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Makeup chapters! And as an early warning, I'm thinking of taking a week off in early August. Just haven't decided when yet. Prob the second week.

Calculating… resonance detected… calibrating Rarity…

Warning! Please see your nearest Village Spirit. If you do not, sickness and death may result-


Congratulation! Your Skill Talon Strike has evolved in Tempest Drill (A)! Skill Levels will be maintained. Attacks will be imbued with the natural force surging through the user’s body and projected a short distance. Pure kinetic force will be slightly empowered while all other forces will be slightly weakened. User can torque the forces immediately prior to release, increasing the effectiveness of the attack. Effect can be stacked, limited by the physical constitution in the user’s body. Power increases with Skill Level. Multiplication of the force increases with Skill Level. Restriction on other forces slightly decreases with Skill Level.

After a few casual swings, releasing brief flourishes of spinning wind, Randidly’s eyes sharpened to something deadly. His next palm strike incorporated a few lingering lines of natural energy into the attack, unleashed a twisting drill of wind that show forward and smacked against the imperturbable stone of the staircase. The heavy mists in the surrounding area stirred, but were not forced backward.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 247!

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 248!

The Lizakh goggled. “You… you really just copied my technique- ahem, since it has come to this, let me offer you some advice. There are several flaws in your execution-”

Randidly nodded without any pretense; the Lizakh’s judgment was true. Compared to the ability to condense elegant miniatures of the Grand Pattern that the Lizakh demonstrated, Tempest Drill was relatively weak. However, what it lacked in pure power it more than compensated with speed of use and flexibility. Because while the base ability wasn’t anything particularly special, if he forced the might of an entire storm through that strike-

Randidly’s hands lashed outward, tearing through the air. Bit by bit, more of the suffocating mist was pushed back.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 249!

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 273!

Besides, Randidly mused to himself. Because of how low Level this Skill is, I’ll be able to grind quite a bit of PP off of it while we ascend. In addition, the current Rarity is only Ancient. If I can gain a bit more insight into its usage, I bet that can at least reach Mythic.

Quite pleased with these developments, Randidly ignored the disbelieving mutterings of the Lizakh shade and turned his attention to his Path screen. He had once more shot up to almost 3400 PP during his time on the Path of Blood- it was the fastest growth in terms of PP that Randidly had experienced for years. Combined with the steady development of his new utilization of natural energy, the Randidly who walked out of the mountain would be a much more dangerous version than had walked in.

His fangs steadily sharpened under the pressure of the Grand Pattern.

He even had earned two new Path options. However, Randidly’s expression became heavy when he saw the first one.

The Ashes of Helen, the Ghosthound’s Bloody Knight 0/9000

The Bloody Knight, huh?  Randidly thought bitterly. To have the determined and zeal-filled woman reduced to that moniker made him want to rip the overlay System to pieces. He shook himself, trying not to dwell on the label. He stopped throwing out Tempest Drills at the mist, unable to put the proper focus into sharpening the Skill. Instead, he tried to focus on the other Path option that appeared to keep his mind occupied.

Excavator of the Two Failed Dreams 0/12,000

Randidly gradually brought his focus back around. His brow scrunched together because this newest Path was interesting for several reasons. First, because it was one of the highest PP requirements he had seen for Paths. The only one that required more was Glimpse of the Shallah, which took 20,000 to finish. And considering it was related to a mythic race of energy beings that may or may not have existed, it made sense that it was an extremely expensive Path to complete.

The second interesting note was that Randidly would have expected the Path he earned most recently to be related to the Grand Pattern. He had strengthened his foundation in Nether and moved closer to creating a combat Skillset relating to Cutting Tides of Amenonuhoko, but most of his gains were clustered around his insight into the Grand Pattern. Yet instead, this Path talked about two dreams.

Considering the energy sea that I sense in the base of the mountain and the other sitting in the sky, in the context of the Nexus… is it possible that the Mountain and Sky are both failed attempts by some individual to reach the Pinnacle? Is the Master of this place really so powerful that he can try to reach the Pinnacle without repercussions twice? No wonder he dared scream at Elhume when the Patrons led his fist here…

Randidly shivered as he pictured this mysterious figure. However, most of that was just speculation. Perhaps only by making it to the summit would he receive confirmation. Although now, more than ever, he was determined to take these ten duels as a chance to sharpen his Skills to the limit. This was a good opportunity to temper his understanding, without the interference of pure images. After all, he wasn’t sure what sort of being he would find waiting at the top.

Soon the duo reached a new step. The mist suddenly became well behaved once more and spread outward, revealing the entire step. Unlike the first step, this second area was filled with tall golden pillars that were covered with esoteric Engravings. Interested in these Engravings that he didn’t recognize, Randidly quickly took mental snapshots of the pillars and sent them to Neveah. Nether began flowing out of him toward the foggy shade standing in the middle of the pillars, meaning that Randidly was in no rush to start the fight.

Neveah responded quite quickly to his communication. What an interesting arrangement. It is a simple force nullification Engraving, but it also has an output function that is truly sublime. Would you mind if I shared this with Ghost? He would be quite pleased with something like this.

Randidly assented and looked to the figure in the center. Abruptly, he realized that the Lizakh warrior was monologuing next to him, and probably had been for quite some time.

“Heh, although my attacks are quite impressive, this fellow here has been an eternal thorn in my side. It just so happens that his insights into the Grand Patterns perfectly counters mine… well, also the fact that he was allowed to adjust his arena freely is the most important issue. He started upon this Path before I had the chance. If he would come down and challenge me on an open field…! But this cowardly fellow-”

By this point, the shade had gathered enough detail that Randidly saw a normal humanoid with long hair. The shade’s eyes brightened with understanding and intelligence but quickly crinkled as he released a deep sigh. “Ah… to think I woke up after so long and all I need to do is beat up you again… perhaps I have already died and this is hell? For how long do I need to be tortured by such a foolish individual… your only admirable trait is the ability to bother me...”

“Heh,” The Lizakh shade put his hands on his hips as he stared over at the long-haired humanoid. “You might think that I have finally ascended, but I’ve found another method for dragging you down! Now, challenger, demonstrate your Punishment Storm and overwhelm this fool.”

Randidly rolled his eyes, but still took a fighting stance. After a long sigh, the new shade waved his hands in circular patterns that reminded Randidly of a particular portion of the Grand Pattern. The golden pillars began to glow as they activated.

Rather than condensing the maelstrom of force in this fight, Randidly just accelerated forward and flexed his hands. When he neared the shade, he thrust out a twisting Tempest Drill that aimed for the shade’s body. The shade spun his hands in the air, using the Grand Pattern to manipulate the force in the surrounding area. Randidly was slightly surprised as he felt the shade’s Skill, but even with his high Stats, he couldn’t resist having his attacks redirected.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 274!

Maybe if I still had the benefits of all my Stats I could forcefully resist it, but with the suppression over 50%- Randidly scowled as his strike slammed into the golden pillar. Waves of force dispersed outward, vanishing as soon as his attack landed. That energy flowed back through to the long-haired shade, who looked at  Randidly with a depressed expression. “Ah… do I really now need to be tortured by two idiots? When will my suffering end…?”

“Disciple! Don’t hold back!” The Lizakh shade shouted. “Perhaps my heroic figure inspired you to imitate me, but this enemy cannot be beaten by typical means! Trample him directly.”

Randidly ignored the shade. He pivoted around and pounced forward again. His hands twisted in midair, gathering natural energy just through his movements. That energy spiraled through his forearms and erupted from his palms. The air whistled through his fingers.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 275!

Congratulations! Your Skill Philosophy within the Boundless Deluge (M) has grown to Level 532!

Again the shade shook his head, clearly very aggrieved by the whole situation. Its hands curled in a particular pattern coopting the force of the Tempest Drills and pushing them to the side. Randidly’s eyes flashed; the method this figure used was very similar to the way that had absorbed the wind blades in the lower Steps. Albeit with much more finesse and using a smaller movement.

Still, Randidly had no intention of trying to resist that effect directly. His smile inched outward, revealing hungry teeth. His arms twisted and strained to avoid the redirection, but he didn’t incorporate any of his insights of the Grand Pattern to counter the effect. Without much suspense, his palm strike hit a golden pillar again and dispersed.

The muscles of Randidly’s core tightened as he rebounded and began to cut again at the shade with Tempest Drill. More and more natural energy seethed around Randidly’s body as he began to build up momentum.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 276!

Congratulations! Your Skill Cutting Tide of Amenonuhoko (T) has grown to Level 580!

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 277!

“Fine, fine,” The long-haired shade muttered as he redirected Randidly’s attacks again. “Tire yourself out. Torture me. Haaaah, why am I cursed like this? Just let me sleep in peace…”

Randidly continued to strike. His palms were pushed to the side, but he shifted his weight more adeptly and transferred his power with even greater efficiency. He felt the way the Grand Pattern moved through his body and sharpened that blade. The air around him began to hum as the force he gathered grew so large that a portion of it twisted out around the golden pillar, harmlessly churning the surroundings.

Even if the attack didn’t land, that didn’t mean it was meaningless. That energy could then be pulled back through his body, empowering his next strike even further. Randidly didn’t condense a storm, but soon whirlwinds churned around his limbs.

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest Drill (A) has grown to Level 278!

Congratulations! Your Skill Tempest (A) has grown to Level 301!

“You…” The long-haired shade watched Randidly accelerate with bulging eyes.



Thanks for the chapter

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.