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I think I editted the prior chapter rather than posting this xD. I'll have to fix that.

But anyway, I want to sleep on a decision I'm wrestling with for the fight setup. I'll likely get up and post almost immediately, I just want a bit of space to think. 



Yes, zone 7 should have a spy or someone at the fight to report back how OP Randidly is. Or another zone, because seeing people's reactions to him are one of my favorite things


Didn't they already say they were sending a spy? Would be satisfying to see the guy get caught while trying to steal industrial secrets.


I've really been wondering what happened to all the nukes and weapons of war... Shouldn't some of the New zones have a military base.... And speaking of military bases what happened to CDC buildings and places like New York


He should have his arms raised in a perfectly straight, one hundred and eighty-degree angle while standing in the shape of the letter T.


When has Puddz ever not reasonably explained any major plot point?


I don't really see the point of your post other than putting extra pressure on the author. I feel like an author has the right to take the story in whichever way they want it to go, and if they ask for idea's or advice from their readers great, otherwise keep the negativity to a minimum. If you don't like how the story is going fine, and if you want to stop reading thats fine too, and if you want to give the reason you stopped maybe puddlez. will take it under advisement. But threatening to stop reading if things dont go the way you want just puts pressure on puddlez, and kind of pisses me off because i've seen a lot of internet authors quit because of the negativity feedback they were getting from readers.

Russell Todd

Gonna agree with sub and connor here. Comment is oddly aggressive and not constructive.


That would make for some awesome danger zones, places where nukes went off

Azuolas Korsakas

Is it just me or will randidly ejaculating already be stronger than a nuke. Btw. What would happen if he used all the sun balls and inspiration on a single move? Boom or smthn else?


You've been sleeping for a while, are you alright?