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How quickly my dreams of 10 chapters come crashing down xD. I think the covid 19 stuff is finally getting to me; even authors need the outdoors.

So I took a personal day to be outside and listen to the rain. It's spring and flowers are blooming.

I do plan on pushing for nine. So prob a chap Saturday.

Thanks for understanding, and everyone be safe.



I think that no matter what happens, you should leave one day of the week (sunday?) when you will not work, at all, no matter how many chapters you're delayed. Stay safe and enjoy =)

Knight Axel

It's all good man, the virus sucks. The test is very unpleasant as well so there's no winning lol


Enjoy your break!


"Thanks for understanding" before we even get to reply! Haha that is how you know you have a good fanbase :) already know we support ya and dont want ya to push yourself too hard haha enjoy yourself man you deserve it.


I admire your desire to pump out chapters, but honestly times are hard right now and while I might not speak for everyone, I'd be perfectly happy with 6 chapters a week (once a day and a rest day) if that meant you were staying healthy and able to deliver without pushing yourself too crazily


Yeah, it sounds like you are stressing yourself out with these crazy deadlines. I always advise junior engineers to underpromise and overdeliver. Have you considered taking a week off posting to get a bit ahead, and only commit to 8 chaps a week? You would likely remove a lot of stress from your life and be able to stay ahead of the curve, you would even be able to do bonus days or holiday releases, it would seem like additional material to your readers, but in reality your output wouldnt need to actually change.

Silver Beard

I’d rather you wrote a bunch and then realized you did 10/week after the fact than promise 10...and fall short; which is what you are good for week after week after week... Shit you are almost at the Wiz stage for broken promises. (You don’t want to be a Wiz) Do what you gotta do... quit promising stuff in advance. Let ‘cards’ fall as they will. PLEASE!