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Just early warning that my wrist is much worse today, but i will make these four chapters up. I expect I'll post sat-sun rather than thurs-fri.

Thanks for understanding,


Callum Brocklehurst

Cheers for the heads up boss man get well soon


Get well


Hope it feels better man. I’ve gotten sprained wrists before and they can take forever to heal

Scott Frederiksen

Protect those wrists! They're the since if our lifeblood!


Hope you get better


I also like rock climbing, just care for your wrist or you will have to take a long time out with that. A friend of mine didn't and he had to take a 6 months break on doctors advice...


Hope you get better soon, that sucks.

Peter Christensen-Calvin

I too hope it gets better... But I also hope you're actually letting it rest. It will never heal if you don't.

Alexander Dupree

Do those wrist stretches. Also get an ergo mouse and keyboard.

Alexander Dupree

Looks like other people are saying you're a rock climber. Do some wrist rollers every other day to help protect your wrist from over use


Be a man, just cut off the hand and write with the other!


Jennifer Lopez has her butt insured for $10,000,000. Your wrists are just as valuable to us


Some dumbbell wrist exercises are great at strengthening your wrists/forearms and preventing injury.