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Only one tonight, but I WILL make this up this week. Just a bit exhausted from the drive home.


Randidly released a breath as he stood before the doors to his sudden interview. He rolled his shoulders to loosen up. A guard in a sharply pressed military uniform was standing next to the carved double doors with his hands folded behind his back. His eyes were aggressively straight ahead. He seemed to receive some notification and finally acknowledged Randidly. “They are ready for you.”

What joyous news, Randidly watched as the man’s eyes quickly flicked away once he had delivered this missive from his superiors. It must have been a great honor to spread the good word.

Randidly glanced to the side. Octavius was looking over at Randidly wringing his hands like a dehydrated man squeezing a damp dishrag. If anything, this Overseer seemed more worried than Randidly himself about the whole situation. Sweat beaded across his brow and he kept rubbing his horn before returning to his hand wringing. “Are you… are you prepared?”

Within himself, Randidly shifted his images. Both the Grim Chimera and the Stillborn Phoenix receded from the air around him. He felt his body gradually shift as he suppressed even the physicalization of his images in his body. A grunt escaped his lips as the painful changes popped his joints. While the strength and definition within his muscles steadily decreased, his heart continued its powerful beats. With no other images jostling for dominance, Yggdrasil made the veins in his chest and right arm glitter with golden notes. His hair shifted toward black with an emerald dusting when the light hit it just right. Randidly nodded at Octavius. “I’m ready.”

The doors opened and Randidly stepped into the room. The floor was a material similar to marble, with elegant gold patterns swirling across the surrounding area. The ceiling vaulted upward, held aloft by massive pillars around the outside of the thirty meter-wide room. The heavy air of the room quickly enveloped him as he stepped forward, muffling even the heavy sound of his heartbeat.

It immediately became clear to him that his ‘panel’, intended him to be impressed by their presence. All five of them sat at a table on a raised dias in the center of the room. The air around them didn’t display even the slightest hint of an image, a phenomenon which Randidly had only seen from Kaan Swacc in the past. It was less that they didn't’ have any image, but that they would allow not even the slightest tremor of an image in the air around them. These were people who had incredible control over their image. That control became a stifling silence that sought to bully Randidly into conformity.

Almost effortlessly, Randidly shrugged off that oppressive vibe. Part of it was how far he had come with his own images, but it was also the anchoring of the significance in his Nether Nebula. If they wanted to stifle him, they would need to try a little harder than that.

In direct contrast to the panel, Randidly walked into the room while steadily radiating the healing energy of Yggdrasil. He tightened his Control over the sensation as his image expanded to fill the surrounding space, but he made sure to let his most support image be on full display. Per Lady Iellaya’s advice, he emphasized the healing elements.

There were five people in the panel, with Lady Iellaya on the far right. Of them all, she was clearly the least competent when it came to images; the area around her that was devoid of images was the smallest and had the foggiest edges. But even so, she displayed a mastery that inspired in Randidly a resolution to improve; she had not been slacking since being named Supreme Commander. Likely she had kept working with the gift that Randidly had given her, reaching even higher attainment.

Her face displayed not the slightest hint of their prior association, mildly meeting his look without any recognition. With her stern expression and sharp military uniform, she barely resembled the last impression that  Randidly had of her, mud streaked, bloody, and crying after Abiodun died on that fateful day. This was a capable, determined military leader.

Randidly wondered whether he would need to cultivate a similar persona if he landed this job. The prospect was unappetizing, but he could practically feel Tatiana staring reprovingly at his back. He instinctively straightened his spine. To accomplish his goals, he wouldn’t balk from making more social effort.

Immediately next to Lady Iellaya was a rather large man that seemed relatively human-shaped. His face was covered in thick brown fur, forming dense patterns across his skin that looked like he had a thin mesh net stretched across his features. There was a small smile playing across his lips as he studied Randidly, but Randidly’s Grim Intuition immediately pinged as he looked at his man; he was the most dangerous one in the room.

If an image was a marble, it would inevitably slide toward the suppression area around that man. And even Randidly was unsure if he could resist the stifling weight the bear-man released.

Next to that man was someone wearing a Xyrt Brigade uniform, leaning back in his chair and seeming quite bored with the whole affair. He had messy hair and an extremely large mouth that stretched low along the bottom of his jaw. He also had two small horns poking out between his unruly auburn curls. He didn’t seem to notice that Randidly had arrived.

Opposite from the two individuals in military uniforms were two women who wore NLC badges. Both of their trim, pinstripe outfits, ponytails, and glasses matched each other completely. Randidly honestly found it rather impressive that they could resemble each other so closely when one was half a meter taller than the other.

Unlike the Xyrt Brigade member, the NLC scrutinized every inch of Randidly. He had to suppress an urge to scratch his chin as he saw the smaller of the two women staring fixedly at his bare feet.

There was nothing on the table in front of the five. Most sat with their fingers steepled, while the Xyrt Brigade man kept his hands behind his head. Randidly was led to a seat immediately below the dias. He waffled between reining in Yggdrasil or continuing to allow its energy to diffuse throughout the surroundings but ultimately figured that he should seem consistent with his image, even if it would probably come across to these Nexus elite as sloppy. He took his seat and tried to seem like a quality candidate.

Honestly, he wondered what his face was doing at the moment. Even a hasty scan with Grim Intuition failed to capture exactly what sort of impression he was radiating.

In his mind, Randidly began to recall with amusement the few interviews he had gone to before the System arrived on Earth. Somehow, he didn’t think that this panel would ask him what his greatest weakness was. But just in case, he began to run through possible answers in his mind.

Probably the easiest and the most appealing would be something like… I train too much… ? Randidly’s lips twitched. No matter where it is, bureaucracy is a farce.

But to his surprise, Randidly found that he didn’t have to do anything at all. Lady Iellaya opened her mouth and began to speak. And to the moment he was sent out of the room, Randidly was never called on to say anything at all.


“This is Randidly Ghosthound,” Lady Iellaya stood and gestured to Randidly, who was doing remarkably well at the task of sitting rather mildly in the chair. His Yggdrasil image leaked out of the edges of his person and filled the air, as she had requested. Yet Lady Iellaya couldn’t help but hesitate before she began his introduction because the sudden change that her words had inspired in the young man was remarkable.

All of the latent threat she had sensed in him had vanished after she had sent him that message. His body seemed to have restructured itself. Even if the power of the Ghosthound’s image hadn’t reached an impressive level, his prodigious Control over it was shocking. Oftentimes, Control was what separated an average soldier from an exceptional one.

Seeing that casual Control, Lady Iellaya felt her eyes narrow briefly: it was just more evidence of the vast potential this young man possessed. They relied on Lady Iellaya’s position and Edraine’s raw power from the shadows to position themself currently, but it was the irregular existence of Randidly Ghosthound that gave the group hope.

He would be the key.

Lady Iellaya coughed lightly to stop her mind from wandering further. Then she continued her introduction. “He was assigned to my unit and served diligently, specializing in the healing of our image soldiers after Nether attacks. His performance was so impressive that he became a direct subordinate of mine by the time the Nether King descended to the battlefield. You have all seen the reports: his ability to keep his subordinates alive speaks for itself. And this was not a fight where any could hide in the rear; Commander Ghosthound was at the front with his image constantly. He endured the Nether corruption and grew stronger for it. Even now, his image is pure.”

She spared another glance for Randidly. He seemed rather puzzled but simply waited for her to finish. Good; Commandant Wick would turn against him if he spoke out of turn even once. They couldn’t afford a single mistake. Not after she had been spent days bootlicking for this shot. She cleared her throat. “Commander Ghosthound, please display your image within the antechamber.”

The corner of Randidly’s mouth twitched. In the next second, an enormous tree grew rapidly upward in the space around his body. The leaves rustled lightly from a non-existent breeze and the massive branches creaked and groaned as the whole structure shifted. The color of the bark was rich and varied as the tree continued to grow upward.

In terms of detail, Randidly really had improved. The tree that manifested in the room caught the eye of the viewers and held it. The life-giving energy it released was apparent and abundant. It was not singular, but the effect was certainly compelling. The benefits he could provide to the soldiers underneath his command was obvious.

Or at least, Lady Iellaya hoped it was so.

“Beyond the healing aura, Commander Ghosthound is also able to spread out a veritable sea of thorny roots toward foes,” Lady Iellaya continued. “They can defeat the average Nether Beast with ease, and at least slow Nether Gatekeepers down. For the same reason, he is uniquely suited to observe and interact with a large group of individuals at once. With his high Perception and Control, he is a premier candidate to train our elites.”

“Have him try and manifest his roots within the room.” The Special Investigator from the Xyrt Brigade grunted. Then he smiled cheekily over at Lady Iellaya. She pressed her lips into a line but didn’t say anything. She knew she didn’t have to.

A split second later, a physical tree rapidly grew out of the ground in front of Randidly Ghosthound to match the spectral one hanging over him. Randidly didn’t even find the request strange. Thick and dangerous roots lined with thorns rolled around the periphery of the tree like drunken snakes. Meanwhile, the five people sitting at the panel straightened, their eyes widening.  They stared, captivated, at the very real tree in front of them as its roots steadily slithered outward and its trunk thickened. Even the Special Investigator sat up and stared solemnly at Randidly.

The smaller of the two individuals from the NLC blinked rapidly, attempted to figure out what was going on in front of her. “Even through the seals on this space…!”

For his part, Randidly seemed rather confused by their aghast reaction. But just as soon as the serious note entered into the Special Investigator's eyes while he gazed at Randidly, he snorted and leaned back in his chair. “Ha, very funny. He didn’t generate these, he simply inflated biological matter that was already present in the room. Truly, what a nice parlor trick you arranged for us.”

“If you wanted a better test of his capabilities,” Lady Iellaya said with relish laid thick across every word. “You should have asked for one.”

Then she smiled widely at him.

That certainly silenced the Special Investigator. It also ran the risk of earning his ire, but Lady Iellaya figured it was a worthy gamble considering the fact he had abstained from every vote thus far; seeing the Special Investigator mocked would improve the Commandant’s mood. She spared a small look to the side. The man positively hummed with glee. His eyes were almost hidden within the laugh lines around his eyes. At least on that count, it would appear that she had succeeded. Hopefully, this good cheer would be enough to sway his vote.

“Can he though? Manifest directly in the room?” The NLC representative asked. She leaned forward, her eyes traveling up and down Randidly’s body.

Lady Iellaya looked over at Randidly. The expression on his face clearly conveyed that he didn’t really understand what he was being asked. Considering he didn’t know much about the Nexus, that made a fair amount of sense. So Lady Iellaya decisively shook her head. “He cannot.”

There were two types of wards on this interview room and both of them were quite strong. Lady Iellaya didn’t even fancy her own chances of breaking through them in a short amount of time. One set of Engravings limited new substances being created in the room and the other prevented any substances coming into the room through any method but the door. But Randidly Ghosthound got around both of these from working with the small bits of biological matter that were already present in the room. Which kept the display within the acceptable range of power level for the Drill Sergeant, after the initial shock faded.

“Also,” The other NLC woman adjusted her glasses. “Commander Ghosthound has been on leave since earning his command, correct? Do you believe that he has retained his edge while being away from the front for the past few months.”

“Yes,” Lady Iellaya could respond here without any irony or artifice. “His work ethic is staggering. As you’ve likely noticed from the report, his planet is still undergoing the Calamities. In an effort to better prepare the situation in the Nexus for his homeworld, he is completely dedicated to improving his own capabilities. He is their lifeline.”

Next to her, Commandant Wick shifted slightly, like a bear waking from hibernation. “But… isn’t that also a drawback? We cannot have him leave to face the Calamity while the Nexus struggles against the greatest threat to existence we have ever encountered. The Nether will not wait for his planet.”

“He will not be returning to help his planet with the Calamities,” Lady Iellaya responded calmly. She actually had no idea what Randidly would do at that time, but being honest here was a death sentence. “He understands that his greatest chance of protecting his planet is by working in the Nexus. With enough Coins of Territory, his entire world would be safe, regardless of the outcome of the Calamities.”

The Commandant folded his hairy arms. The smaller of the two NLC members stirred again. “And… just to be clear, he never has actually done anything as Commander. He was appointed to that position only a few months ago. Since then, there have been no major attacks.”

“That is true,” Lady Iellaya allowed. She opened her mouth to speak again of the capability Randidly Ghosthound demonstrated, but the Special Investigator cut across her.

“Let’s put it to a vote.” The Xyrt Brigade soldier squinted down at Randidly before speaking again with a shrug. “I abstain.”

“For,” The larger of the NLC members said.

Her smaller counterpart frowned at her. “Against.”

“For,” Lady Iellaya said. Then she looked to Commandant Wick.

The man was silent for several seconds, clearly savoring the power he possessed as the swing vote. It was exactly to give him this opportunity that Lady Iellaya had spoken first; everything was to prime his mood to accept this candidate. As long as the Commandant agreed, Randidly would have the chance.

Lady Iellaya’s heart began to sink as the Commandant sighed. “He has no experience with this sort of task… but, I must admit that he does have some unpolished charm. So… well, I cannot in good conscience put him in charge of our most talented youths. He is no more but a boy himself. I... also abstain.”

“Without three Fors, the motion fails. This applicant is rejected,” the smaller NLC woman announced.

Lady Iellaya felt very cold. The Special Investigator shooed Randidly like he was a naughty pet. “Okay, okay, we are done with you. Send the next applicant into the chambers.”


Kevin Mendoza

I doubt it’s the case but it seems like 2 chapters of build up and then ... nothing.

Corwin Amber

Maybe as he leaves he should physically become his images...that is always a fun way to give the finger to the interviewer :)


He should let all 3 of his images flow then he will be picked.

Alric Good

Interesting stody choice nice


She doesn’t even consider his images “impressive”? Wow guess power creep wasn’t *that* bad after all I suppose


Hey Puddles, this just migh be some confusion on my end, did you mean nexus key instead of territory coin? We had some talks about it in the comments a few chapters ago but ch. 934 mentions the nexus keys as allowing you to bring a territory/world with you through the nexus.


I think that she was saying that his control over his images is impressive on its own, not that his images are unimpressive. She was pretty clearly impressed by how far he’d come and the level he’d reached in the chapter before this, even if he isn’t quite at her level.