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“Hmmm...? What the hell is that!?!” Lay’mel practically yelped with widening eyes as he looked toward the sky. As seconds ticked past and the phenomenon continued to develop, he was becoming increasingly alarmed. The black lightning in the sky above the planet was weaving itself together into a massive kraken of lightning. It’s long appendages stretched out through the atmosphere. It was clear that this monstrosity’s intentions were not pure.

The group had been moving quickly across the plains as they headed toward their target. At Lay’mel’s words, they all paused and looked upward.

Just looking at the ambient power that was accumulating reminded Lay’mel that they were bigger risks to this mission than just Randidly Ghosthound. A war was being fought right above their heads. And when the big players began to clash, someone of his caliber would be slaughtered just from witnessing such an event.

Evick Swacc’s pig-like eyes narrowed as he looked at the sky. He took several deep puffs on the cigar in his mouth. Then he spewed out a gout of smog like an overheated train engine. “Hmm… if the situation continues to progress like this, space will be locked down as the Aether defenses are weakened. But it should be a good thing for us; harder for this Head Drill Sergeant to run away, heh.”

Lay’mel looked at Evick with wide eyes. “It’s… it’s a good thing if the Nether King wins…?”

Evick snorted and some of his thugs added a few ass-licking chuckles to the background soundtrack. “Lay’mel, this little Nether bitch isn’t a real threat. Commandant Wick isn’t losing; if I had to bet… He was letting the defenses fall exactly so space destabilizes. It will make it harder for the other parties to catch the Nether King… and give Military High Command to try and steal the prize.

“Anyways, get your shit together,” Evick said impatiently as he started loping forward once more. The rest of the crew quickly got back in formation and continued forward. And after casting one more look upward, Lay’mel joined them.

He had a bad feeling, but he was used to that. That fear was just a part of his existence.


Congratulations! You have completed the Hands of the Artisan Path! Your feet might be the vehicle you have ridden to reach your current heights, but the potent tools you have fashioned with your hands play just as important role. As you have become more adroit with your production, the capability you possess has exploded. Weapons might be the bluntest and most straightforward of your creations, but they certainly aren't the only implements at your disposal.

Congratulations! Focus +40! You have gained the Skill Gleaming Constructs (Un) Lvl 1!

Gleaming Constructs (Un): Your abilities to create and forge are truly beyond a typical craftsman. Yet through practice, this ability has been honed to new heights. When you are creating inventions that are not weapons, the result will be slightly superior. In addition, your creations will naturally possess a pleasing aesthetic. Effect on the result will slightly increase with Skill Level. Aesthetics will increase with Skill Level.


Congratulations! You have completed the Mysteries of the Fiery Emerald Waltz Path! Throughout your journey, fire has been a constant companion. When you move, it illuminates the shadows that run alongside your Path. When the chilling grasp of night seizes the Wilderness around you, it gives you a small alcove of safety. When you require sustenance, you use it to cook your food. For an individual such as you who has ranged far beyond the limits of secure locations, your relationship with fire has become increasingly intimate.

At this point, the flames you wield have been indelibly marked by your particular touch. They burn as emerald, lively flames. Their ability to illuminate demonstrates their ability to guide, while the capability of your flames to annihilate flesh fills your enemies with fear. You are able to weave joy and calamity together in a gleaming and immaculate form: your accomplishments have earned you a powerful Skill!

Congratulations! Willpower, Resistance, and Intelligence +50! Congratulations! You have gained the Skill Tempo of the Emerald Waltz (L) Lvl 1!

Tempo of the Emerald Waltz (L): You have the ability to manipulate a particular variety of emerald flames. Deploy the flames around you in two ways: both as a larger avatar around your body and as a wide-spread attack. While in the avatar form, the Skill can be incorporated into other attacks. Size of the avatar and attack increases with Skill Level. Ability to incorporate the Emerald Waltz increases with Skill Level. Damage greatly increases with Skill Level (Please note, it is possible to transform Tempo of the Emerald Waltz into a Skillset. Please see your Village Spirit for details).


Congratulations! You have completed the Flame that Burns Memories Path! As you have continued to develop your flames, you have brushed up against the ability for flames to interact with emotions!

Emotions can connect to all of the elements. But for humanity, flames most closely mirror the intensity and capriciousness of their own soul. As your understanding of both flames and emotions has deepened… you have recognized the way that heat can warp everything, as long as the temperature is sufficient. Even memories aren’t immune to that ‘excitement’.

Congratulations! Mana +1000! Congratulations! You have gained the Skill Memory Erasure (L)!

Memory Erasure (L): Using the extreme heat from your flames, it is possible for the user to remove memories from that target. Depending on Control and Focus, the scope of the ability changes. The process is easier if the target is incapacitated. The Skill costs a significant amount of Mana. Please be warned, there is a significant chance of negative side effects within the recipient. Specificity slightly increases with Skill Level. Mana cost decreases with Skill Level. Chance of collateral damage slightly decreases with Skill Level.


Congratulations! You have completed the Pursuit of Alchemy Path! To seek the ability to create something from nothing… that is the ultimate pursuit of Alchemy. And although the small methods and processes of this ancient pseudoscience cannot begin to rival the long and hard journey to the Pinnacle, is not this method done in imitation of that same most impossible transgression against nature?

Perhaps all those who seek power in the Nexus can be considered ‘alchemists’. To step on the Pinnacle is ultimately an act of ‘creation’.

Congratulation! You +200 Free Stats! You have gained the Skill-


Skill has been split and incorporated into Architecture of the Primordial Ways and Left Hand of the Nether Oracle. Skill Levels will be maintained.


Congratulations! You have completed the Primordial Might Path! Truly, you are a specimen that has not been seen in the Nexus since ancient times. Every barrier laid before you by the Nexus has now been shattered by your passage; rather than being weakened through the experience, you seem only to be emboldened. In your figure dwells the shadow of figures that are now long extinct. But during the formative years of the Nexus, they truly stood with significant stature…

Congratulation! Your Stat- Error, Recalculating…

Primordial Might (A) and Nether Brawn (A) have been integrated! Your Stat has evolved into Primordial Nether Juju (M)! +100 Primordial Nether Juju! Recalculating Skill… Congratulations! You have obtained the Skill Ancient Nether Fetish (Ru) Lvl 1!

Ancient Nether Fetish (Ru): Your accomplishments in regards to your own body have given you some insight into the essence of an individual. By absorbing some of your opponent’s significance, condense a Fetish of an opponent. By damaging fetish, you will deal a percentage of that damage to the original target. Effect of Fetish does not decrease across distance. Damage percentage with Skill Level. Ease of creation increases with Skill Level. Can have one Fetish per 100 Skill Level.


Congratulations! You have completed the Image Cooperation I Path! As you proceed, you’ve developed several independent images that aid you. However, such coexistence can quickly become complicated. It is a Path that few have chosen, but if a well-trodden Path led to the Pinnacle, many would have made it to that holy location. As you take your first steps forward, you can already feel the change come over you; your ability to mix images will only improve as you proceed.

Congratulations! Willpower +25! You have gained the Skill Image Adjustment Lvl 1!

Image Adjustment: As you try and mix your images, you have discovered a method to blur the edges of your images so they more easily assimilate with one another. The process might take a bit of the bite out of your base images, but the combined power you now wield will be well worth it. Ease of combination increases with Skill Level. Multiplicative power of the final image barely increases with Skill Level.


Congratulations! You have completed the Image Cooperation II Path! You can be considered to have achieved notable results in the art of combining images. With the force of your will and your inherent daring, you blaze a Path forward into the abandoned and secret places of this wilderness. Yet you can sense that this is only the beginning; your Path may be smooth now, but you see dark clouds on the horizon. And the field in front of you is wide and unpredictable.

Congratulations! Willpower and Focus +40! Congratulations! Your Skill Image Adjustment has evolved into Accomplished Image Adjustment (R)! Some of the drawbacks of the original Image Adjustment have been slightly mitigated.


Congratulations! You have completed the Image Cooperation III Path! As you continue forward, you have encountered setbacks in your search for the perfect method to blend your different images. You walk forward through the Wilderness and encounter dead ends and roadblocks more often that you glimpse the light of hope. Such is the difficulty laid before you that even you, for all your determination and drive, must consider whether to compromise.

The problem in front of you has no easy solution.

Congratulations! Willpower, Control, and Focus +20!


Congratulations! You have completed the Image Cooperation IV Path! Although your recent progress has been slow, you have never wavered in your determination. The reward might be sparse as you comb through the vast Wilderness for insights, yet you possess the ability to see beyond short-sighted ‘epiphanies’. Pursuing this difficult Path is worth it; of that you are sure. It is just a matter of how far afield you need to travel before you arrive at your destination.

Congratulations! Willpower, Control, and Focus +20! Your Skill Accomplished Image Adjustment has evolved into Determined Image Integration (Ru)! Some negative effects have been mitigated.


Congratulations! You have completed the Image Cooperation V Path! You have traveled far and wide to reach this small summit, but it is worth it. As you stand upon this peak, you look down and see the possibilities stretching endlessly before you. There is always more Wilderness in front of you, but now you have obtained a capability that can never be taken from you.

This is not the end, but a new beginning.

Congratulations! Willpower +100! Your Skill Determinated Image Integration has evolved into Image Amalgamation (L)! Through repeated effort, it is now possible to completely fuse several images! Time requirement will decrease with Skill Level.

Randidly chuckled dryly as he looked at the final notification of the Image Cooperation Path. Then he glanced upward once more, to where the giant jellyfish of black lightning was spread out and seeping wider and wider to obscure the sky. But he was truly looking up past the conflict in the sky, at the careful Aether constructs made by the Nexus, which were forced into visibility as the strain on them increased.

“You… your precious System...” Randidly’s eyes flashed with cruel determination. “Do you really think I need your help for managing my images…? This path is mine.



it shouldn't be + Control for the stats right? Control evolved into the new stat.


Thanks for the chapter

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


thanks for the chapter

Denis Schreiner

Why you take the path then dude wtf don't hold speeches get to it already