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I tried very hard to think of a way that this chapter didn't end like this. But... some things I just can't avoid, I guess.

Aiden Darke stumbled backward, about three dozen dead Witch King bodies around him in a grim circle. Near the portal, Shal was a whirlwind of spear strokes that was ripping apart the slowing river of Witch Kings that walked through the portal to assist with their defense. Their assistance wasn't much use, at this point.

Despite Darke’s shocked expression, Randidly still felt a trickle of fear in his heart. The first reason was that it could not be a good sign that so many of the Witch Kings were flowing through the portal. Randidly couldn’t believe that they had enough Witch Kings to divert a lot of them from the fight against the Spearman and his forces. His working had spread to this connected world. All of the Witch Kings they had were created in the last twenty-four hours.

Was the First Propagator more powerful than Randidly had guessed…?

That would complicate things.

The second reason that Randidly felt a sharp rush of fear is that his river of Aether flowing toward Azriel was beginning to dry up; she wasn’t absorbing anymore. Gritting his teeth, Randidly did his best to isolate all of the meaning he still received from her and make it into its own self-contained marble that he could provide to her after this was all over. But that still didn't explain why she no longer was drawing meaning from him.

With the images that Randidly gathered, she could hopefully recover from the wounds that this process inflicted upon her.

If she could still recover. If she wasn’t broken by this flood of images.

He and Shal needed to move. This was taking too long.

Shal looked up to his bloody work of mopping up the remaining Witch Kings and considered Randidly. “You waste time, why? Do you need assistance?”

Randidly flashed a vicious grin; he hadn’t explained the details of his plan to Shal. Or not, at least the heavy lifting that Randidly needed to do. But that was for the better. Some things worried Randidly; this was one of them. Even if they needed to hurry, it was useless if Randidly wasn't prepared. “No. Go on ahead. I’ll finish up here and then continue forward to meet you.”

Nodding, Shal struck sideways and smashed a Witch King sideways and then proceeded through the portal. Randidly thought it comforting that there wasn’t an immediate explosion of battle noises as soon as Shal went through the portal. Hopefully, the flood of Witch Kings onto Tellus wasn’t such a bad sign then.

Carefully, Randidly turned to Aiden Darke.

“So… kill me,” The man said bitterly. His eyes were red and his hands trembling. “I’ve certainly had to finish such tasks enough in my line of work. I do not fear it. I worked with death for years.”

Is there a point to posturing so…? Randidly wondered. He raised Acri but hesitated for several long seconds, considering letting the man off.

But then Randidly remembered the fleeing Style he had met with Shal. They had been cold and chased away, haunted by the pursuit of men just like this. In fact, if not for Randidly’s chance encounter with them, he would never have been able to become as competent as he was at Mana Engraving. And Randidly knew he still had more to learn.

Long ago he had promised to come help when he could.

If you are still out there… this is my long awaited help, Randidly thought as he slid his spear into Aiden Darke’s heart. There were tears on the man’s face, and it looked like he pissed himself as the attack was coming. Sighing, Randidly let the body fall to the ground and walked a few steps away.

Before he could proceed after Shal, he needed to-

Randidly froze and looked slowly up. Out of the portal, another figure came. Tall and burning with the endless heat of the sun.

Aegiant Wyrd smiled at Randidly. “Ah, I thought you might come. And you lived through the Witch King attacks, wonderful; I had hoped I would be able to do this personally.”

This was… not on the short list of things that Randidly wanted to deal with. But it made sense; he had been warned about Aegiant Wyrd's grudge. Why hadn't Randidly thought of his name when he heard the Northern expedition sided with the First Propagator?

For several seconds, his mental wheels simply spun while he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Why was… Aegiant here and uncontested? Even if Aegiant was strong, it should have been three versus two, correct? Had Randidly grossly underestimated the power of the First Propagator faction? Shal hadn’t fought, so most of the hostilities should have already ceased…

Either way, Randidly was faced with Aegiant’s grinning face.

Cracking his knuckles, Aegiant continued to walk forward. “So, do you wish for me to explain your transgressions, or have you been able to piece together the details?”

Randidly’s mouth pressed into a line. Instantly, he reached inside himself and gathered as much Aether as he could manage. If he wanted this to go smoothly, he would need to finish it quickly. A surprise attack was his best bet.

Besides, could Randidly stand up to Aegiant in a direct confrontation…?

“The quiet sort. I respect that about you.” Aegiant said, still speaking in a faux-conversation style that sent chills down Randidly’s spine, despite the heat. “My grandson was like that too, you know. Drak. You remember Drak? He was supposed to be a hero. The hero. For two hundred years, I put up with that damnable Spearman. I left everything I had, completely abandoning my previous Skills and images. I started from NOTHING.

“And I fucking did it. I created a series of images that didn’t have anything to do with a spear. It was all about the all-powerful sun in the sky. I even inspired the wave of changes in the Spearman School that saw it rise to prominence among the Schools.” Aegiant pointed his spear at Randidly. “And you… you walk in my son’s path and everything just turns to shit.”

There was an ugly expression on Aegiant’s face, so Randidly spoke quickly as he gathered Aether to himself and stockpiled Mana. On a sudden gut feeling, Randidly tried a brutally honest tact to buy time.  “We both know it wasn’t my fault. Your son was weak; otherwise, he would never have been forced into that situation. He made a deal with a witch, and-”


The ground rumbled in fear at the wave of rage that Aegiant released. The stone near him hissed as the moisture in the air was rapidly baked away, leaving it dry and hot and greedy. The nearby lava from the fountains seemed to burn even redder. With similarly crimson eyes, Aegiant regarded Randidly. “He was of my blood. He was not perfect, but he was mine. I understand that you are just a tiny figure in a world so broad you cannot imagine it. You were a talented youth that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even I cannot deny that you possess an astounding talent. But you broke my kin. For that, I will break you.”

Looks like that didn’t work out quite as intended… Randidly reflected as he considered the figure before him. Randidly’s hands were tingling. He had briefly crossed blows with Versault, but the fact that Aegiant was the one who had come out of the portal…

And Versault hadn’t been serious. Aegiant was serious. And he was coming for his pound of flesh.

Aegiant and Randidly blurred into motion at the same moment. Aegiant’s spear was a fiery cascade of sunlight and vicious cosmic flares. The force of the light and heat melted the alabaster in the surrounding area after a second of exposure. The fountains twisted and toppled like sad wax figures. Spluttering, the lava dribbled down the sad of the destroyed fountains.

Randidly blinked. All was Ash. And since it was all ash, why did temperature matter?

It was a vicious wave of power that washed harmlessly through Randidly. Just as quickly, Randidly deactivated the Skill to conserve Mana and continued to rush toward Aegiant.

Aegiant showed his teeth. “Impossible. Truly, you are a delight. Fine then, let’s see how your spear work has improved.”

With the weight of a burning sun behind it, Aegiant thrust his spear forward toward Randidly’s chest. Cursing how quickly Aegiant responded, Randidly brought his spear up to meet it. As the Sun Stills. Let’s see if I can’t suck the wind out of your sails, just like I did to your grandson…

It was blinding, the sun that Aegiant conjured. Its heat scorched the skin until large scrolls of it curled up off of your arm like dried papyrus. Although it seemed incredibly small, the more you looked at it the more you were blind to everything else and aware of the minutiae of its existence. In terms of images, it was rock solid.

But all things turn to ash, Randidly thought coldly as his spear slid forward. As the sun advanced on in age, its weight grew too great for it. No longer could the combustion reactions continue with such vigor. And as that energy died, it dimmed further and further. Very soon, the weight of continuing on was too much to bear…

The spears met silently like two lovers slipping into one another’s embrace. Then the muscles in Randidly’s right arm were torn to shreds by the reverberations coming up through Acri. Even Acri whined in pain, a thin fracture appearing in its body. As the Sun Stills shuddered painfully, sending jagged mental knives through Randidly’s focus.

Onward, Aegiant’s blow continued, aiming to snuff Randidly out. And Randidly felt completely spent at that moment. There was a dull fuzziness to everything in the wake of the combat. The mental feedback left him in some sort of localized shock. Some part of Randidly knew that he needed to act to get out of the way of this, but that part of Randidly seemed so very far from the controls of his body.

So Randidly watched as the spear slid forward…

...and incinerated his left arm, the earlier contest having been just enough to deflect a death blow.

As Randidly stumbled backward, it took him several seconds to regain a coherent and efficient train of thought. And as soon as that happened, he began to sweat. Then the phantom of his left arm began to burn like hell.

Of all the fool things to do, challenging Aegiant to a direct contest?

And because of it, he had almost died. And left everyone who was relying on him without any support.



Why oh why cliff?

Klever Kilvanya

I thought we were getting the end of the Tellus arc today not in March?


Creepy, writhing, pulsing plant arm incoming!


So he forgot everything he learned from fighting the witget kings? So what was the point of all those chapters if he was to come to the conclusion that he could not go for the direct atack against someone stronger than him then forget it again.

Hayden Pech

thanks for the chapter regardless! but honestly.... the cliffhangers man....


I think arms can be regrown with the system no ?


This ending is a bit too extreme for the flow of the story.... yeah the guy is strong but Randidly is just being stupid here...


It's Aegiant who came to kill him, not the reverse. I suppose he could have tried to flee, but there's not guaranty he could have escaped.


He should have stopped doing this as well. Everytime he tries to force a direct contest of strength against strong people he loses. He did it at the start of this arc against a witc king as well


He speaificaley noted when he thought back on the battle on the wall at the start of this arch that he was an idiot to try and go up against the witch king strenght vs strenght. This situvation is an direct copy of that fight and what does he do? The same thing that did not work last time.


Against the witch king he was surrounded by an army. He's alone against Aegiant, there is no one he could hide behind.


yes he shoudlnt have done it, but i woudl just accept this as a character flaw of him, being overconfident of himself after achieving so much just before.


double cliffhanger, friday whoa


He could have used phantom's embrace, all is ash, and fireflies dance to avoid and outmanuever. He could have summoned his huge army of expendable minions (roots, lava golems, grove defenders, plantomancy spiders, jade slag, molten core) to distract. He could have attacked from a distance with his roots and fire spells (probably poor counter, but safer.)


Yeah but he never uses any of his "minion" skills, you can see by their level, he used them back on earth when he just had them and then he stopped. He was also taught by Aemont to control and tire his opponent with Breath of the Spear Phantom, but he doesn't use that either. If he combined all of this he could be the most infuriating thing to fight ever..


Man, let's get less cliffs on a chapter every once in a while xD I know we're at the end here, but man all these big cliffs are a huge drain


That’s what I was thinking about. I would presume so as long as there’s aether. The reason the people on Tellus weren’t healing was because of the poor aether on the planet. Randidly is aether so I’m assuming (praying...?) he’ll grow his arm back.


Its Crazy he's got Tons of skills but doesn't utilize any of them really. Way back he talked about his style being one of movement and control but keeps trying to go power for power with opponents. Hes got Breath of the Spear Phantom, that supposed to give him the advantage against stronger opponents with his control style but doesn't use it ever in serious fights. And Has as the sun stills actually ever finished anyone? Like a full third of his stamina for that attack that's supposed to be his finisher and I don't think anyone hes actually used it on has not walked away from it. Its crazy


I don't remember the chapter but I think it was mentioned that by paying a village spirit a certain amount you could have it regrown. But honestly given his vitality and his abundance of aether I think RG should be able to regrow it himself.


The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound or The Legend of the CONDOR HERO. Lol reminded me of that old chinese story/movie. Also loses his arm in that story, eventually overcomes the difficulty and stronger in a different way. Interested to see where Ran develops from here.


I'm smh Randidly I'm smh


Oh I nearly forgot that. Maybe RG will have a plant hand too. And the question is, what kind of plant would it be?