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Thanks everyone for all the kind words. And apologies for the interrupted schedule these past few weeks.

Not that I like going back on my word, but if y’all are so understanding, I’d rather not go through the hassle of posting this weekend. 

Which means there should be a release Tuesday... likely a double release.

So yea, a few good days of rest will do me good.

I’ll see everyone Tuesday!

Oh, and I was seeing if people would be interested in watching me write in real time with an q and a session after. So let me know if you’d be interest in that.



Are there going to be chapters today?

Nathan Emerson

That is great, the long term is more important.


Lol, I'm sure you're one of few people that would consider 4 days a vacation. Either way, enjoy it while you can! I'd enjoy watching live with a q+a, but it would depend on when during the day.

Matthew Gates

Hell ya. Might not be able to depending on the timing but the interest is there.


Hey take all the time you need m8 :) your mental health and the quality of the story are much more important than just pushing out a bunch of chapters :p and honestly I’m always surprised by how many chapters you whip up in the time you do with full quality. Keep up the good work man.


You already release more than any other authors I know and the quality is the same if not better than my favorite stories.


are today's cancelled too or just the make up ones you mentioned?


Eh even if we got today’s 2 not much significant progress would occur in the story. Rather just wait for continuous releases after he returns. Regarding the “make ups” I personally just write those off since he rarely actually makes up all the skipped days. No biggie really, he still uploads far more than any other author I follow/support regularly.

Azuolas Korsakas

Good on you puddz. Q&A seems cool. Have a great time with your vacation :)


Enjoy your vacation mate

Muntu Omnyama

Live watch with Q and A sounds fab