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The world spread out before him gleamed with thin threads of power.

Randidly controlled his breathing and allowed the churning storm around him to slow and stop of his own accord. The heat of his body, struggling under the physical suppression, rolled off his shoulders and distorted the air. He deactivated the Hierarchy of Burden and no longer channeled the forces through his body. The skeletally thin shade hopped back to his feet and Randidly spared him a sharp glance. But the shade raised its hands in surrender and Randidly relaxed further.

Truly, this is an immaculate view, Randidly thought as he glanced around. The brilliant threads touched everything. Various types spun together all of the platform. Although he wasn’t familiar with the behavior of each, having a visual, real-time representation of the forces he interacted with would be useful.

As the mist parted and the next stairwell was revealed, Randidly took the time to look at the explanation for his new Skill.

Breath of the Cosmos (T): A Skill that gives the User deep insight into the surroundings. The intersection of thousands of different influences and taints can be seen by the User. When the Skill is activated, the User’s awareness grows to fill an even larger area, although mental strain increases. Skill can be utilized in conjunction with other forces to control the observable forces. For in the wider Cosmos, only by witnessing its majesty can you begin to control it. Effects greatly increase with Skill Level.

Influence +17,051!

Steam wafted off of Randidly’s body even as the other shades chattered and wandered over to greet their new defeated companion. The investment of significance that he made previously flowed back from the skinny shade, instantly pushing Randidly’s total Influence to above three hundred thousand. He flexed his back and earned a satisfying crack from his spine. In terms of Nether Core growth, Randidly had no complaints about the mountain.

But for the moment, Randidly remained still. The darkness around his left eye seeped outward as he continued to study the energy flows around them all.

The more he looked, the easier it was to distinguish between the different forces. The entire platform was a constant interplay of bright and dim flows. Some were energy currents, with others were simply small breaths of air released as the shades moved and displaced the environment. Others were the influence of the Grand Pattern, gradually adding structure to the chaotic interactions. Viewing it all still gave Randidly a painful tightening behind his eyes, but with the evolution of the Skill it became manageable. Compared to the many times that Randidly’s Skills and Class had been broken, this was relatively harmless.

Congratulations! Your Skill Breath of the Cosmos (T) has grown to Level 400!

Congratulations! Your Skill Philosophy within the Boundless Deluge (T) has grown to Level 573!

Congratulations! Your Skill Breath of the Cosmos (T) has grown to Level 401!

Interesting, Randidly watched the shade move around and the particular patterns that they seemed to radiate, likely subconsciously, as they interacted with each other. All the shades have the ability to affect the surrounding patterns with just their bodies; their particular methods have become so ingrained in them that they rub off on the ambient energy currents naturally. However, there is a firm divide between them and this most recent guardian…

Randidly focused on the skinny individual with wild hair. While most of the others simply left a trail in the air that mirrored their capabilities, the few meters surrounding this guardian seemed to enter into a particular arrangement. Without the benefit of images, such constant continuity of pattern was extremely impressive. In essence, the shade could only rely on the small movements of his body to keep the whole enterprise on its correct course. While resisting outside influences, to a degree. The shade didn’t need to rely on the rivers of natural force that Randidly used to essentially dominate the surroundings.

But of course, that let him tear the shade's pattern to pieces when he came too close, but he wouldn’t hold that against him.

Randidly pulled all his energy radiation back into his body. He continued to keep his image physicalizations active, but he stopped Cutting Tides of Amenonuhoko. Even though he could still sense the surroundings with his new Skill, his ability to influence it rapidly shrunk to just a small amount past his skin.

Congratulations! Your Skill Breath of the Cosmos (T) has grown to Level 402!

Ignoring the loud and grating congratulations coming from the Lizakh shade, Randidly walked toward the staircase while pondering the best method to improve. Already, the physical suppression on his body was rising to 80%. His steps were purposeful, comparing his movements to the skinny shade as he tried to develop the beginnings of that subconscious ability to manipulate with just his body.

Randidly’s image physicalizations threw off ‘splashes’ that disturbed the different energy flows as he moved. Compared to the shades, he could generate more of an impact just by moving. For now, the resulting ripples were chaotic, but he gradually was beginning to see the patterns. Or rather, he was beginning to understand what patterns resulted from his movements; he already had a relatively deep understanding of the organic structures from his grinding on this mountain. All that remained was putting it all together.

For me, even though this Skillset is supposed to be unrelated, my abilities always seem to come together in threes. Randidly hummed to himself as he began to climb the first step. My images are assisting in the process. Yggdrasil handles the gathering of energy. Now I have the Stillborn Phoenix lending its capabilities to observe the surroundings-

Congratulations! Your Skill Breath of the Cosmos (T) has grown to Level 403!

-Which just leaves the Grey Creature. Considering the functions of the others… will the Grey Creature help me influence more effectively? Or… is it possible that it will help me develop a new sort of pattern that will be all my own…


Number One led the group up through the pillar of light to visit the domicile of the Master of Regret Mountain and the Sea of Failed Aspirations. The brilliance of teleportation vanished and the gorgeous vista of the surroundings was revealed to the group. The woman who had won the training camp unleashed a gasp.

Number One barely suppressed the impulse to do the same. His eyes widened.

The Path of the Soul led to above both the mountain and sky sea, putting them on a pearly cloud that lorded over the below realms like a peerless god. Upon that cloud was built a palace constructed from pearl and ivory, silver and creamy marble. More than a residence, that cloud palace was the crystallization of all his understandings of the Grand Pattern. It created the punishment storm that tortured all who dared walk through the three Paths of this holy realm.

No wonder the Grand Pattern didn’t disturb our ascent, Number One frowned at what he saw before him. Then a deeply hidden bit of avarice clawed its way to the surface. What excellent timing.

Since Number One had visited last, the palace had been completely demolished. The pillars were cracked, the central portion of the residence smoking, the esoteric and profound lines of the buildings and walls directly demolished. Most of the walls had been obliterated and knocked out across the singed flower gardens.

Even Master suffered from resisting Elhume. I suppose that is a given. But… Number One felt something was strange about the scene as he looked down from the broken residence to the sitting form of his Master. His greed rapidly vanished, replaced by confusion and wariness Why is his expression so-

“Approach children,” The Master said, sitting in the lotus position in the middle extremely large puddle. With most of his palace destroyed, Number One supposed that the puddle was the largest undamaged surface on the cloud. He floated just above the water, so when he gestured he didn’t disturb the shallow liquid. “It is an inauspicious time, but perhaps it is only in such chaotic crossroads that the next generation of heroes can be born.”

You hypocritical bastard, if any of us actually demonstrated the potential to defeat you, you would kill that individual without mercy. Number One thought while putting a fawning expression on his face. Yet his mood is so positive. Otherwise, he would not allow us to approach after clashing with Elhume. Why is the Master so happy when his cloud palace was destroyed…?

The Master was a squat, wrinkled humanoid. Unlike many of the other Nexus elite who hid their age, the Master considered it a mark of humility. His wide cheeks sagged into his fat neck. On top of the puddle, it made him look quite a lot like a toad. One nearing the end of its life.




In order, Number One and then Numbers Two and Four bowed to this being. All wore a similar fawning expression, even blunt Number Two.  Finally, the woman Lyra Silver bowed. “Great One.”

“Hm? You don’t seem to be familiar, child. Come closer so I can understand your role in the Grand Pattern.” The Master’s beady eyes locked onto the woman. Number One wondered if his Master would invite the girl to train privately with him, then break her body and cast her to the side like he had so many times in the past.

Lyra stepped forward without fear. But to Number One’s surprise, Number Two stepped forward as well. “Master, it isn’t appropriate to indulge in her sexually. She was one that I personally invited to the Mountain. It will reflect badly upon me if you do so.”

If Number One hadn’t been similarly dumbfounded, he would have quite enjoyed the bug-eyed look this statement brought to the face of Number Four. The Master was similarly stunned, not expecting that Number Two would so bluntly address this matter. Of them all, only the humanoid woman didn’t react, maintaining her bow with her eyes demurely lowered.

And that finally earned a glimmer of respect from Number One. Hm. This woman is not simple.

“Ahem, ahem, disciple, such a joke is inappropriate.” The Master’s gaze turned flinty as he considered Number Two for several long seconds. He sighed and shook his head. “To think a disciple of mine would have so much free time as to fool around with his Master. I will need to discipline you later. Your focus is clearly lacking. To one such as you, the Grand Pattern will always remain inscrutable.”

Number One also stepped forward. “Master, this woman grasped victory in the most recent training camp. Although she has been inside the Mountain for a short time, she displayed prowess that matches those who have been here for a hundred years. In addition, there are some unrelated matters I’d like to-”

“One issue at a time. Do you lack patience?” The Master gave Number One a scathing look. This time, Number Four appeared quite tickled by the scowl Number One suppressed only after a second. It was an appropriate amount of time.

A practiced lack of control.

“Child, ignore my pathetic disciples. You have done a great thing and now have my attention. You have earned five minutes of my time. Shall I demonstrate my might for you? Perhaps I can show you the origin of the Grand Pattern? Or-”

“Actually,” The woman looked up and smiled. Her red-violet eyes gleamed. “I have heard your eminence could distribute Paths. I hope that you could bless me with one.”

“A Path…” The Master’s expression became strange.



Thanks for the chapter

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.