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Only one tonight, but it's basically double sized. And I should be able to make up the other two on Saturday.


Even without Randidly pumping out some of the many images he could use to pressure Ki-Kunot, the air around him was heavy. In the past few years, Randidly had stood on too many battlefields. He had faced too many dooms. When Randidly made no attempt to suppress that wafting darkness that still clung to him, the air around him became humid and sinister. When he released a breath, his exhale came out as stormy grey mist.

In spite of the weird subconscious image, Randidly couldn’t help but be slightly amused. Is this truly the figure of a hero? Of a King? A CEO of a company? It’s hard to say what I am these days...

Although it was almost impossible to pinpoint the moment where he had reached this juncture, Randidly could now recognize that it wasn’t just the Crown that was an oppressive weight on the chest of these monsters that considered him. The other part of it was him embracing his growing influence. Seize the control that people offered him.

Well, perhaps influence wasn’t the right word. It was just an inherent quality of his growing stature. Randidly Ghosthound cast a long shadow.

No matter what Path he took forward, Randidly had gathered such political and anecdotal capital on Earth that he couldn’t escape his own story. And that brand became a strange magnetism that could be used to grasp the world and guide it toward his will.

“...unfortunately, it would appear that we have very different opinions as to our relative strengths,” Ki-Kunot said gravely. Her dark eyes were very solemn as she studied Randidly. They methodically examined every exposed inch of him. “If you believe that we would surrender, we have nothing to talk about. But I will extend to you the same offer; surrender now while your precious scourges still run as rampant as locusts across the countryside. By the time we finish with them… your power here will be broken, Randidly Ghosthound.

“Our homes have already been destroyed… we are at rock bottom. In this battle… we aren’t the ones with everything to lose.”

Randidly blinked. Well, certainly, these fools have more spine than I would have suspected. Are they hiding their true fighting forces somewhere else? If those four guards she has are truly their elites… Or do they truly believe that killing seven Riders was a sign of more things to come? I almost… feel sorry for these monsters.

How could reef sharks recognize a bolt of lightning?

From the monster’s perspective, they might not even be aware that they are currently inside of a Dungeon and being exploited by the System. As they were minding their own business, suddenly Randidly and his Riders showed up and quickly began harvesting the natural resources available in their home. And just as abruptly, they discovered a growing clarity to develop ungainly tools to address the situations.

But even if Randidly could empathize with their struggles, he was not the sort to simply stop in his own plans to right the cruelties of fate. Although he was powerful, Randidly didn’t have a god complex; he couldn’t save everyone. Everyone’s karma was there own. Whether this was sowing or reaping for the monsters, Randidly would not take their plights onto his shoulders without sufficient payment.

“...let me just say this once.” Randidly smiled at the broad-shouldered guards that were standing around Ki-Kunot. “What you’ve done is very impressive. But we both know that your foundations here are relatively unstable. And even if you think you can defeat the foes you are currently fighting… believe me when I say they are just the tip of the iceberg.

“But if you surrender to me, you will become my people. I will protect you and fight for you. Your world… well, there is a lot about your world that you don’t understand. If you agree to my terms, I’ll take you out of this closed off area.”

A Path forward for them was the best Randidly could offer. And as he considered how he would now have to manage another force, Randidly felt a headache brewing. Hopefully, they wouldn’t take as quickly to architecture as the Riders had.

But of course, this is just a flight of fancy, Randidly’s gut twitched in distaste. With the choice of phrase I employed… is there really any chance that this woman would see what I’m trying to save her from becoming?

Ki-Kunot regarded Randidly silently for quite a while before she spoke. “...I have something of a sixth sense about liars. But you… you’re not a liar, are you? You truly believe that we will be crushed by your scourges.”

“Yes,” Randidly said simply. For all that it would mean a lot of extra mental stress for me, please let my authenticity be enough.

Continuing to talk, Ki-Kunot walked several steps forward, until there were only a few meters between her and Randidly. Her guards stirred nervously but she waved them back. “In addition, I can tell from your eyes that you believe that even if we would win… you truly have no hope that we could defeat what waits beyond this… place. Even… even about yourself, you are unsure. That is how terrible your foes are that have forced you here.”

“...Yes, there are certain enemies that I don’t dare fight right now.”

Ki-Kunot took several more steps. Suddenly they were only an arm’s reach away. Looking at him, she asked. “We are strong. Stronger than you know. In exchange for information, we could assist you.”

“It wouldn’t be enough,” Randidly said softly. “I don’t have time to wait for you to grow.”

“In your eyes, are we truly so weak?” Ki-Kunot’s gaze turned sharp. Then she slowly shook her head. “Even if you truly believe the danger that awaits us, I still cannot surrender to you. Nay, there is no need to surrender to you at all.

“You might not understand this, but these are my people,” Ki-Kunot spread her arms wide. “We might not understand the wider world, as you said… but we know when to stand up for what’s right. Your scourges are consuming our homes… that’s not just. No matter what boogie monster has you so frightened that you felt it necessary to hide here and recuperate, it doesn’t justify what you are doing. So please, I’ll ask one last time. Surrender to me. With your knowledge, we can prepare for what is to come. You might be right that we are recently evolved to this state, but we sure as hell won’t stop until we control our own destiny. Betting on us would be the best decision of your life.”

Randidly laughed.

The bright light of determination and hope in Ki-Kunot’s eyes settled down into grim resignation as she calmly listened to his laughter. The two of them were still standing only an arm's length apart, although that distance seemed to stretch into a vast chasm.

And in that chasm was Randidly’s long shadow. It seeped out from him and filled the cracks and corners of the cavern, dancing in those dimly lit locations that weren’t protected by the light of the torches. Randidly saw the hands of Ki-Kunot’s guards tighten on their weapons as they regarded him with growing hostility.

“There’s only so much you can do with idealism,” Randidly said quietly.

Ki-Kunot huffed out a deep breath. “And selling out your humanity can only earn you so much, Randidly Ghosthound. As a show of respect… you can leave here peacefully. But don’t expect us to be so merciful again.

How strange, Randidly reflected. Somehow… I became the Creature and this valiant heron became the bold defender of humanity. And yet… now I firmly believe she is wrong even if I would have made the same decision, faced with the same choices. If I had been born to her Path, I would likely have chosen to resist and make a stand here. To them, I am the ultimate villain.

Still… I am not the Creature. I will not force them to choose to follow my lead.

But neither will I let guilt cripple me because they won’t demonstrate even the slightest instincts in regard to self-preservation.

Of course, Randidly acknowledged that he wasn’t giving the monsters much choice in the matter. But he didn’t believe he had much wiggle room either. Randidly turned around. “Fine. A word of advice, Ki-Kunot, War Priestess of the Silver Wings. Don’t let early victories go to your head. You are deep within the food chain of this System. Until you fight your own way out… your people will suffer tragedy after tragedy.

“Oh, and one more thing. My Riders already know this location. By this time tomorrow, they will come in force to exterminate you. I recommend you vacate this location by then.”

KI-Kunot was silent. She gestured sharply, and two guards stepped away from the door to open a path for Randidly.

As Randidly walked out of the room, Ki-Kunot spat out one more parting salvo. “It is the duty of those who wear a Crown to protect, Mr. Ghosthound. I hope your desire to consume never eclipses your duty.”

Grinning, Randidly looked back over his shoulder. The almost liquid shadows that had dripped out of Randidly into that shadowy room flowed back into him.“If you don’t carefully define who you owe a duty to, Miss Ki-Kunot, the world will bleed you dry.”

Randidly moved quickly back to his dome and began to work on his forging process, even though it was past midnight. Strangely, the talk with Ki-Kunot made him realize a few things about his utilization of Grasp of the Molten Core.

As he became more familiar with its ability to manipulate gravity, Randidly became more adept at making the distribution of bones in the molten metal truly perfect. As the uniformity and pattern in the metal became more exact, the overall strength of his alloys improved. With Ignition Essence, Randidly could easily melt all of the materials down to liquid form. But he had eventually hit a plateau in terms of material quality.

But somehow, this gave him the insight to understand why he had stopped improving recently.

What he was quickly learning was that the longer he kept them as a liquid, the weaker the final alloy would be. The metal attempted to bond with the ground up bones during a drawn-out process, creating tiny inconsistencies. Because Randidly was applying constant heat to keep the materials as a liquid during the process, those attachments would be broken, creating infinitesimal flaws.

But the longer the metals stayed liquid, the more of these piled up.

Therefore, it needed to be as perfect as it could be as quickly as possible.

The work tables around him were covered with engraving bracers and ingots. With a flick of the finger, Randidly used Infinite Fingers of Yggdrasil to clear a space and got to work. Faster and faster, Randidly whirled around his molten metal to form his ingots. Then, while those ingots were cooling, Randidly would form the next batch. Then he would test the new ingots, let the new ones harden, and then begin the next batch.

By morning, Randidly had created almost a hundred ingots of the highest quality. It wasn’t a perfect process, but he was learning how to use his Skills to their limits.

It was during just that good mood, probably around lunchtime of the next day, that the Riders brought Randidly the severed head of Ki-Kunot to prove that they had accomplished the task he had set to them.

Contrary to his warning, the rebels hadn’t left that base. They had simply spent the last twenty-four hours of their lives turning that area into an approximation of a fortress. Unfortunately for them, the deaths amongst the Riders  meant that the two Legions grudgingly worked together on the extermination mission. When the Riders arrived, they were forced to march into a cramped tunnel filled with enemies and traps.

Which of course, the Riders did so without hesitation. They were Riders for the Baleful Court. But more than that, they had spent the last five months tinkering with traps and construction. Nothing that the rebels could manage in this cave system in only twenty-four hours had any chance in hell of being able to stop them.

Never mistake the result of an ambush for a predictor of what would happen in a direct confrontation, Randidly thought as he stared at the bloody head of Ki-Kunot. Her beak was cracked and oozed blood. But still he delicately took it from the Riders who had made the report. That’s a lesson I had to learn early. And still, I often make that mistake. I could have taught you that. I wanted to teach you. But… I wouldn’t force the issue. Your life is your own.

Randidly dismissed the Riders and promised them a special reward for this. But Randidly kept the head in his hands. It was so light that it was easy to forget it was there. Some part of him regretted taking the head from the Riders, but another knew it was the right decision.

Strangely, Randidly knew he had more to say to it. Although lessons meant nothing to the dead, that didn’t mean it meant nothing for Randidly to try and impart those lessons.

Perhaps it is a harder thing than I thought to steel myself for the lives we destroy as we reach for enough power that we, in turn, are not destroyed. Randidly raised his hand and touched his chest. Then he shook his head and hefted the skull of Ki-Kunot.

“Is this what I looked like to the Creature…? Well, is this how the Creature thought I would end?” Randidly said aloud.

The dead head didn’t answer. Sighing, Randidly shifted his grip to the beak and carried it outside into the warm glow of the sun. A sliver of Mana created a root shaped like a shover piercing up out of the ground. Randidly took it and considering the surrounding area. Finally, he settled on a spot near to the stone monolith and began to dig.

“What makes us different except luck?” Randidly asked the air. He stuck his shovel in the dirt, tossed the loosened soil to the side, and then repeated the process. In the face of his single-minded determination, the ground slowly gave way. “If the Creature had been less interested in seeing how I would grow… if the Creature had conspired to put me in a Dungeon with someone less exemplary than Shal… if I had made a single mistake in dozens of situations… if Aegiant had just dived into the pool of lava to kill me...”

Randidly paused. “If I didn’t meet Neveah…”

Just like there were similar mindsets which indicated that Randidly could have gone down the same path of foolish resistance that Ki-Kunot, there were reasons that it hadn’t happened. And all of these reasons were not things of his own doing. Rewards that he had fought and earned, but nothing that made Randidly believe he could have done any better in Ki-Kunot’s shoes.

There was even a grudging admittance in Randidly’s chest that he owed a deep debt to the Creature. In seeking to shape his environment, he had been indelibly shaped to be a monster. Just like he had learned a deep determination from the Spearman. Mercy had been beaten out of him by the cruel hand of reality. Perhaps if the lessons hadn’t been so harsh, Randidly wouldn’t have felt only small qualms at the thought of allowing the monster resistance to run itself through on the blade of Randidly’s Riders.

So many other Paths. So many choices I could have made that would have made it almost impossible for me to survive.

“...but I did survive.” Randidly tossed the head into the hole and began to fill it in with dirt. Several shadows crawled out of the grave and joined the thousands of others that rejoiced in the sea of shadow that Randidly cast behind them.

With great care he watched those shadows join him. Although they appeared like shadows, they were truly threads of karma. But what I can’t tell is if these are chains that will behind me or a Path I will use to walk forward.



Dark chapter


From declaring himself "Loyal Benefactor of the Weak" in one chapter to massacreing people hiding in their home in the next, and all in order to save time in a time dilated dungeon. Randidly's turned into a right bastard.

Joshua Little

Excellent. The ending really reminds me of the Grim Chimera and the new skill he is practising. Finding the paths he didn't take could help him find or avoid some karma. Thanks for the chapter.


I believe that was a title given to him when he made his class. Not something he chose and has to accept that it's a part of him.


I think you need to modify a bit their conversation Puddles, or at least change who RG is talking to. For example "And selling out your humanity can only earn you so much", how does she know what humanity is ? Honestly the whole conversation was great but coming from monsters it kinda springs from nowhere. Sure there has been a lot of Aether pumped into them but that doesn't explain why it would make them so intelligent and moral. For me you would need to explain why they became like this more thoroughly for the conversation to have more weight. Otherwise I feel like this conversation would be more appropriate with a person from his Soulskill.


this is gonna be kinda a rant, before that though i want to say thank you i love these chapters and am always looking forward to more. And now for the rant. this is more related to the last chapters than this one but we keep talking about paths taken and not taken distance from choices etc, if randidly were to take lots of smaller less used paths would that make the strain on randidly lower from using his All Else Succumbs, Yet Time Whirls the Earth since it would lower the distance of him being able to do more things. Also one other question if skills have paths associated with them shouldnt randidly have ALOT more paths to take since lets say someone else focused on cooking and got to 100 like RG did they would get a path wouldnt they? why doesnt RG have a path for every level 100 skill he has. I do understand it could just be a pain to write all of them. Especially considering he has so many skills, but with how RG gets insane amounts of PP from soul skill, technically instead of just raising his paths to insane levels of PP required he could just get menial paths to lower the strain on, All Else Succumbs, Yet Time Whirls the Earth. the reason i bring this up is because lets say anyone else from any cohort who is similarly strong (not same number of skills) but lets say someone who is worthy of being a patron would unlock some of the paths that randidly has... but the PP required for them would have taken hundreds of years for normal people... RG cant be the only person with skill ratings as high as his own but theres no way anyone else could get the PP required for it i bet you shall hasnt even gotten 10k total. You would need 40 skills at level 250 to get 10k... where as i remember some people dont even have 20 skills and randidly has used 10k just on the yggdrasil paths alone if not more

Corwin Amber

thanks for the chapter


I thought about the humanity line, but ultimately the system is a giant translation software. I thought it less as a specific term and more as a broader concept translated to be applicable.

Joel Sasmad

I have to ask why he had to kill her. Her forces attacked his summons because they were stripping resources from her home to fuel a blatantly pointless dick measuring competition. Randidly immediately demands surrender or death when they fight back even though this has absolutely nothing to do with his growth in power or goals in this dungeon. He shows a willingness to take them as allies but only if they completely surrender to him. There is no thought that he could agree to reign in his riders and make allies anyways. There is no thought that he easily could avoid pointless slaughter. He is not a king he is a slave of completely pointless ego using the failure idealism and naivety as excuses to justify his unnessassary cruelty and further delude himself.

Prinny Knight

I'm assuming here but, I'm pretty sure some paths are forced on him while alot of the others are ones that fit his mindset. Just like a man who focuses on cooking, his tech with a cleaver would be impressive but would most likely lean towards a neutral/passive skill -dood- The system seems to work towards the individuals character. -dood-


Mmm. Shal shoulda put a little more elbow into it when he was teaching Randidly to respect life.


To everyone who thinks that RG turning into an authoritarian dick breaks character, think about all the discussions Puddles has had recently about images. People define their images, but eventually the images define them. First you dedicate yourself to the image to make it strong. Then (like RG at the coliseum) you can't act counter to your image without risking undermining it. Over time the image gets stronger and makes the aether inflexible. Makes YOU inflexible. Eventually you're like the elders in cohort 5 who can't use their aether without it corrupting them and forcing their behaviors.

Joel Sasmad

That makes alot of sense. Looking at it that way you fundamentally sell away your own agency in exchange for a form of power. Maybe images actually is not the best way forward in terms of growth for earth. Though I suppose they were already going in that direction with the image of Donnyton.


Actually, not giving a shit about weak and not caring about consequences their actions will bring to the weak is also the privilege of the strong. I did not see any reason why would Randidly kill the bird queen. If he properly demonstrated his powers to her and showed the gap and explained some of the situations in the world, she would surrender unless she's stupid. Otherwise, it would be just suicidal on her part. It was just needlessly cruel to kill such sentient creatures for nothing much. Also, Randidly gets a bit too influenced by that crown. The novel is named adventure of the Randidly Ghosthound and not the adventure of the crown of doom and gloom. Also, I liked when Randidly gave the leadership of Donnytown to someone else because he did not want to be in a position of leader, yet now he has that crown and he became near merciless and even hates when people dare to challenge his will. I hope he gets rid of that skill or at least manages to get proper control over its influence. You can sacrifice for the greater good...but not when you don't have to.


'It seemed out from him and filled' -> seeped 'Unfortunately for them, the deaths amongst the Riders that the two Legions grudgingly worked together on the extermination mission.' -> ', because of the death amongst the Riders the two Legions grudgingly worked together' or something like that? I just feel there's something missing there 'a root shaped like a shover' -> shovel