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Sick 😷. But the chapters are written. I can get them out in like 12ish hours when I'm up. And I don't want to fall behind, so I'll put out at least one additional one tomorrow.

The winter is always rough for me.



Who cares how you feel I want my chapters and I want them NOW! JK Get well.


It feels like a lot keeps coming up lately with so few chapters and what feels like lack of care from you about that fact. I hope you get better man, but please keep those chapters coming. Sucks coming home to "Status" multiple times in a row after work, especially with these recent cliff hangers. There's also no need to create expectations with a specific schedule, but please do keep in mind we pay for this content.

Killer Pickle

I feel your pain man. I've been sick for the past 3 weeks and its fucking summer here, nothing during winter but anyway get well my dude, take care and have a good one.


Please just literally stop posting statuses. I don't need to know what you think you will be able to put out, because half the time it doesn't happen. It would be sooo much less frustrating if you just put out chapters at your own pace and apologize for being late at the beginning of the chapter instead.


Thanks for the heads up.


Ah puddles has been dungeon time abusing again. Ty for status can sleep sound without thinking one may come out soon.

Michael Gordon

This right here. I rather be told im only get a certain amount a chapters a week and it happens than for someone to give me a time and date and it ends up not happening. It extremely rare for it to happen. Every time I hear 10 chapters a week, i just laugh and keep it moving. I rather have expectation set for your normal amount and be surprised with the extra than take your word for it and left disappointed. It's one thing if something comes up. That's life. But almost everytime something comes up and you end up apologizing because you didn't do what you said. Now that just making up excuses/lying. You write a good amount of content a month for the price you set. Please set a plan and stick with it. Since Saturday, it's been as many statues of saying you couldn't keep up with what you set down as their been post. If you don't know/ not sure, don't say anything. Getting someone expectations up are extremely frustrating when things fall through.


Hope you get better soon

Adam Roundfield

I find myself resisting the temptation to give out advice from a project management perspective. Stuff about analyzing trends to optimize your process, taking care of yourself and avoiding burnout, maintaining a realistic schedule that includes room for life to happen, and most importantly, managing expectations both in yourself and others... But I do not want to be that guy.

Zak Cornell

Tbh people are way over reacting to you taking a day or two, don’t feel like you owe us anything tbh paying $10 a month doesn’t mean we deserve you to work yourself to death, just keep doing you and writing the story it’s a good ass story

Bobby B.

I understand where you're coming from, but remember that it's not $10 a month, it's over $6,500 a month