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No chapters tonight. The state of the real world got me a bit down today. I'll make one of these two chapters up, and I'll make sure tomorrow's two are extra long.


Alexander Dupree

Worlds fucked. Been having a hard time myself

Adam Roundfield

The media makes everything seem a lot worse than it is. Turn off the "news" and life will mysteriously get better. Or even just remind yourself that the "news" is actually a multibillion dollar mega corporation that makes money simply by drawing your attention to the ads they sell. So of course they are going to peddle the most horrible garbage, frame it the most attention grabbing way, and do everything they can to elicit an emotional response, because doing that brings them billions of dollars...

Killer Pickle

Read this the other day, explains pretty well why America is fucked and with a bit of thinking about it explains how they end up fucking everyone else https://www.quora.com/Why-is-America-a-fucked-up-country

Adam Roundfield

There are a couple good points in there along with a load of childish rambling bulldung. I would suggest you read the book Stealth War. A large part of the problem can be directly traced (follow the money and it is obvious) to the CCP campaign of unrestricted warfare against us for the past thirty years. If you are feeling really ambitious you can also read the book Unrestricted Warfare which was written by a couple Chinese generals and is basically their military textbook about how they will destroy the US constitution (which is considered the biggest obstacle to authoritarian governent) through disrupting, degrading and demoralizing the entire population. They have been systematically following this formula, and along with the belt and road initiative, they expected to win without ever firing a single missile...

Adam Roundfield

Just to be clear, the Chinese people are not an enemy. The CCP is the enemy, of their own civilians, of the USA, and of every country which is not already subservient to them. The CCP declared war on the world long ago but was smart enough to understand that it would not win with guns but through other more devious unrestricted warfare means.

Adam Roundfield

Never did the ole link swapping in patreon comments before, but since you provided an interesting one I shall as well. https://youtu.be/RU-Y9SnUEQE


It's America own elite who fucked up the country, no need for the CCP. But yes I think America's decline is now irreversible. Won't collapse, but will never be the same.


We would like to escape into the world you create. That's why we are here.

Adam Roundfield

The only constant is change, good and bad are mostly subjective. Almost all trends are in a positive direction, with the exception of what the CCP exerts influence on...

Killer Pickle

I was meaning the first response only, It was a good overview of some of the factors that are affecting the US and other country's by relation i.e culture, entertainment, news etc. I'm from Australia and all that's really on the news now a days is stuff about the US being fucked and I do know how bad the media has gotten, I was just getting tired of hearing so much of that shit.

Adam Roundfield

Interesting, I have heard that from others in other countries as well. It is almost like the media is at war with the US, or maybe that is just scientifically proven to be the best clickbait. I would say the US is pretty much the opposite of fucked, and despite the riots (funded by mysterious benefactors...) things are slowly improving across the board. Another interesting book I would recommend is Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan, very much worth checking out.