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Oh, here's a good space for reader input. How much non-Rand POV should there be before he arrives back? I don't plan to fill in all the gaps of what has happened while he has been gone, but suffice to say things have been rough on Earth. If you want a few Earth chapters, just let me know what characters and locations we should cover.


Living arrangements were easy and the Matriarch’s second request of providing a spear master for the one twin, Sleval, was similarly simple. Since Randidly had planned to send both children to the University, it worked out wonderfully.

Annon, the slightly younger and scrawnier brother, posed a thornier problem.

“I will leave this place,” Randidly warned. “He will be taken from all he has known. And the threats I will face… He is young. Let him grow up here. And your abilities as a Mana Engraver-”

The Matriarch cast her eyes meaningfully at the large leather-bound and handwritten book that lay on the table between them. “The Skills at Engraving belonged to my husband; I was never all that talented. And as we were fleeing, my guidance served the Willow Tree Spear Style just fine. However, Annon has displayed talent and interest in Engraving since he was small. I wish for him to have the opportunities to learn the Skills of his grandfather. And for that… I can only rely on you.”

“There is no guarantee that I can learn this,” Randidly admitted helplessly. The book on the table between them was the secret art of the Willow Tree Spear Style, creating a runic engraving that could Level like a regular Skill, without affecting your Class’ Skill limit. The basic version of it was to draw a complicated geometric pattern lightly and then fill in a small portion of the geometric pattern with more definitive engravings. That way, it could function as a Skill, and as it grew, spread to larger and larger geometric shape in the previously traced whole.

The Skill, in effect, self-replicated itself, doubling down on the abilities of the Skill. Although Randidly wasn’t sure of the scaling, it was clearly a powerful art.

There were quite a few caveats, however. All the interrelations needed to be perfect for the engraving to be stable, or it would explode and destroy the item. Depending on what Skill the maker was attempting to imbue into the item, the geometric pattern used needed to match the Skill’s, or the item would explode. And the creator needed to have mastery and understanding of the Skill at all levels, or… the item would explode.

Basically, the process was akin to playing with dynamite, where you lit the fuse by using the Skill. It might grow, it might explode. There was no way of truly telling without experience making such runes.

That experience would only happen if Randidly took the risk of a weapon blowing up while using it.

In addition, Randidly considered himself talented, but the level of fine detail required in the geometric patterns was mind-boggling. Simply sketching them out on the equipment, before creating the kernel of the actual Skill, would likely take three days of work.

“Even so, there is no one else.” The Matriarch turned and looked at Annon and Sleval, who were gawking at the new, full-length Tassle of the Willow Tree Spear Style that hung on the wall. It had been a long time since they had felt confident enough to announce who they were to the world. “Annon was always a strange child. Going with you will likely be a good experience for him.”

Randidly winced. Somehow, he doubted traveling with Randidly would be a good thing. “What about his brother? I cannot guarantee that I will return soon. Or at all. If something happens to me-”

“That is the way of life.” The Matriarch interrupted. “Nothing is guaranteed. And the bond between those brothers is not so weak that distance would destroy it.”

Randidly gritted his teeth but said nothing. Taking Annon and teaching him Engraving was annoying but possible. Especially once he returned to Earth and had access to the resources of Erickson Steel. But it was just one more responsibility on a long list that Randidly wished he didn’t have to handle.

Yet the Matriarch had given him a precious treasure, one that had shaped him in the past. To repay that debt, he would do it.

“Alright,” Randidly finally agreed as he leaned forward and took the book sitting on the table. “But I would ask one thing of you as well.”

The Matriarch tilted her head to the side. “Oh? What would that be?”

“Pronto University won’t teach just spear fighting, I would also like Engraving to be part of the curriculum. You might not be a master of this, but…” Randidly tapped the book. “You have enough knowledge to teach the basics, yes?”


There was a breeze on her face.

Azriel struggled to open her eyes and found her eyelids too heavy to move. Frowning, Azriel focused all of her considerable Willpower on the task. Still, her eyelids were like beds of drying concrete. But she refused to give up. She would have this.

Slowly, light flooded into Azriel’s mind and showed her the world.

It was warm, where she was. Sunlight was flowing through open windows onto the covers that lay across Azriel. Azriel made to sit up, but her body groaned painfully. Annoyed, she wiggled back and forth, trying to loosen the covers that were as restrictive as metal bindings across her chest.

It was an impossible task. She must have been purposefully tied down-

“Stop that. You’ll tear open your wounds.” Helen scolded, leaning into Azriel’s view to glower at her.

Snorting, Azriel ceased wiggling, blinking as she tried to get her eyes to focus on Helen’s face. Unfortunately, it was a slow process. It was strange. Why was she having so much difficulty focusing her gaze? “What-”

But Azriel stopped short. She had been about to ask what happened. But she remembered.

Holding those images, the violence and blood on her hands. Broken bones and bloated corpses. The whispers of death, the demands, the creeping madness. Ascending, transforming Tellus into a place where that image was dominant. Where the weak were taken advantage of and killed by the strong.

Azriel took a deep breath and faced the fact that if that image had Ascended, something precious in Tellus would have been lost forever. And she had known that and aided that very eventuality.

Would she have chosen that image on her own? No, of course not. But she owed her Master a great debt. So much so that she had been willing to sacrifice her own images to give it the chance that it had wanted.

This is gonna hurt. Randidly said, looking up at her with wide eyes. He looked so worried, and his hand was warm when he touched her-

Azriel pressed her eyes closed. “My Master…?”

Helen said nothing. After a few seconds, Azriel opened her eyes and looked at Helen. The other woman was crying but still remained silent. Inwardly, Azriel sighed. She supposed that was answer enough.

Will I cry over you, Master…? Azriel wondered. Her eyes were dry. But it was possible that this state of being was due to the dire situation of her body. When she recovered, there might be a different reaction. She examined herself carefully and realized how damaged she truly was, physically and mentally.

The crying will have to wait. The debt is paid. For now… that is enough. I hope- no, simply… rest in peace, Master. You deserved better than the role given to you. Even if the devastation you tried to cause won’t show that.

“Azriel-” Helen began, but she was interrupted as the door to the small room opened.

Randidly stood in the doorway, frowning down at Azriel. But as Azriel quirked her eyebrow in askance at him, he burst into a wide grin.

So young, Azriel thought distantly, watching the way his smile erased all the lines from his face. So much power. What will you ask from those that owe you debts, Mr. Ghosthound…? Have you even thought about it…?

“Good, you are awake,” Randidly said, moving to sit beside the bed. “How are you feeling?”

Azriel dismissed her dark thoughts and looked pointedly at the weighted comforter that was pinning her to the bed. “Like this restraint is unnecessary. Now that I am conscious, I am prepared to move around once more. How long have I been asleep?”

“Almost a week,” Helen said, shooting a questioning glance at Randidly.

Azriel made note of the glance.

It seemed that they didn’t mean to keep her long in the dark about their sinister cabal. After a brief hesitation, Randidly spoke. “Azriel, I don’t wish to rush your recovery at all, but… I’m going to head back to my planet soon. For quite a while. And I wanted to offer you the chance to come. Helen has already agreed-”

“Will you refuse to take off the covers if I do not agree?” Azriel asked.

Randidly chuckled. “No, I will not. But I don’t think you are well enough to move yet. There will be some… energy problems that I will need to sort out, so you should rest up as much as possible. I’m not sure how your body will react to the transition.”

Azriel nodded. “If you manage to solve the problem of… energy, then I would like to accompany you. I wonder about the world you come from, Mr. Ghosthound. It must be a strange place.”

Snorting, Randidly shook his head helplessly. “You don’t know the half of it.”

Azriel smiled, but she studied Randidly’s face. Although she had been knocked out, some part of her had stayed tuned to the Ascension while she was knocked out. She could feel how it had occurred, feel the shape of images. Likely, it was because she had come so close to Ascending herself. Some part of her was on that wavelength.

And she could feel, very clearly, how close Shal’s bright dreams had come close to failing. Because the ultimate truth was that dreams were seeds that were born in darkness and would not grow until they sensed warm.

And your hand held such warmth, Randidly. Azriel thought. I wonder how much of his debt to you Shal understands. I wonder if Tellus would know how hard it would be for it to take this step if you hadn’t been there, touching the images of those you interacted with…



Thanks for your hard work Puddles! We love it

Nathan Emerson

How about a mix, like you do the flashbacks when randidly arrives at the place they occur.

Kurt A

OK, after the chapters about Rand and Octavius's talk, give us maybe 5-6 chapters wrapping up 3-4 loose threads. So like 2 chapters on Neveah/Order Ducis, 1 on Roy and the Guard Captain, and 2 on Alana and the instance where she and RG communicated, maybe during the ogre war or something, and 1 on either Ghost or Sam.


Yes, there going back with him lol!


They are going to go back and may expect everyone to be as strong as rand, thinking he is the avg. Oh they are going to be so dosapointed




I agree with Adarsh regarding the Earth chapters. Specifically I would like to see when RG communicated with Alana, and something with Donnyton and the war


Oh man. Gotta remember the earth people now. I would say a few would be nice, maybe on Dozers daughter, Alana, and not much else. Let us find out at the same time as Randidly what his absence has meant. Personally I want to see Randidly bumbling around on earth asap, so not much flashbacks at all, that way there won't be story overlap between the flashbacks and Rand finding out. Also what will earth people think about him coming back with two sexy and OP spearwomen who will follow him everywhere, hmmm....


You could almost substitute entire chapters with a summary that Randidly hears from Donny or someone else. If you want to have chapters, then probably just a couple detailing important events. A lot can be filled in as Randidly discovers more when he arrives like Nathan suggested above.

Nicholas F

I thought people couldn't travel to newer cohorts, only older ones? Is RG going to try stuffing them into the Alpha Cosmos to get around that restriction. If the restriction has something to do with aether poisoning I guess RG's aether connection to each of them combined with his aether manipulation and system interference skills might stave that off too.


I think that was just during a protection period. Earth is probably opening up at least a little now. Also, the very fact that Shal somehow managed to find himself in a dungeon shows that the rule can be broken on occasion.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. So glad Helen and Az will go with him, along with Lucretia they can keep him in line.


I personaly belive no alternate POVS are needed I want randidly, and by extension us, to walk face first into a shitload of problems. At most it might be cool to have randidly ariving show from other points of view as we see him and us learning whatever has occured. than transition to the side characters flashbacks and randidly going forward


One on Mrs. Hamilton, one on the Archer and the Brute’s kid, and one on the Soul Architect kid, Nathan. Potentially the Soul Architect one will also help us catch up with Thorn. There’s a loooot of loose ends back home 😂


Given the different variety of input - and how most people seem to prefer ‘minimal interludes’ it might be worth having a poll for most/least important characters to catch up with, most—>least important situations to deal with or clarify so we have a little bit more knowledge than Randidly, and a poll for the method of resolution — each character has a flashback to a relevant event as Randidly meets back up with them? What happened is sort of Hemingway-sequence explained via the world Randidly encounters as he gets home and as Randidly figures it out it becomes clear to the reader? A bunch of interlude chapters? A few interludes and one of the other methods? Seems like with the variety here, it might be worth organizing the reader feedback a bit, regardless of how much feedback you might want to take.


I'd rather hear about it WITH good ole RG . I'm not opposed to one or two chapters covering perhaps his link up with alana and maybe seeing what's up with the orders but for the most part I care about RGs viewpoint jn this story. Especially as my understanding is his role, as at least as our MC, is coming to an end?


I vote for no extra chapters! Pls tell us what happened through the eyes of the protagonist. Not knowing is half the fun and makes it more an adventure in a ‚new‘ world.

Tommy Littlefield

Honestly keep it to a minimum I’d rather just get a summary of each event as people tell randidly rather then several days of chapters not getting to read any randidly


I agree. Maybe he could get impressions from the people he is connected with through the crossroad. Ala they drew on his Äther in a place and he gets flashback info from the Meaning and images he got in return.


I'd like to see Hank blowing into a dusty saloon, the right place right time to help somebody weak, or in the wild as part of the ranger Order killing a monster that's about to mess somebody's day up. Maybe someone in a bureaucratic position over their heads in paperwork. If anyone important died, like an OG donnyton native, their second in command trying to fill those shoes. And maybe one of the humans turned monster from zone one, perhaps interacting with arbor/cult of arbor. A new initiate into the order trying to fulfill their dream, juxtaposed with a bitter vet from whatever went down. Donnyton council, randidlys four, Order heads, all cool but less individual. Also these could all be side stories if you wanna go that route.


How is Randidly taking them back to earth? I thought one rule was that nobody can travel to a lower cohort? I really hope this will be adressed in the monday chapters during the talk with the overseer.


Imho Rand know that people in his soulspace can travel back with him (the Lucretia experiment). From the description of his new soulskill people can leave, but also enter. Storing his companions seems like a logical step.


If any POVs need to be shown I would say Ana.


Anotherthing I want to to see is now that Rand learned about the Calamities is some strategic thinking. He needs to start preparing his preferred sets of images for ascension and can through that also shape his future enemies. He got kinda settled with these controlly knightly orders (by bureaucrates) , but they could be turned into a useful tool to shape earth s images.

Hayden Pech

Id like a quick update on Rand's body double. but to be honest I like that you have stayed with Rand's perspective.

Sebastian Viller

Agreed, you write Rand's POV best, so veto the others and fill in the blanks as he encounters a fuckload of drama from being dropped headfirst back into Earth's own shitfest.


I really want to have a proper update on as much as possible back home, we've been away for quite a while at this point. The most important part for me is to get a cursory overview of everything _before_ another huge arc takes all the focus. If this is through RGs eyes, or through other POVs doesn't matter, and the "catch-up" parts don't have to be overly detailed either. TL;DR: a small "catch-up mini-arc" as a breather feels like it would be nice to have before everything goes to shit again.


Yeah I think if you want to keep the flow going you might want to introduce those POV as RG meets the people. But I hope you have a notebook with all the things that need to be addressed. Donny who we haven't heard in a long while, I would really like to see. As well as most people in Donnyton. Maybe Rand should summon everyone to talk about the Calamities, so every leader/powerful person comes. It would be like a grand conference. But I'm sure you'll manage to do something that will blow us away. The Earth story line is the main one and more organized than tellus was at first so you should have an easier time bringing all together, might take time though. Thanks a lot !


I loved the Tellus’arc and how you warped it up, so first thank you for that.

Muntu Omnyama

‘Dreams are seeds that were born in darkness ‘... so beautifully put

Evan Burns

I say no flashbacks. Just let us find out as RG does exactly what we missed on Earth.


Intersperse the flashbacks throughout randidly chapters imo. It's better than having flashbacks repeatedly.


Right the ark was amazing how it worked out and I want to know about Sam, Alana, and dozer and the two children. Ezekiel and hank would be nice but I cannot wait to see the reaction of donnyton when the three go back!


I'd like to see what happened on earth, but I like the RG side stories where he travels incognito. Let him hit a few places and hone some of those not-so-critical skills while showing us what happened on earth.


Let people tell RG, we dont need to see it cuz rg didnt see it. This is a concept in DnD called meta gaming which puddles does constantly and its super annoying... we shouldnt know what RG doesnt know until he learns of it... its my personal largest complaint with this novel, how the side povs are dealt with. Side povs shouldnt be required to understand the story you should be able to skip all of them and be able to still understand whats going on when the time comes that they are supposed to tie in even if not as well. Most importantly even if the side characters are amazingly interesting and the stories are good (which they are) they break the flow.


Great chapters, love the wrapping up


I would also prefer no side stories, tell us about it as RG finds out. If you are set on side stories maybe a very few from Arbor/Thorn would be ok.


I just want a azriel and Helen pov on earth as soon as possible. And showing Rand or letting other characters tell him what has happened sounds fun to me. But I also like the switch in pov story telling wise


Personally, I have found myself mainly only caring about RG pov chapters. While other povs helped build context, to an extent, I just found myself already too invested in what RG was doing. so everything else just seemed underwhelming by comparison. If you do want to go over what went on on earth. I would do a leader or reporter pov as they are going over what all has happened over the last x weeks of earth time. This way we at least get a condensed broad strokes version of what happened while RG was gone. Or have someone explain to RG what has been happening in broad strokes. Mainly I am not to keen on a ton of consecutive chapters without RG in them.


first those were some great chapters. thank you for such a great story. second i don't want any side povs, this is RG story and i find the most interesting parts are the ones with him. if you must have a side pov i would like to know what thorn and arbor are up to.


Having been a while I don't mind hearing more of all the active locations on earth, though the 'crater' location that was introduced most recently is probably the one i'm least interested in other than the starter zone with Donnyton/etc, and the first zone with the hybrids etc. (as well as his new Soulskill - evem without him visiting at the time). Though I would like to have Tellus and Randidly's visit with the Overseer wrapped up first. Seems like a good transition point to me.


I really want something from sam, seeing what he has been able to produce would be cool!


I thought members of higher cohorts could descend? To protect newer worlds from over strong people. How are azriel and Helen coming with?

Alan McBrayer

I'm guessing Randidly is going to build an aether construct similar to the mantle of a champion to filter the poisonous aether.

Alan McBrayer

I'd like to see something from the original village of donnyton, maybe a council meeting, so we can see how well everyone has progressed in their roles. Maybe pepper in some info about the connection to the rabbit turtle world.


A recap of important or general life we should know from past chapters through the eyes of like three characters not a info dump just a quick reminder would be nice to get a feel for earth again but if not I vote Sam, hank and Simon cause he stole all that power but no chapters about what he is up to that I remember


So is Rand still just level 34 since Rejt technically would have gotten all the XP from the fight or does he receive the XP since it was his Domain that killed him? I just think it’d be weird for Randidly to go back to earth after killing literally ALL of the wrights plus the strongest fighter on Tellus, behind Shal, as a level 30 something.


Thanks for the chapters and story so far it is amazing as always. I liked the way these last chapters are wrapping up the Tellus arc. I wouldn't mind seeing what thorn or arbor have been up to as well as Kiersty but mainlt keen for RG back on earth. Thanks again Puddles


Thanks for that chapter overload! The resolution and after dealings were pretty nice, the only thing that really kept nagging at me was "What about your arm dude?" There are so many ways to go about getting it back, and I highly doubt whatever invention there is on earth will stand up to the amount of strain Randidly will put on his body in big fights. Lastly, It's good to see Azriel and Helen coming along to Earth. The only two girls in this story that I completely enjoy are sticking around?! Sign me up!


There are several arbors right? They put seedlings in different towns and they all evolved is what I thought. I would think one of them will at some point enter the alpha cosmos. That would be interesting.


oh no... well i guess i should stay optimistic about helen going to earth... for now


From what i believe, the more they feed from rand's aether crossroads, the less system aether they take. Meaning that anyone connected to him will be perfectly fine in any cohort, they have a literal ocean of pure energy pouring into them at all times.


You don't get much XP for killing other people of the same race.


I wonder if Randidly is finally going to come clean about the other world and all the info he's been hiding from the people of earth.