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Neshamah Rex tapped her finger against the wooden table with as much consistency as a metronome. Although she knew logically she should feel so anxious, she couldn’t manage to scratch some inner itch that continued to nag at her. The confident expression of Randidly Ghosthound appeared in her mind. Perhaps in two weeks, I’ll prove you wrong once again.

“If you want to join the hunt, don’t stop on my account,” Gabriel Swacc said lazily. Both were sitting in a small tent within the Aether Headquarters on the Fifth Cohort. Due to the other powerful figures congregated together in this area, even the struggle that wrecked the sky above them didn’t disturb their leisure within the tent. “Honestly, I feel like Commandant Wick’s hardheadedness is a shame. The first truly wild Nether King in ages and he insists on holding him at bay while we hunt? Barely even a challenge.”

“No, it isn’t that…” Neshamah Rex said slowly. Her tapping stopped. She raised her gaze to the well-woven canvas roof of the tent. With a thought, she detached a single particle of her Nether and flicked it up toward the roof. It passed cleanly through and flowed rapidly upward into the chaotic sky. She honestly had no idea why she was so tense; as far as she could tell, there was no reason to be.


“Well, I suppose even if this ends up being an anticlimactic situation, you wouldn’t mind,” Gabriel Swacc said with naked envy in his voice. The scaled humanoid leaned back in his chair, his dull red coloration catching the dim light from the torches. “The reward for the Nether King’s Capture is an unlimited ticket to Alymian, the Pinnacle of Dreams, but such an item must seem petty to the daughter of Solomon Rex.”

Neshamah pressed her lips together and ignored Gabriel. Her relationship with Gabriel was necessarily close, due to their two family’s combined image purification efforts, but there was no need to humor his tantrums. Instead, Neshamah’s attention remained with the small bit of Nether that she sent upward. With her Weight, she just barely managed to keep that bit of Nether from being assimilated or obliterated and used that small piece to sense the situation above them.

Due to her high Synechdochence, the Nether Core Attribute that was unlocked at the Legendary Rarity, a single mite of her Nether possessed an impressive percentage of the influence that the whole of her Nether Core could mobilize. So with that single bit of Nether, she observed the confrontation in the sky with the exacting insight that only someone who possessed Nether could rival.

Her expression soon became solemn. What she observed made her glad her instincts had guided her in this way; the wide-spread claim that the Commandant Wick was ‘merely engaging the Nether King to make his eventual capture that much easier’ was obviously a farce.

From what Neshamah could see, the prideful Commandant was barely holding his own. This Nether King was strong.

So if we are making a mistake here… who has tricked us? Neshamah reasoned to herself as considered the possibilities. Who is fleecing who in this situation…?

“Gabriel…” Neshamah began slowly. It wasn’t a good clue, but it might lead to something meaningful. “Have you heard about any shift in the Nether Core Lattice that the Engraving Guild possesses?”

“Huh? Those old farts? Bah.” Gabriel Swacc spat to the side, despite the fact that he held just as important a position within the Engraving Guild as the Nether Experimenters did. “I doubt it. All they can do is whine about obtaining more experiment specimens. If they have managed to change at all in the last ten years, I’ll eat an entire Nether Beast.”

“Hmmm.” So it wasn’t the Engraving Guild then. Neshamah’s tapping resumed. But from the depths of herself, she sensed a hint of anticipation. “Well, who knows. Sometimes… rarely… life can surprise you.”


In the time since Randidly had last seen them, his Riders of the Baleful Court had not been sitting idle. His Alpha Cosmos was populated with enough strange and violent creatures for them to sharpen their blades to a deadly point in the interim.

When he had unleashed them on the frontlines, the only reasons they had been able to hold their own against the Nether Beasts were their numbers and the aura that Randidly released to assist them. Now, the individual strength of the Riders had risen to even a bit above these improved Nether Beasts.

Needless to say, the addition of their tactics made it a bit of a stretch to call this a battle. The Riders moved with the Elite Squads, cutting through the desperate Nether Beasts with less speed than Randidly’s Absolute Grasp of Yggdrasil, but still with visible ease.

Congratulations! Your Skill Riders of the Baleful Court (A) has grown to Level 317!

Congratulations! Your Skill Ruinous Drive (Ru) has grown to Level 183!

Randidly folded his arms and watched. Led by the unstoppable, stomping charge of the Rhino-mounts, a large wedge was pushed directly forward like a bare blade toward the giant mound of Nether. While his subordinates acquainted themselves with their butchery, Randidly did two things. One was studying the Nether flows of these enemies, including the construction of the grand Nether Sphere. He dearly wanted to shear the entire thing in half and study how the transport worked.

Secondly, he continued to try and replicate the granular manipulation of Nether that he had seen in the Nether King’s Ritual by way of Ruinous Drive. He slowly could account for his insufficient Control with experience, but his improvement was only taking baby steps.

But even so, it was earning him quite a few Skill Levels in the process-


Randidly’s eyes instantly sharpened as a loud cry rose from the half-buried Nether Sphere. As he had expected, when the forces of Aether came too close, the top portion of the sphere began to bubble and seethe. Several larger, more ominous figures clambered out of the strange, porous surface: Nether Gatekeepers.

Nether Sensation sprang into overdrive as Randidly watched the Nether Gatekeepers descend off the sphere with all the righteous indignation of gods. DiOrtho, Charlotte, Vizzeret, Kallum, Jieu, and the leaders of the Rider groups moved forward to meet the Nether Gatekeepers. Randidly kept his Ruinous Drive active, but he pulled back some of the Nether support he gave his recruits; they should learn to stand before the oppression of a true Nether Gatekeeper without being in his shadow.

And for the most part… they performed splendidly. DiOrtho especially, due to his five-year advantage, possessed a dominant image that pinned five Nether Gatekeepers down.

As with the Nether Beasts, these Nether Gatekeepers were more powerful than the variety that Randidly had fought on the frontlines. But still, it only took a few seconds of studying for Randidly to realize something. These Nether Gatekeepers… are more powerful sure, but most of that is a result of superior potential. Because these free Nether Gatekeeper possess superior Nether Cores to those raised by the Nexus

...But most of that superiority is just potential; from what I can sense on the cores, that potential probably mirrors perfectly the Nether Gatekeepers I encountered in the shaft. But the Engravings on these Nether Core haven’t had time to deepen; these Nether Gatekeepers aren’t ripe yet. So why is the Nether King going on such a furious offensive if his army will only grow more powerful as time passes…?

For now, Randidly didn’t have any theories on the Nether King’s motivations. But he tucked that knowledge away for later. In the meantime, he cracked his knuckles and produced Sulfur and Acri. Both quickly moved into their position, with Sulfur covering his upper torso and a large portion of his left arm. Acri raised its spearhead and chirped.

Randidly nodded with relish. “Yup. It’s about time to go wild.”

As if on cue, DiOrtho’s Machine Horror screeched and lashed upward. Two Nether Gatekeepers were forced backward and the ram-demon accelerated to thrust a blade and directly impact a third Gatekeeper’s core.

That Nether Gatekeeper wasn’t killed outright, but it was deeply wounded. Into that space stepped the howling Vizzeret Clamman. In his streamlined form, he pounced forward and tore off a leg from one of the other Nether Gatekeepers. Even Randidly couldn’t help but be impressed by the display of physical power.

But the Nether Sphere had seen enough.

A resounding clap spread outward from the top of the Nether Sphere as it shifted and opened. A hunched figure straightened from the shadowy opening, seeming to claw its way up from the depths of hell to stand before them. Even Randidly felt a sudden pressure descending on the surrounding space; this wasn’t just a Nether Gatekeeper, but a true Nether Herald.

Randidly’s hands tingled with anticipation.

The Nether Herald possessed a head of a goat while possessing the body of a humanoid. In its left hand was a two-meter pole that had sharp blades on both ends. In its right hand was a length of chain with a dangling metal hook on the end. Its eyes were wide and blank and as bright as reflective tape. But when Randidly looked at its Nether Core, his gaze was screened by Nether so dense that even he couldn’t rival it.

The chaotic clash between the Nether Gatekeepers and their foes stalled as everyone felt the new equilibrium as the Nether Herald moved forward. It’s enormous eyes slid back and forth.

Randidly’s heart was pounding. This… this is exactly the opposite of the Nether Gatekeepers. This thing… is incredibly ancient. And, if I hadn’t been here, it would have torn my elite squad to shreds, even with Raymund’s help.

One more sin laid at the feet of the Nexus...

Randidly unleashed a wicked smile and stepped forward. The immense Weight of his Nether Core spread out to pressed directly against the Weight of the Nether Herald. And although it was immediately clear that the Nether Herald possessed a superior Nether Core, it’s Weight could only give way before Randidly’s.

The Nether Herald raised its head and howled. Randidly spun Acri expertly in his hands and then lowered into his fighting stance. His three images swirled together for a hug like three distant brothers at a family reunion. Man is Proud, But the Chimera Takes. Yyrwood Flesh of Yggdrasil. Cosmic Necessity.


The ground beneath Randidly cracked as he shot forward. All three of his images sang to life, containing a surplus of both concrete shape and vivid emotions as they activated. His image physicalizations warped his body in a split second. His heart was pounding. His blood was hot and he streaked through the air with a trail of steam in his wake.

The Nether Herald unleashed a suppressing pulse of Nether, but Randidly’s images had been built a spine of Nether; he cut through the suppression without even pausing. Acri blade caught the light as it slid toward its target. The Nether Gatekeeper realized at the last second what was happening and swiped its bladed pole across to deflect the blow.


Both weapons were knocked backward. Randidly was surprised at the Nether Herald’s Strength, but he didn’t dwell on it. That ominous he felt when he gazed at the complex Nether Core and dense aura was the real deal. He planted his foot and pivoted, bringing his leg around at a reverse heel kick toward the Nether Herald’s temple.

The Nether Herald saw it and whipped the hook up to rip through Randidly’s calf, but Randidly folded his leg inward at the last second while letting his body follow through with the motion. The hook passed harmlessly through the air and Randidly continued to spin. When his knee rotated outward past the Nether Herald’s body, his leg flashed outward and he struck the Nether Herald in the chin with his toe.

The Nether Herald stumbled backward but didn’t seem any the worse for wear. Its well developed Nether Core throbbed with rising power. Randidly could bully his way through most of the dense Nether in front of him by relying on his superior Weight, but the Nether Herald’s weapons began to radiate grey light that gave him pause.

Like the bubbles, Randidly thought with a slight tightening of his eyes. If this Nether Herald could wield that same incredible mass… it was time to stop saving his strength.

He planted both his feet and hopped backward. Again, all three images moved within him in concert. And this time they burned with all the pent-up fury that Randidly had experienced over the past several hours. The emotions had risen to such a fever pitch that it was almost painful to host them. There was a strange cognitive blurring to the air as Randidly unleashed his emotional limiters and allowed the energies to run as they may. The saturation in the colors his eyes observed sky-rocketed. Everything was raw and vulnerable and cutting and bloody.

He released a slow breath as the Nether Herald began to spin his chain-hook. Randidly reached forward and channeled all those howling emotions. Or rather, he opened himself and those forces gleefully erupted in the indicated direction. Tide of the Void. Absolute Grasp of Yggdrasil. Pernicious Fang of the Shade.

The Stillborn Phoenix exhaled, breathing those incendiary emotions through the deep roots of Yggdrasil. Guided by those emotions, the roots spiraled together, squeezing themselves until their very substance was compacted and refined, forming a powerful drill that began to rip upward through the ground. And then the Grim Chimera seized those violent roots and added all of its venom and determination.

By the time the ground beneath them cracked audibly, it was too late.

That root drill ripped upward through the ground, piercing through the Nether Sphere and annihilating most of the interior in a blast of powerful images. At the last moment, the Nether Herald sensed the threat and took a half step backward, but the goat man was still smashed and stunned. The root attack flung flecks of gore through the air.

Randidly frowned. Damnit, that wasn’t enough…?

The curving roots ended in a gleaming point that left a deep gash from its hit to its collar bone. But ultimately that would only slow the Nether Herald down for a brief period. Randidly planted his foot and crossed the distance. He placed both hands on the Nether Herald’s shoulder. It twisted its arms to bring its empowered Nether weapons to bear on Randidly’s person, but that second of opening was all Randidly needed.

Revelations of the Atramentous Threshold. Cursed Appetite of the Wraith. The Implacable Price of Exodus.

With eyes gleaming with blue-black revelation energy, Randidly seized a portion of that Nether Herald’s core as food and allowed the Grim Chimera to gleefully devour it. What remained was that blasted with the energy of Exodus, which shattered the weakened Nether Core.

Randidly was trembling as the Nether Herald in front of him collapsed. Despite his success, his mind was slightly woozy. Loosening the emotional limits makes the images more effective… but damn, I feel exhausted even after only using a few Skills…

And he hadn’t even been throwing his Weight behind his images. He had simply allowed it to passively boost his abilities. He still had more practicing to do before he could perfectly utilize his current abilities. But he did stand and savor how far he had come.

One of the foes that had brought the frontline to its knees had been defeated by Randidly in only a few seconds. He wondered how close he was to rivaling Lady Iellaya's power.

Randidly turned to look at the ongoing battle below him and raised an eyebrow. The recruits were still somewhat stunned by his sudden demonstration. “What? You haven’t finished yet? Huh, and here I thought you could keep up.”



Thanks for the chapters

Killer Pickle

Thanks for the chapter! . The Nether Gatekeeper realized -> should be The Nether Herald realized

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


thank you and enjoy your rest


Woooo perfect month!! Thanks Puddles!!


In case anyone was wondering, "A synecdoche (pronounced si-nek-duh-kee) is a member of the figurative language family. ... If you said "check out my new wheels," "wheels" is an example of synecdoche, used to refer to a "car." A part of a car, in this example, represents the whole of the car."

Idan tal

I missed him using more of his skills.. his showing off is just perfect

Idan tal

Last chapter he gained more then a 120 points in control only from his Fatepieces (+3,-1 per level), so more like 130+, doesn’t this help his in a notable way? Even a little?


Him flexing old skills and pushing them 100 levels up in a moment is always so satisfying. I'd love to see more of the neglected skills get consumed by combinations, or flexed in this way.


I just read all the chapters to get up to date. He can still upgrade his nether core and get the Alpha cosmos tide? I am just wondering whether I missed it :)


Randidly's Nether Core Attribute (The Nether Sphere, if i don't misunderstand) is only of Runic ranking (one rank below Legendary) in comparison! Disappointment! Refund!


So there are eight better-than-average rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Ancient, Runic, Mythic, Legendary, Transcendent, and Pinnacle and presumably eight nether attributes to go with them : Connections, Weight, Scope, Influence, (?), Synecdoche, (?), and (?).


Who is Gabriel Swacc? Was he mentioned before?


Many times actually. He’s the guy who “has the piece”. That’s what Techet said to his brother Raymund. It’s also Raymund’s reason for leaving his homeworld and going to the training camp in the first place