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For several long seconds, those two images were all that Randidly could see. The apple, hanging fat and ripe, disappearing and reappearing somewhere else as leaves rippled and passed in front of it. Watching, observing, passive, above everything that occurred below.

The specter that was all limbs and the one mouth. Throwing its body adroitly from branch to branch. Spinning itself with an uncanny grace as it navigated the canopy. Disappearing in an altogether more ominous manner as one tried to follow it on its meandering path.

Slowly, those two images faded and Randidly released a shaking breath. Some of the surrounding sensations slowly filtered back that had been previously been blotted out. Not because these Skills were more powerful than any Skills Randidly already possessed; they weren’t. But rather it was because he could already sense the quality of the raw materials of these images. There were areas that would need increasing image refinement to fulfill their full potential, yet reaching that point would make the images near unstoppable.

As Randidly recalled bother of their poignant details, he sighed.

Rubbing his chin, Randidly turned his attention to the 200 free Stats that he had gained as a bonus for preparing his image for this Path. With this sort of reward, Randidly was extremely glad that he had waited in order to finish. As it was, Randidly could use those bonus Stats in order to get both Grim Intuition and Vitality above 1000.

Randidly first turned his focus upon Vitality as he used his free Stats. As he closed his eyes and savored the sensation, he seemed to have some instinctual understanding of the regenerative qualities of his body. The fission of cells and the flow of energy between them became remarkably clear to his understanding. A whole world of natural functioning and recuperation revealed itself. His body became an ecosystem that he could reach down and gently guide.

It was a whole new toolbox that Randidly hadn’t understood before. Ways to reduce stress, to produce higher bursts of energy on short notice, ways for his body to be utilized more optimally while both fighting and resting. Combined with the razor-sharp touch that Randidly received when pushing his Control to 1000, it certainly was a formidable advantage. That would only grow more dangerous as he grew more experienced with it.

After that, Randidly spent the free points to increase his Grim Intuition. And the result of this qualitative increase in capability was even more ridiculous.

Perhaps because it was a higher-tiered Stat, the process was gradual and excruciating. Randidly could only grimace as he felt his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth tingle and buzz until the soft pinpricks became daggers. The pain intensified upward until those same pinpricks began to run over the whole of his body.

Congratulations! Your Skill Pain Resistance has grown to Level 153!

Randidly laugh burst out of his mouth like a wet cough from the chest of a pneumonia patient. It was, however, a testament to his extended exposure to pain from the hiltless blade’s tenure in his body that Randidly only earned a single Skill Level from the experience. Time after time, the sensitive membranes of Randidly’s nervous system were eviscerated in order to accomplish whatever improvement was coming.

Such is the burden of growing stronger. Randidly’s tongue flicked out and brushed across his lips. I wonder how close I am to completely shedding the limitations of the human body...

It was a grueling fifteen minutes. When the sensations finally began to fade, Randidly could only release a sigh of relief and try and orient himself with the confusing flood of information that followed the transformation. Five minutes later, Randidly almost wished that the pain would come back.

What he now possessed was something akin to a radar around himself that also gave him information on other people’s ‘radars’. Like, Randidly could instantly intuit the positions of people in the area surrounding his tent and also in what directions they were focusing their attention. In addition, Randidly received small little jolts whenever someone thought about him too strongly.

Each glance at his tent made Randidly instinctively straighten.

Likely it was just due to the fact he had created the vision of Yggdrasil earlier, but those jolts were quite overwhelming at the moment. This reaction seemed to be triggered more easily the closer individuals were to him, but also Randidly could feel from afar that Lord Miln’s mind was almost constantly focused on him. Vualla’s too, although her intermittent minutes of dwelling on him was a more reassuring feeling.

What was perhaps the most disturbing was Ileot Swacc. From him, Randidly felt absolutely nothing at all. And it was only when Randidly concentrated that he could use his Grim Intuition to locate him from afar. It was just one more testament to the difference in power between the two of them. One more reason to remain cautious about showing his cards before that mysterious man.

Luckily some portion of the increased stat was a sorting and coping mechanism that Randidly gradually grew used to using to lessen the load on his mind. Otherwise, his relatively smaller amount of 768 Intelligence might not be able to cope with so much information flooding in at once. There were just too many people nearby.

And the memory of the tree is too fresh in their memory, Randidly thought grumpily.

Thinking about how intense this might get during a battle, Randidly could only shake his head speechlessly. And then he looked at his four hours and fifty-nine minutes until he needed to meet Lord Miln and grimaced. 

Obviously, the last few preparations were going to be rushed, but this is starting to get a bit ridiculous. Randidly pursed his lips. Especially when the whole idea is for me to use that opportunity to create a new Class and Fate for Lady Iellaya. Gonna be hard when I’m barely coping with the information my senses are telling me…

Still, Randidly didn’t panic. Instead, he gave himself some time to simply experience the new sensations. And as he predicted, his body slowly began to catch up with his ability to gather information with his improved Grim Intuition. It was overwhelming at first, but his Stats were a part of him. And his Grim Intuition wasn’t so high that it overwhelmed Randidly’s other Stats. If it was just this much, Randidly could handle it.

It left Randidly with the open question of whether such a problem could emerge from someone with completely imbalanced Stats, but Randidly ultimately dropped that train of thought and focused on his next decision. He both wanted to gobble up some random Paths and to follow the Search for the Akashic Path, yet had to pick one to happen first. Randidly just hesitated a bit between which was the best choice.

Ultimately, he decided to follow the linking Path Search the Akashic I first. Because Randidly didn’t want to end up in a situation where he started the linking Path and couldn’t finish it because he already poured too much of his PP into random Paths that got him rather useless Skills.

The first Search for the Akashic was easy: only 200 PP. Every 10 PP Randidly earned a free stat which he dumped into Intelligence, despite the fact that he was feeling better with coping with the change in Grim Intuition. Better safe than sorry.

Congratulations! You have completed the Search for the Akashic I Path! This is a Path taken by many who have sought answers in the universe, to consult the Akashic. But yours is truly a singular wish. You do not wish to find the Akashic so you can ask a question of the Akashic about some grand truth of your life; you truly wish to embody the Akashic.

Although the slopes on the mountain you now climb will start more gently for this particular endeavor, the mountains you will eventually face will likely be even higher. Is it a blessing to know that no one answer about your life will alter the arc of your fate? Or is it a curse, knowing the weight of your past actions will forever cause your pace to curve toward a continuation of the past?

Congratulations! Although your search has not yet born fruits, you have grown stronger for the journey. +5 Mana per Level! +1 Free Stat per Level.

Randidly licked his lips. Level up gains from finishing these Paths, huh…? Well, there is very likely a Skill waiting at the end of the road, but for now, this is more than enough. Especially because I’ll have no reason to slow down my Leveling once I’ve reached Level 50 and condensed my Fate.

But some of Randidly’s optimism got caught in his throat as he saw the next Path available to him.

Search for the Akashic II 0/800

Jumping up 600 isn’t so bad, I suppose… Randidly thought dubiously. But still. What will the third Path require then…?

Despite his misgivings, Randidly poured the required PP into the Path and earned 40 more free Stats for his trouble.

Congratulations! You have completed the Search for the Akashic II Path! Even as the slopes ahead grow increasingly steep, your pace does not slow. Your legs are strong and your gait even. This is not a Path for the faint of heart; a typical individual would be exhausted to death by the end. However, you are not a typical individual. 

The Path stretches forward! Do not slow; accelerate toward the end. For if you truly become able to embody the Akashic, your existence will truly begin to change.

Congratulations! While you have not reached the summit of this mountain, the journey has strengthened you! Health and Stamina +100. +2 Free Stats per Level up.


Corwin Amber

thanks for the chapters