life, he had pushed Randidly’s Nether toward a qualitative change and gained a huge boon for his evolution to the Legendary Rarity Nether Core. It was to the point that he was now tempted to wait even longer to evolve it, to gain more Weight in the transformation.

Randidly pressed his eyes closed and shook his head. It wasn’t a good idea to make those decisions now. He had just pushed his mind to the limit, studying the Grand Pattern and then helping Number One against the Grand Master. He needed some rest. Decisions could wait until after his headache subsided.

In front of him in the destroyed stone cave, Devick’s shade finally stirred. She raised a hand and beckoned. “As agreed, for helping me deal with the Master, you are cursed no longer. You can retain the PP you earned, but the Skill shall become inert.

However, Randidly felt something stirring in his chest immediately as Devick acted. The Stillborn Phoenix snarled, its event horizon shaking from the naked avarice it felt. Crackling lightning bolts and unpredictable bursts of light formed a shield around Randidly trapping the Unborn against his body. Its howls became audible, even through the image restriction of the mountain; it did not wish for the spirits to leave. The kinship it had found with them was a precious thing.

Randidly shook his head sadly. “I know how lonely you are. I know how you see yourself in them. But that doesn’t mean you can keep them here. If you do, they will just resent you. Maybe even try to devour you someday.”

The Stillborn Phoenix’s burst of power faltered slightly. He could feel its indecision. It timidly suggested that perhaps they didn’t actually want to leave and this shade was forcing them to depart. But even after only a few seconds of the image barrier being erected, the Unborn swarmed out and slammed themselves against the impediment. While the Stillborn Phoenix hesitated, some of the more malicious Unborn began to gnaw on the lightning and open small holes.

Seeing the aggression, the Stillborn Phoenix withdrew its energy. Its aura of depression deepened. The Unborn rapidly flowed over to the shade of future Devick, sinking into her body. Randidly could feel the mourning of his Skill, which seemed to resonate with his own mourning. He pressed his eyes shut. I get it, buddy, I really do. Besides Helen, I just haven’t had very many companions who stick around for long. For a while I might be able to travel with some people… but I cannot afford to slow down my growth. And I keep leaving my supports behind. So I end up alone, walking into some new, fucked up scenario with no one to rely on.

The Stillborn Phoenix rumbled and pulled its hungry energy back into itself. He felt its weariness. But Randidly also saw something that put a smile on his face. Future Devick clicked her tongue as she observed the same phenomenon. After tilting her head to the side under the curtain of her hair, she spoke. “I can force the issue if you wish. Each contains only a small amount of bad luck, but the longer you hold onto them, the worse it will affect you. In a thousand years, you will encounter dangerous accidents at unusual frequency.

“A thousand years is a long time away.” Randidly was somewhat amused by the long view that Devick took. He shrugged as three of the Unborn hesitated, looking from Devick to Randidly. One firmed its resolve and continued forward, but two flowed back and circled around Randidly’s body.

Congratulations! Your Skill Cursed Fates of the Unborn (M) has changed to become Cursed Fates of the Unborn Duo (M)! Skill Level will be maintained.

Congratulations! Your Skill Cursed Fates of the Unborn Duo (M) has grown to Level 386!

Devick nodded slowly. From the base of her hair-covered body, she too began to disintegrate. When she was about halfway gone, she opened her mouth for the third time. “You know, I like you, Mister Ghosthound. If you have time, seek me out.

That grabbed Randidly’s attention. “It’s been thousands of years since your remnants were created here. Do you think you are still alive in the Nexus?”

Undoubtedly. A being like me would not die.” In the face of Devick’s confidence, Randidly couldn’t help but agree. By now almost all of her had disintegrated. So much of her hair had gone that Randidly could see her neck and chin, as she smiled slyly at him. Her smile was a shaved crescent of beauty. “But be careful. Even affection from one such as I can leave you broken and reeling.

Then she was gone. Randidly finally released a shiver he had been suppressing. The two remaining Unborn gripped his side with their sharp and chill fingers, watching him expressionlessly. He forced out a laugh and shook himself. “Well, we can worry about seeking out Devick in her current incarnation later. Even with the strange time acceleration of this place, Don Beigon’s party should be soon. I need to take a long break and finish up my preparations.”

Randidly produced his Philosopher’s Key to leave but then hesitated. He still had the connection to the Path of Dreams. He raised his head and looked in the direction Number One used to disappear into the stone tunnels, then shrugged. Without a connection to it, Number One wouldn’t notice that it vanished.

Besides, the Path of Dreams seemed to be a sea of chaos that put immense stress on the shape of images. It would be an extremely blessed place to train his images, once he was outside of the restrictions of the mountain.

After one last glance at the surrounding space, Randidly created a massive Nether Ritual that surrounded the Path. Unlike the others, this newest Path was located in the sky, beyond the sea of energy. He devoured it into the Alpha Cosmos and the mountain hardly shook at all. Perhaps as a new arrival, it hadn’t yet been properly integrated.

Or the Master is so wounded by what happened to him today that additional woundings won’t have any effect. Again, Randidly felt a brief stab of guilt.

Then Randidly opened a portal and left the isolated space to return to the base of Edraine and Octavius. Edraine was currently in his Alpha Cosmos, but he was somewhat surprised that Octavius was currently absent. Shrugging, Randidly returned to his room for a long rest. But he paused right as he laid down; he had received a message.

I formally invite you to dinner, the message read.

The sender was Nrorce, the blue-skinned goblin chef.


The trumpeters allowed their clarion song to echo across the grand staging ground behind the Military High Command building. Flags flapped in the wind, the only movement in the massive space. Lady Iellaya stayed rigidly at attention, unwilling to allow even the slightest flaw in her salute. Next to her stood Commandant Wick, who might be even more rigid than she.

Around them, the rest of the Commandants also stood at attention. Behind them, the various remnant soldiers of Military High Command stood with an equal mixture of anxiety and duty in their expressions.

“Preeeeeesent!” The orator called. The various soldiers marched sharply to either side, revealing a long and thin path between them. They pivoted and saluted toward the path. For several long seconds, the dusty path remained unoccupied. The wind continued to blow, sending the flags wagging.

Then the wind, too, died. All was still, in preparation.

There were spots along the side of the parade ground where civilians usually were allowed to witness, but those were currently barren. Considering the current state of violence in the Nexus, none dared leave their private worlds to go to Military High Command, especially after the recent infighting that had occurred.

Only the Engraving guild had sent a group, which was more token than anything else. They watched with a strange sort of dread in their eyes, unsure of what this new development meant for the Nexus.

Lady Iellaya shared their worry.

The air above the parade ground rippled imperceptibly. Extremely powerful images drifted downward, causing Lady Iellaya to shiver. Based on what Commandant Wick had told her, even some of the old monsters who had obtained Tier III citizenship and lived in the Upper Nexus had come to observe this event. Elhume’s appearances were always sporadic, but he had been essentially out of contact since so many individuals invaded the Path to the Pinnacle. Which meant that most of the power in the Nexus sat in the hands of Military High Command and NLC.

The orator cleared his throat. “Everyone is aware of the current state of the Nexus- we are hounded constantly by malcontents and deviants, who seek to undermine the structure and stability we have built. While our leader Elhume handles those on the Path of the Pinnacle, we need to handle the rabble nipping at his heels.

“However, that is impossible without a firm hand at the helm,” For a brief moment, the orator’s voice wavered. It was clear he understood the significance of the moment and also the peril. Yet he was a small character. He quickly regained his balanced timber and continued. “Therefore, I take great pleasure in introducing you all to Military High Command’s new leader. We were so taken with her abilities that she has been granted the title of Actus Suprem, holding unilateral power over all aspects of Military High Command, and therefore the Nexus. Greet the Leader!

“All Hail Actus Suprem Devick!”

“All Hail!” The entire crowd cheered, including Lady Iellaya and Commandant Wick. Down the line, Commandant Zettlequill grew pale but still said the words.

Grinning like a lazy panther, Devick sauntered down the aisle. Even from afar, her blood-red hair cascading down her back drew the eye. She didn’t release a hint of an image, but none dared underestimate her. Around her neck she wore a golden chain that symbolized the office of Actus Suprem. One side ended in a vicious-looking spike, the other in a hook.

She had designed the chain herself. Lady Iellaya had assured her earlier in the day that it was very intimidating which pleased Devick immensely.

None dared even twitch as Devick slowly proceeded down the aisle. Her eyes swept side to side, inspecting them all for the tiniest flaws. But eventually, she arrived at the dais and walked to stand next to the orator. He bowed and stepped away and she assumed control with a satisfied smile.

“Although I definitely deserve this position, I would not be here today if not for my supporters,” Devick grinned. “Especially my dear friend Grand Marshal Ellios. I was blindsided when he suggested me for this role, but I immediately saw how necessary it was. Truly, without him, I wouldn’t have made it to where I am today.”

Her smile stretched a little wider. “Tragically, he violated the orders of Elhume and entered the Path of the Pinnacle. So I sentenced him to death. However, gone but not forgotten, as they say, eh?”



Um. Oh. That’s where she went. It’s the she the one who showed wick how to do the devour ritual?

Pinpenny the great lithian

I knew I recognized Devick's name from somewhere. I'm ashamed I missed something so obvious. In my defense tho, I'd started to think of her as Crazy hook lady and didn't even stop to consider her name.


Lol i hope wick is ready to get the shit kicked out of him now 😂


Thanks for the chapter


Considering the way Devick acted toward Wick and the history we learned about her weak-souled son needing to devour other souls to get stronger, I would say Wick is someone who her son (or someone who came after him) targeted and Wick wound up devouring them. Then, Devick made good on her promise that if someone devoured her son then she would treat that person as her son instead. (The reason I'm so sure Wick is someone who devoured her son is because Devick is an "Elhume," the nexus' old term for humans. She created her son based off herself, which should have made her son a human as well. Wick is a bear-man.)


I forgot all about Don's party.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


The balls on that inauguration speech though.